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Stoneshard Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips & Tricks for Beginners:
Written by 0xBADCOFFEE

This is a guide detailing all I discover while playing Stoneshard, should 
be a great read for a beginner player but will, hopefully, contain valuable 
tips for experienced travelers as well.

-=Tips & Tricks for Beginners=-
So you’ve just cleared the prologue dungeon and you’re ready for adventure 
uh? Here’s a bunch of things you should know:

You can only save the game in INNs, so plan your exploration trips accordingly

Sometimes there are multiple ways to interact with objects, don’t forget to 
right click to see the options!

Replenish food and water whenever you can, to refill your water supply right 
click on on any source of water and you’ll get both a drink and a refill option.

Remember that you can heal by resting, right click on yourself and select rest!

Keep a look at your HP bar, if you can’t heal all your HP back because the bar 
looks capped before the max level you have one or more body parts that need 
to be treated with balms, leeches or other healing items

LOOK AT YOUR MAP! You should have a map in the inventory, I missed it my first 
time around and spent more time I’m comfortable admitting roaming around 
getting ganked by bears and wolves. The map doesn’t tell you where you are, 
use roads and other unique places to figure out where you are if you get lost.

Always travel diagonally in the overworld. The map is divided in squares, so 
by traveling diagonally you travel x1.7 times faster than going in a straight 
line (it’s math!) by going at the corner of a screen you can easily travel to 
the next diagonal screen by going left/right one screen then immediately 
up/down the other screen.

It’s end. I hope “Stoneshard Tips & Tricks for Beginners” helps you. 

How to Skip Prologue:
Written by Hammer of Sigmar

-=Step 1=-
Search for location, hidden files must be displayed:

-=Step 2=-
Just create a file: "account.ini"
Note: It can be empty!

How to Edit Savefiles to Customize Experience:
Written by Begoneeth

In this guide, I'll teach you how to eddit your starting game savefiles to 
customize your experience.

-=Making the Thing=-
The first step is pretty simple. You need to launch Stoneshard, get through 
Verren's speech, and pick your character. That's it. Time for step two.

-=Finding the Thing=-
The second step is finding where all this stuff is located. For me, i have 
a windows computer, so I'm going to follow these steps.

Type in %appdata% into your search bar.
Click on it.
Go to the base folder AppData.
Go to Local.
Go to Stoneshard.
Click on Characters.
Find the Character you want to edit.
Congratulations, you've found the thing! On to step three!

-=Editing the Thing=-
Now that you've found the character file, you'll first want to go into 
"character.sav". It may look intimidating, but CTRL+F is your friend. You 
can find just about every stat you need in here, so I wont bother to list 
them all. If you need to find one that isn't what we're looking for, try 
common sense, then put it in the comments and I might be able to help.

The stat we're looking for is called "Received_XP". This will change how much 
xp we get without editing every single monster's xp drops. change it to 
whatever you want, with 100.000000 being 100% and something like 264.000000 
being 264%.

The Best Way to Weaken Then Kill Enemy:
Written by Kub

Distance is core for this strategy to work, in cases of hunting or killing enemies.

Regardless of your set of skills/class, own a bow and develop the first Active 
ability. And preferably develop the other passive ability on left of the first one.

-=All that is done?=-
First Hunting: Creep on them! make sure they are not on the edges of the screen. 
You want them in four-six predictable blocks. So you can activate the ability and
start hunting. (Don’t poke the Bear in the beginning). Most animals will take 
two-three arrows to drop. Keep in mind: you won’t always get meat or pelts.

Second Killing Enemies: For this to work make sure that your other load out is
ready (sword and shield) by pressing W it switches for you. You don’t want to 
do it manually every time.

Next, you want them on the edge of your screen or as far as possible, and sit 
still. They will slowly crawl to you as you are taking shots. Don’t expect to kill
everyone, but you would have done a significant damage. So, by the time they arrive,
a hit or two by other load out will do it.

