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Summoners War Cheats

Summoners War

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Build an Arena Defense:
The following is a generic template for building an arena 
defense that's applicable anywhere from conqueror to G3. The 
listed monsters are just examples, there's certainly other 
viable options that are not mentioned.

* Speed Lead: Vanessa, Psamathe, Clara, Halphas, Moore
* AoE Stripper: Triton, Clara, Nora, Juno, Zen, Byungchul, Amduat
* Bruiser: Camilla, Savannah, Byungchul, Perna, Rakan
* Support: Abellio, Triana, Manon, or simply another bruiser from 
  the category above

If you don't have any of these premium options, common f2p siege 
def monsters can be used as well: Vigor, Eshir, Cichlid, Chilling, 
Iunu, Tesa, etc. Example complete f2p def would be Clara Vigor Triana 

Note that working on any sort of PvP is useless until you've 
completed finished PvE. If you are just trying to get to 1300 arena 
points for the Summoners Way mission, read info below:

* To complete the mission from Summoner's Way that requires you 
  to get 1300 points in arena, you simply have to regularly use 
  your arena wings. You get a new arena wing every 30 minutes, 
  and overall arena activity at this level is low enough that 
  you should be able to outpace the losses from getting hit no 
  matter how bad your defense is. If you can get close (for example, 
  ~1250 points), it's worth spending 30 crystals for an arena wing 
  refresh to finish this mission.
* It is absolutely not worth it to build any arena offense team 
  for this. No matter what monsters you have it will not be 
  successful since you do not have any runes for them. You just 
  need to hunt for easy defenses to beat using whatever PvE 
  monsters you have, such as Fran Loren Vero Lapis. It is normal 
  that you can only hit 1 or 2 defs out of the 10 defs you see 
  from each list. You can refresh the arena list every 2 minutes, 
  and you can even manually close/restart the game to "instantly" 
  refresh this list at no cost.
* It is absolutely not worth it to build any arena defense for 
  this. If you want you can also use random PvE monsters for a 
  defense but personally I find it easier to use a defense of an 
  unruned level 1 slime. This lets you "trade" easy attacks with 
  other players with similar easy defs via revenges.

When you are just starting to work on arena and aiming for conq 
ranks, you should be focusing 95% of your efforts on AO. You climb 
by improving your offense and being able to beat more defs, 
consistently, and faster. AD is mostly a deterrent to discourage 
players from hitting you in the first place, there's very little 
you can do to get def wins. And even then, people will always 
attack you no matter what. Your only option to get a higher rank 
is to win on offense faster than people attack your defense.

Quick Guide to Steel Fortress Abyss (Hard):
-=Teams and Turn Order=-
* Ling ling > Loren > Fran (L) > 2aRaoq > 2aKro (1:00-1:30)

-=After PVE Teams=-
* Ling ling > Lushen (L) > Loren > Fran > Brandia/2aKro (45-50 seconds)
* Ling ling > Lushen > Loren > Eirgar (L) > Brandia (35-40 seconds)

* Ling ling: SPD/(CR/CD)/(HP-ATT), 135k EHP, 240+ cmb spd, 100% CR, 35% acc
* Fran: SPD/HP/DEF, 135k EHP, 200 cmb spd
* Loren: SPD/HP/DEF, 135k EHP, 239+ cmb spd, 45% acc
* 2aRaoq: ATT/CD/ATT, 100k EHP, 169 cmb spd, 100% CR, 35% acc
* 2aKro/Brandia: ATT/CD/ATT, 100k EHP, 100% CR, 169 cmb spd
* Eirgar: SPD/CD/(HP-ATT), 135k EHP, 200 cmb spd, 100% CR, 35% acc
* Lushen: ATT/CD/ATT, 200 cmb spd, 100% CR, Must 1 shot waves without attack buff

-=Gameplay Tips=-
Monsters with same cmb spd requirements, see turn order above. Artifacts used depends 
on what the monster needs, EHP (hp/def) or DMG (att). Ling should be on some sort of 
dmg build, CD is ideal while CR works as well.

* For team 1, Ling ling can move 3rd if still used in rift beasts and sr5 to give 
  her more dmg.
* For team 3, Loren can be slower than Eirgar if it fit with your other teams.
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