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Room No. 9 Cheats

Room No. 9

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

All Endings Guide:
Written by callizto

A small guide to help you get all endings and CGs.

-=Basic Things=-
* You can see your total playtime and scenario completion when you save/load.
* Gallery (CGs, scenes, movies and voice saves) will be unlocked after 
  finishing at least one ending.
* Staff comments will be unlocked after you finish all endings.
* You should have complete Gallery after unlocking all endings.
* You can reach both Endings B and C in one playthrough but make sure to save 
  on the last choice (I took Seiji's hands/I just lay there) and load the save 
  file to pick different choice to get different ending. 
* The same for Endings E and F, save on the last choice 
  (Go home/Go to the police).

-=All Endings & Choices=-

* Ending A
Option 1: What about your glasses?
Option 2: The switch.
Option 2: Move quickly.
Option 2: Don't pull out.
Option 1: Maybe you should take your glasses off?
Option 2: ...Okay.
Option 2: Three.
Option 2: Use the toys on Seiji.

* Ending B
Option 2: Okay, I'm starting...
Option 2: The switch.
Option 2: Move quickly.
Option 2: Don't pull out.
Option 2: I feel awful about this.
Option 1: But...
Option 1: Two.
Option 1: Hey, so... I'm sorry.
Option 2: I just lay there.

* Ending C
Option 2: Okay, I'm starting...
Option 2: The switch.
Option 2: Move quickly.
Option 2: Don't pull out.
Option 2: I feel awful about this.
Option 1: But...
Option 1: Two.
Option 1: Hey, so... I'm sorry.
Option 1: I took Seiji's hands.

* Ending D
Option 2: Okay, I'm starting...
Option 1: His glasses.
Option 1: Concentrate.
Option 1: Pull out.
Option 2: Don't back off.
Option 2: I feel awful about this.
Option 1: But...
Option 1: Hey, so... I'm sorry.

* Ending E
Option 1: What about your glasses?
Option 1: His glasses.
Option 1: Concentrate.
Option 1: Pull out.
Option 2: Don't back off.
Option 2: I feel awful about this.
Option 2: ...Okay.
Option 2: ...Never mind.
Option 2: Go to the police.
Option 1: I'll go by myself.

* Ending F
Option 1: What about your glasses?
Option 1: His glasses.
Option 1: Concentrate.
Option 1: Pull out.
Option 2: Don't back off.
Option 2: I feel awful about this.
Option 2: ...Okay.
Option 2: ...Never mind.
Option 1: Go home.
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