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Stonehearth Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Fast build code:
I found this code while watching developers video i paused the video to copy the 
code. by presing ` open console and click the building u wana build then type in
the code in console which is: ib

-=Console Commands=-
To get a full list of available console commands, bring up the console (CTRL+C) 
and type “help” on the command line.

Note: The actual list of console commands is MUCH larger, but you need to enable 
the debug tool in your settings to have them.

ib – Instantly builds the selected building, or arg 0. 
Usage: ib object://game/12345

im – Instantly mines the selected mining zone or arg 0. 
Usage: im object://game/12345

get_cost – Get the cost of the selected building, or arg 0. 
Usage: get_cost object://game/12345

call – A generic handler to call any registered route

destroy – Destroy an entity. Arg 0 is ID of the entity. 
If no argument is provided, destroys the currently selected entity. 
Usage: destroy 12345

kill – Kill an entity, Arg 0 is id of the entity. 
If no argument is provided, kills the currently selected entity. 
Usage: kill 12345

select – Selects the entity with id = Arg 0. 
Usage: select 12345

get_config – Gets the configuration value from user_setting.config. 
Usage: get_config

set_config – Sets the specified configuration value. 
Usage: set_config {value = 1}

query_pf – Runs the query pathfinder command. Takes no arguments.

spawn_scenario – Spawns the specified scenario uri. 
Usage: spawn_scenario stonehearth:quests:collect_starting_resources

collect_cpu_profile – Collects a profile of the LUA code for the specified 
duration, in ms. Default is 30s. 
Usage: collect_cpu_profile 150000

toggle_profile_long_ticks – Enables/disables per-game-tick profiling of the 
LUA code (recorded whenever lua evaluation takes more than a game tick.)

set_time – Sets the time to the time passed in 
Usage: set_time 1:25pm

world_seed – Returns the world seed of the current world. 
usage: world_seed

reset – Resets the entity’s location to a proper one on the ground. 
Usage: reset
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