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The Elision Effect Cheats

The Elision Effect

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to activate Cheats:
In the settings, there are tabs: Graphics, Audio, Misc. There's a 
barely visible fourth button. Click it 3 times so the text "cheats" 
shows up. Cheats are now permitted ingame.

-=Cheat Codes=-
The cheat codes are always a combination of pressing [K] and a number on 
your keyboard at once. Here’s a list of what they do:

Code    Function
K + 0	- Start: disables music and hudhint at the start
K + 1	- Lightswitch Puzzle: Toggles all the lightswitches
K + 2	- Alarm Puzzle: (after turning off the first alarm), 
        turns all other alarms off
K + 3	- Camera Stealth Puzzle: disables the camera
K + 4	- Floor Puzzle: disables the floor-is-lava puzzle
K + 5	- Teleports above level (toggle)
K + 6	- Toggles cinematic (smooth) camera
K + 8	- opens every door
K + 9	- Unlocks Jump

-=Level Load Codes=-
There’s another code, which you can use to unload or load level chunks. Don’t 
worry about unloading a chunk you are in, there is still an invisible floor 
to stand on (except in the last level).

Code    Level
L + 0	- All levels
L + 1	- Lightswitch (red)
L + 2	- Alarm (blue)
L + 3	- Minimap (green)
L + 4	- Bathroom
L + 5	- Circles
L + 6	- Camera (cyan)
L + 7	- Floor is lava (magenta)
L + 8	- Final level (purple)

These were all meant as in-development tools to make rushing through the 
game easier. There’s one last:
O + # shows a timestamp interface. 
This was meant for collecting statistics at exhibits.
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