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She Will Punish Them Cheats

She Will Punish Them

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Console Commands & Cheats:
Written by By Briala

Press 'END + PAGE UP' and the command console will open. 
Key Food Selection -> Load up the Save Game -> 
wait for the video game to make entirely...
Now players have to input cheats and press enter to enable them.

-=Available Cheats=-
These are all the available cheats:

KILL ALL                  - To kill everybody
SUICIDE                   - Auto kill
SELF INJURY               - to hurt yourself
ADD 5000 EXP              - Adds 5k Exp
ADD EXP TO ARMY           - Adds Exp to the army
ADD 1000000 GOLD          - Adds 1M gold
ADD 5000 GOLD             - Adds 5k gold
ADD 5000 CRYSTALS         - Adds 5k Crystals
UNLIMITED SPECIAL ATTACK  - Infinite special attack
WIN MAP                   - Auto win current map
GET ALL CLOTHES           - Unlocks all the clothes
GET ALL LINGERIES         - Unlocks all the lingeries
GET ALL WEAPONS           - Unlocks all the weapons
INVINSIBLE ALL            - Everybody invisible
SLOW TIME                 - Slows time
CLEAR ALL LOCATIONS       - Clears all locations
END DAY                   - Ends /skips the current day

-=Custom Cheats=-
You can redefine the cheat commands:

* Unzip dnSpy 6.8.1 32-bit
* Switch to unzipped folder
* Right click on "dnSpy.exe" and launch as administrator
* Click on File -> Close All -> File -> Open
* Navigate to your installation folder and into the sub-directory 
  "\She Will Punish Them_Data\Managed"
* Select Assembly-CSharp.dll
* Click on { } – (left side of dnSpy)
* Scroll down and click on Global
* Click on the editor on the right
* Press CTRL + F and search uicheat

Press enter until you find the line 

“if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.End) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageUp))”. 

You can change the keybinds if you want.
Now instead of click on Global, scroll down until you find UICheat and 
replace some of the existing cheats with new ones

If you did make an adjustment which is putting together yet the game rejects 
to start after that you’re probably missing out on some dependency somewhere.
So be careful when altering a cheat, because it might need you to make changes 
for more sites. 

Skills to Level Up First in the She Will Punish Them:
Written by xTaco

Adding points to Scavenger is going to give you better armor, weapon and 
potion drops. Adding points into Fast Learning is going to give you some luck 
when it comes to loot even when you do not have Scavenger. Hardened Skin 
increases your regeneration. Trading skill allows you to earn more books 
which means that you can get more XP books.

So which of these should you invest in early on? It is going to depend on how 
you want to play the game. We recommend investing a few points in Fast Learning, 
then a few in Trading, and a few in Scavenger in order to get more inventory 
space early on for more loot. This is one of the fastest ways of leveling up but 
it is also a risky route to take so it is not going to be ideal for everyone.

We do not recommend spending a lot of points in Hardened Skin because you can 
easily use better armor or potions which you are going to get from the Scavenger 
skill. If you do need to invest in the skill then we recommend a point or two but 
nothing more than that. You should focus on the other skills that you can invest 

Talking about character attributes, we recommend putting most of your points 
into agility. This is going to give you more stamina so that you can land more 
hits and you get bonus attack speed as well. This will allow you to quickly deal 
damage and then dodge out of the way in order to avoid taking any damage.

As for your companions we recommend spending 2 points in Regeneration, then maxing 
Fast Learning, Maxing Hardened Skin. We also recommend the agility attribute for 
your companions so that they can land a couple of hits before the stamina depletes.
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