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Section Gamma Cheats

Section Gamma

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Guide to Advanced Tactics:
Written by Default Company

* Engineers and saboteurs can capture all neutral or enemy buildings. If 
  you capture production buildings of another faction, you can also build
  units of the other faction.
* Do not rely on only one power plant. Power plants are easy to destroy 
  and without a power plant, much of your production will stop working 
  and your defense buildings will be disabled.
* The Omega faction’s EMP attack is best used when it’s your turn before 
  your opponent’s has done his turn. After one round, the EMP effect is 
  immediately neutralized. However, if used correctly, it can block your 
  opponent’s income, production, vehicles and aircraft.
* Take care that area attacks like EMP-Attack or Cluster-Bomb also hit 
  own units.
* Infantry is very vulnerable to vehicles, as they can be easily run over.
  However, you can upgrade your infantry so that they can no longer be 
  run over and become much more dangerous.
* Support units that are requested or transported cannot move or attack 
  this turn. Since the order of all players changes each turn, you must 
  plan well when to use these actions. In a two-player match, you 
  effectively have two turns in a row.
* You should familiarize yourself with the defense settings of units. These 
  can give you tactical advantages and can be changed even when it’s not 
  your turn.
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