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Street Skating Cheats

Street Skating

Submitted by: David K.

* Back Flips actually push you forward. The more flips you peform,
  the further you'll go and get more chance of landing on your 
  desired ledge.

* Try landing at an angle to save you landing flat on your board 
  dramatically reducing your speed. Landing back first is always a
  good landing especially when landing on a downward slope.

* If you can't make it up a hill don't think that you'll get more
  speed by going back farther go as far as it takes you and go it
  would also help if press your right key when at the way top of 
  the hill. 

* Jumping of ramps is to risky. You might fall and kill yourself. 
  Going of the ramp straight without jumping can still get you to 
  easily reach other ramps.

* Instead of pressing x or c try holding z because you get in more
  of a ball shape and can do more flips!
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