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Payday 3 Cheats

Payday 3

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Guide to Quick Crouch Slide (QCS):
Written by Odd_Orchid

The Quick Crouch Slide is an easy technique. I stumbled upon it accidentally 
in stealth and tested its capabilities thoroughly. It makes crouch walking 
faster, doesn’t force you to stand up/reveal your position, it acts like a 
full slide and not a short slide, and it’s quiet.

Note: A short slide occurs if you slide in immediate succession without 
letting at least a couple seconds pass between slides. Also, you must be 
masked up to do QCS.

2.Walk forward.
3.While you are crouch walking forward, press the run key (Left Shift) and 
  immediately, in one fluid motion, press the crouch key (Left CTRL). I 
  basically slide my pinkie finger across shift+ctrl to do this. If you did
  this correctly, there should have been no animation for standing up and 
  running, your character should’ve instantly slid across the floor.
4.Repeat steps 2 & 3 and enjoy being a floor mop.

The best thing about this is that it is completely silent, so slide past 
guards as much as you want. It’s really useful to utilize in stealth to 
get you out of a pinch. It takes some practice to get the motion going, but
it’s much quicker than crouch walking and a safer method of moving around 
quickly without running.

Deployables IP Gain:
Remember the deployables have IP gain at certain levels, 1, 10, 50, 100 and
I think the Sentry Gun is similar.

So, what ever deployable you are using you should consider dropping it in 
every heist you do.

Even in a stealth heist you should drop your deployable and get that IP quicker.

-=An Exception=-
Sentry gun is based off kills, its easy to max out. And yeah, there is only 1 
IP for deploy the sentry gun.

How to Improve Your Stealth (Throwable Lures):
Written by Ace_D4

Throw a knife at a far surface to lure guards away.

* That’s right! Throwing knives will serve much better as lure rather than 
  a tool for killing guards.
* Need to hack a phone on a guard without risking suspicion? Throw a knife 
  at a far surface and tail him!
* Too impatient to wait for guard to move out of your way?
* Speedrunning Nightclub and guards swarm the exit?
* Delivering a… “mysterious package” in 99 Boxes, but the guards blocking 
* Lead guard’s annoying you?
* Guards swarm the ground floor in “Under the Surphaze” and won’t let you   
  hack in peace?

The answer to all of these is throwing knives.
No pagers? No problem.

Disclaimer: You might need to get used to estimate a distance at which guards 
will hear the knife land so they move in to investigate.

Bonus: If you’re running full stealth build without intending to restart 
consider grabbing an ammo bag for more knives.
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