-=Extra Tip=-
* Iit works in dungeons and everywhere else. Just make sure you have a step or two
  to switch load outs and use a defensive ability if you have one.
* I find it working exceptionally well against wolves and weaker enemies.
* Keep in mind the ability almost always guarantees a hit. But sadly it runs out, 
  at base level, after every shot. So, make sure to activate before every shot. 
  If you develop it, it’ll increase.

Useful Tips for Rangers:
As a ranger, you want to use skills and items that help you stay at range.

* You can use Piercing Shot to shoot through doors, allowing you to always start 
  the fight at a distance.
* Shouting sometimes can be used to lure enemies too, but be very careful when 
  doing that, it can attract multiple enemies that can overwhelm you.
* You can use Dash to stay away from the enemies or quickly escape a bad situation.
* You can bring a Net and immobilize enemies instead of fighting them in melee.
* Same thing with a Claw trap.
* Daggers require you to spend skill points before they get good. Without skills, 
  daggers are often times an inferior backup weapon. Don’t use them just because 
  you started with one – there are other weapons. Shield and axe is my favorite.

How to Clear Brynn Dungeon as a Crossbowman:
Important note: Brynn contract always has the Wormbearer, he’s the only T3 proselyte 
boss you’ll get.

-=Crossbowman Tips=-
Throw away your second dagger

Dual Wielding is literally only giving you negatives – higher fumble chance, higher 
cooldowns, higher energy costs – and your dagger skills don’t even use your second 
dagger, they’ll deal MORE damage with a single dagger. Grab a buckler in Mannshire, 
it gives Counter Chance.

-=Your crit chance is too low=-
Things like Tied Gloves, Norse Belt, Trophy Necklace and Berserk Ring are available 
to you, find the rotating trader Ormi in the Docks and become his best friend. 
At Amity reputation you will unlock more gear with crit.

Why crit? Two reasons:
Every crit automatically gives your shots +100% Immobilization Chance on crossbows.
You need 3 turns to attack (reload, aim, shoot), so you absolutely need each shot to 
have an impact. Ideally to the point where you instakill weaker enemies.

-=Now to solve energy issues=-
* 1 point Setup in Warfare will give you extra Ability cost reduction each time you 
  pop Take Aim, Suppression and Thrill of the Hunt (also on Deadly Trick from Daggers).
* Seize The Initiative also works with Ranged and reduces energy costs, but you’ll 
  probably only have the benefits for one shot at most, so that’s not too great.
* You can randomly find energy potions and energy drain potions at the Brynn 
  alchemist. Energy Drain is again weakened due to the turn economy of crossbows.
* Use drugs, get some Al’qud from the elves or from the Rotten Willow junkie. Ideal 
  for the tough fights like the boss room with adds.

-=General gameplay=-
* Don’t shoot through obstacles like tables and barrels, you’ll hit them instead
  of the target.
* Always try to stay at maximum range. Don’t be afraid to aggro an enemy, then 
  walk away 1-2 rooms so that you can utilize your range.
* Nets. The Netted debuff not only removes some defenses of the enemy, but gives 
  you precious free turns to reload and fire again. Ultimately, you can cheese 
  most anything with nets, throw 5-7 at the same enemy and their duration will 
* This may come as a surprise, but you can fire a crossbow at melee range with no 
  penalties. Given the high damage, and the Stagger + Knockback + Immobilization 
  you get from Suppression and Take Aim at close range, it’s way better to keep 
  firing your crossbow instead of switching to a melee weapon.
* If you proc Bleeding, you can also just walk away, letting the enemy bleed to 
  death. Re-engage if they bandage (but proselytes don’t do that).

And a pro tip for the Wormbearer, try to find where the bossroom is, then don’t 
kill any enemies near the bossroom, instead pull them away to the dungeon entrance 
for example. Wormbearer can spawn multiple worms from a corpse, but only one worm if 
there is no corpse nearby.

Finally, you can try out bows. Buy a Nomad Bow from the elves and see how it feels. 
Bows get penalties at close range, but as long as you stay at range, their turn 
economy is way superior to crossbows and their damage output is much better, so 
they’re better at dealing with multiple enemies too.

