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UFO 50 Cheats

UFO 50

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Starting Build for Party House:
Here’s an intro build list that should get you through the first scenario:

* Buy Auctioneers any time you can.
* Otherwise buy dogs.
* Then if you have at least 3 auctioneers buy Caterers up to 3 total.
* Remember to upgrade the house.
* Buy aliens.
* That’s all.

Dog tip wait as long as you can before using them, if you are at 2 
trouble use them to help get a little further, or if you are down to only 
the number of spaces that you have dogs. (i.e. you have two dogs and two 
open house spots).

The general strategy for all the levels is build up your economy, then buy 
charactere that have actions that help you control who gets in and out, 
then buy characters that improve your pop, then by the stars. Figuring out
which characters to into what category for each level is where the challenge
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