Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Win Every Game:
Written by mango
You might be reading this guide right now, either as a new player or otherwise,
wondering what sort of strategy could lead to winning every single game. "Isn't
it determinant on luck?" Of course, but that only means you factor in luck to
your strategy.
With the less specific heroes required for a strategy, the less luck required.
And therefore, I'll be showing you how to win with only 4.
-=The Strategy=-
Whenever you see a Psyker (white) hero, just buy it.
If possible, make a Vagrant your 1st position, or even better, a Psykeeper
(although its very unlikely you'll roll this) because of their large health pool.
Try and get a merchant early on and save up your money,
rather than spending it all immediately.
Snag a cleric early on too, to restore the Psykeeper's health after it takes
20% of it's max HP, thus allowing you to continue spawning more healing orbs.
Yes, the Psyker heroes suck (for the most part). Which is exactly what they want
you to think. However, the importance of the Psyker isn't the hero itself, but
the Psyker orb/s that comes with it.
The Psyker active set is OP at the time of writing:
2/4 - +2/+4 total psyker orbs and +1 orb for each psyker
What this means is if you have two Psykers, they will both have 2 orbitals,
totaling in 4.
When you have four Psykers, this means you have 8 orbitals in total.
And these orbitals, they demolish everything.
As far as items, look out for these, ranked by importance:
Psychosink (psyker orbs deal +40/80/120% damage)
Psycholeak (position 1 generates 1 psyker orb every 10 seconds)
Orbitism (+33/66/99% orb speed)
Psyker Orbs (+1/2/3 orbs)
Psychosense (+33/66/99% orb range)
Other than this, fill your other slots with whatever you want. By at most NG+3,
you should be able to fit every class into the remaining slots.
-=Finally, my ranking of the Psyker's abilities=-
* Psykino
* Flagellant
* Psykeeper (dependant on positioning/synergy)
* Psychic
* Vagrant
This is a clear ranking because those at the top are support towers, and those at
the bottom are simply bad damage dealers.
Note: Don't forget about those orbs tho.
How to Get the Level 2 Achievement:
Written by BiggNasty
A quick guide for those who are struggling to figure out the correct build for
beating the game with only level 2 units.
-=The Rogue Build=-
I struggled with getting the Level 2 achievement until I built my snake with 6
rogue units and a cleric. Nothing about this build is complicated; simply grab
items that synergize well with the rogue. I went for items that increased projectile
damage, like Lightning Strike and Ultimatum, as well as items that increased my DPS
like Critical Strike and Ballista. The goal is to be able to clear waves before they
can get close enough to give you any damage.
I saw other people recommend different builds like the Warrior build, but I had
absolutely no luck with it. Warriors simply do not put out enough damage at level 2
to clear levels quickly, and without access to their level 3 bonuses they really aren’t
worth the hassle.
-=My Specific Build=-
As I said above, I was able to clear waves almost instantaneously with this build. I
had something like 45 extra gold when I started stage 25, so you shouldn’t have any
issue getting enough money to get everything to level 2 and max out all of your items.
Sometimes it is hard to keep track of the specific item pictures and which one is
which, so here is a list to remember them more easily:
* Ballista (Helpful for extra DPS).
* Ultimatum (Helpful for getting extra damage from Rogues that chain.
* Lightning Strike (Absolutely essential).
* Flying Daggers (Synergizes incredibly well with Lightning Strike and the full
Rogue set bonus).
* Intimidation (Helpful for clearing waves more easily).
* Critical Strike (Synergizes with Rogue full set ability and Lightning Strike).
* Ceremonial Dagger (Helps clear waves faster, but I didn’t even grab it until I
think stage 24 or so).
Normally you get 8 items in a game, but I sold one because it was hurting me (Kinetic
Strike, absolute crap item, never purchase). If I were to recommend an additional
item, it would be Assassination, but as you can see, it is not even necessary.
-=Bonus Tip=-
If you really want to cheese the game or you ran into some bad luck on a level, pause
the game and quickly close it (I had my game in windowed mode for this purpose). You
will restart the level and can try again. Please note that you have to do this BEFORE
your snake dies, so if it is looking like you won’t make it, just close and restart
to be safe. I ran into a bug where the game would not pause in the background sometimes.
It seemed like it would mainly happen when my snake was taking damage, so whether it
is a bug or a feature to prevent cheesing, I cannot say. In either case, if you are
quick enough you can close the game pretty easily.
CheatBook DataBase 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, tips, tricks
and cheats (for PC Cheats, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, iPhone, Wii U, Playstation, Playstation
2, XBox, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color,
N-Gage, Nintendo DS, gamecube, XBox 360, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily
accessible from one central location. (Release date January 07, 2024)
- All Cheats and Codes inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.
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