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Shadowrun Returns Cheats

Shadowrun Returns

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press [Alt] + [F1], [Ctrl] + [F1], [Alt] + ~, or [Ctrl] + ~ during game play, 
then enter one of the following codes.

Effect                                       Code
Add karma to current player                - addKarma [number]
Add AP                                     - addAP [number]
Active player dies                         - suicide
End team's turn                            - endturn
Superspeed, cannot be shot, higher damage  - toggleGodMode
Kills all enemies within indicated radius  - slaughter [number]
Kills all visible enemies                  - deathray
Every action has 100% to hit               - toggleNeverMiss
Regenerate random selection of hirelings   - refreshHiring
Restores AP                                - restoreAP
Set HP to indicated amount                 - setHP [number]
Stun all visible enemies                   - stunray

Character stats:
Increasing your stats is important to defeating enemies and completing the 
game. The five stats are Strength, Quickness, Intelligence, Willpower, Charisma
and Body. Improving Body will keep you alive longer. Improve Strength and 
Quickness to take out enemies as quickly as possible. Intelligence powers up your
special attacks. 

You start battles with two turns. Use the first turn to plan a strategy and find 
cover. Staying out in the open is dangerous when facing a stronger opponent. Make
sure to have the best weapons available always.

Cyberware Data Values:
Written by Fiskie

I was looking for a list of Cyberware to aide in save editing and I couldn't find 
any so I dug through the game files and made a complete list.

Name: Aztechnology Cyberleg (Basic)
Filename: obvious cyberleg
Cost: 2000
Essence: -2
HP: +8
Quickness: +1

Name: Universal Omnitech Cyberleg (Alpha)
Filename: obvious cyberleg 2
Cost: 3500
Essence: -2
HP: +8
Quickness: +1
Dodge: +1

Name: Silver Tech Cyberarm (Basic)
Filename: obvious cyberarm
Cost: 1000
Essence: -1.5
HP: +6

Name: Yamatetsu Cyberarm (Alpha)
Filename: obvious cyberarm 2
Cost: 2500
Essence: -1
HP: +5
Strength: +1

Name: Vision Magnification (Basic)
Filename: vision magnification eyes
Cost: 750
Essence: -1
Accuracy: +3

Name: Vision Magnification (Alpha)
Filename: vision magnification eyes 2
Cost: 1000
Essence: -0.5
Accuracy: +6

Name: Datajack
Filename: datajack
Cost: 500
Essence: -0.5

Name: Wired Reflexes With Reflex Trigger
Filename: wired reflexes
Cost: 5000
Essence: -2
speed: +1

Name: Ares Dermal Plating (Basic)
Filename: dermal plating mk 1
Cost: 2500
Essence: -1.5
Armor: +2

Name: Ares Dermal Plating (Alpha)
Filename: dermal plating mk 2
Cost: 5000
Essence: -1
Armor: +2
Body: +1

Name: Shiawase Bone Lacing (Plastic)
Filename: bone lacing kevlar
Cost: 3000
Essence: -2
Body: +1

Name: Shiawase Bone Lacing (Kevlar)
Filename: bone lacing kevlar 2
Cost: 7500
Essence: -1.5
Body: +1
Strength: +1
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