How to Steal All of the Things:
* In Brynn, using the Crowbar to lockpick doesn’t register as a violation. This looks 
  like an oversight tbh (not that the rest of the stealing currently isn’t mostly just
  a pile of exploits). But it works, and what it means is that you can loot the bank 
  safe with ease.
* I’ll check whether this also means that you can burgle the places in Ossbrook that 
  are being watched by the Trapper or the central buildings at the mill that are always
  watched by the dog.
* The prison in Brynn also has loot in it, and it’s right above where the quest giver 
  and the guy in the stocks are. Two arches up, past the arrayed guards, door to the 
  right, next to the wall.
* Three Towers are cralwing with guards, even moreso that other Brynn maps. Which seems 
  to mean more rolls for guards to search you, which makes moving loot around that 
  specific area is riskier than anywhere else in the game seems to be. * And this made 
  me remember why I originally stopped routinely looting the prison – there’s an army 
  of guards between it and anywhere you can stash the loot.
* The watchman in the prison can’t actually see all the way to the end of the hallway. 
  So if you loot the prison, you just dump the loot at the end of the corridor and have
  it cool off there.

-=Important Tip=-
An easy and hugely annoying way to get caught is that if an NPC is on the same floor 
with you while you fiddle with the loot they will spot you if you try to hot stuff 
directly out of the container (even with a shift click). The only truly safe way is 
to ctrl-click or mouse-menu-select-drop it out onto the floor first.

Also a Tip: You can sell stolen stuff at any vendor that’s not in a place where you 
stole the stuff from. So what you can do to launder the hot goods is take it someplace 
else, as long as the tile doesn’t register as the settlement you stole from, put it 
into a container and take it out of it, and the game will think you stole it from there.
And this, I think, completes the “how to exploit your way to stealing all the stuff, 
other than the few things that can’t be interacted with at all”, as long as the crowbar 
ends up working in other settlements,too.

-=Pro Tip=-
When using the crowbar on otherwise watched doors, don’t go in during the day. Reason 
is that even if people outside “let” you go in without triggering trespassing, the 
people who are inside will call you out for trespassing if they’re awake. Happened to 
me in the Mill once, I need to check it out a bit better.

Tips for Pure Electromancy Build:
For pure electromancy, going for the left side of Magic Mastery works best.

Seal of Finesse for extra Cooldown Reduction, Seal of Insight for even more damage and
energy regen, and up to Thaumaturgy passive for Miracle Chance and Miracle Potency (aka. 
moar spell crits!). I’m not a fan of T4 Magic Mastery, but I guess if you want to minmax, 
there’s another passive that adds Magic bonuses.

Putting points into Geomancy up to Petrification would also be very useful, since Rocks 
give extra Magic Power too and Petri can be used to stop enemies in their tracks.

Athletics - Dash and Leg Sweep are useful as safety/escape skills.

Shields - if you decide to not use a staff, Hold the Line! is an amazing damage reduction 
skill. There are some unique shields and one-handed weapons for casters to use this 

Staves - either you put just one point into Hail of Blows and bonk the random enemy that 
managed to get close.


You can go Hybrid and utilize the passives on the right side of Staves and Magic Mastery 
to boost both types of attack. Going into melee combat works well with Impulse, but not 
with Ball Lightning. You probably wouldn’t want to wear mage robes in that case either.

Armored Combat – has some nice passives and generic defensive skills that even a mage 
can utilize, but unless you decide for that hybrid, I’d recommend picking something else.

Survival – Learning the first aid side can save your life in a pinch, but from my 
experience, late game electromages don’t usually get in trouble. The passives are good, 
but they won’t affect your combat performance. Make a Halt is good for replenishing 
Vigor at camps.

Warfare has mostly things for non-casters, so it’s not very interesting. You might try 
to use War Cry to group up a large quantity of enemies.

The other weaponry trees are basically pointless to learn.
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