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Slipways Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Some Tips:
Written by GameDragonZero

A few core things I found:

1.Uncover as many planets as you can at the start.
2.Look for "triads" of planets - three planets that can set up an 
  exchange. That's a good way to start, play, and sets you up to develop 
  larger "loops"
3.If you feel stuck in any one area of the map, go to another.
4.It's OK to have separate networks - but link them up eventually when 
  you can to max out.
5.Don't ignore research.

Some Tips:
Written Triplefox

My biggest tip is to focus on growing the economy by building with an eye 
towards more total resources, i.e. if you have an option between 1 of 
resource A and 2 of resource B, you should favor B unless you need to account 
for a shortage. Try not to build in places where you aren't seeing this profit 
- it can put the run in a death spiral. (Easier said than done since you never 
have perfect map knowledge.)

Aiming for profit across the whole empire is the starting point for having a 
research hub: surpluses = an opportunity to accelerate research. A surplus also 
helps out in the later game as you open up more options to convert resources or 
further pump up output. Ideally you have enough good connections that most of 
your planets get to Prosperous just by adding some upgrades. If you have to 
manufacture a lengthy or roundabout connection using a late-game tech, you're 
probably spending three months and a pile of cash to do it, which can really hurt.
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