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Overwatch 2 Cheats

Overwatch 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Remove HUD:
Written by Simalf

Im not gonna waste your time and keep it short, here it goes:

* Just hold ALT and press Z (ALT+Z).

Of course if your living somewhere with Z and Y keys switched it will 
be ALT+Y instead.

This will remove the HUD and it works in the main menu as well.

To get the HUD back just press it again. (ALT+Z) / (ALT+Y).

Bonus: You can do this in Control Gamemodes to remove the score view 
that comes inbetween rounds after a team captured one point. 
This will allow you to shoot everyone since most people dont know about it.

If it still does not work or you want to change the keybind

* Go to settings –> Controls –> Interface and scroll down. 
* It is at the very bottom called TOGGLE UI.

Beginners Tips:
Written by Dmitry

The first time of the game is always the hardest, but this can be easily 
solved with knowledge.

-=Basic Tips That Will Definitely Help=-
* Don’t be afraid to jump from tall buildings, because there is no fall 
  damage in the game. But if you jump off the edge of the map or into the
  water, you will die.
* Before the game, read the dossiers of all the characters, just know your 
  enemy better.
* Run away from the red dragon (very damaging), don’t be afraid of the blue 
* Always try to deal damage because this speeds up the accumulation of the 
  Ultimate Ability
* When you see snipers or an enemy who is especially dangerous at medium 
  distance or further (the one with a rifle), start jumping from side to 
  side and crouching, this way you increase the chance of survival
* First of all, kill the healers, because of them the Tank class becomes 
* For beginners, it’s best to start playing as the Tank class, as they have 
  MANY times more health than others, so you’ll get the hang of the game much 
* When you are attacked by a fast hero next to you, it is best to hit him in  
  melee, because the spread of a melee hit is wider (that is, there is a 
  chance of hitting the enemy even without looking at him!) than the aim of
  a weapon.
* It’s better to study the map in advance to know where all the healing items 
  are located.
* Some architectural objects may be destroyed, for example, most often the 
  railings near the stairs may be destroyed, it is better not to hide behind
* Be unexpected sometimes, choose a different route to the point, because a 
  sudden attack can change the course of the battle.
* Always tell where the enemy is by simply clicking on the mouse wheel on him.
* Some heroes can reflect attacks (damage against them does not work during 
  reflection), for example, Orisa has this ability (quickly twirls a stick in
  front of him), Genji (quickly waves his arms in front of him), but these 
  are the most popular heroes, there are others…
* Be careful and be more friendly in chat or voice chat (especially when you 
  are overextended), because the system checks foul language and may punish 

Tips for Tanking:
* Accept it’s a thankless job. People at lower ranks especially don’t have a 
  clue what you do. They only know how to complain when they feel you’re not 
  doing it.
* Accept that your effectiveness is very influenced by the rest of your team. 
  As an example, some tanks to play to their potential need a lot of healing 
  from their Supports. If your Supports insist on playing Zen/Lucio, then you
  can’t play options like, Orisa or Rammatra. So you need a wide tank pool, 
  being able to play tanks like Zarya/Sigma, when your team refuses to work with 
* Don’t think you’re tougher or tankier than anyone else. Yes, tanks often have 
  damage mitigation abilities and higher health pools. But they usually also have
  massive hitboxes. If you just walk into the open and try to take hits, you’ll 
  die as fast as nearly everyone else. Take cover like any other player when you
  can. You take hits in critical moments to get your team into positions they 
  need to be or do some damage. But never think you’re harder to kill.
* Go watch some Youtube videos on what tanks actually do. Concepts like taking 
  space for your team are critical if you want to be a tank that teams appreciate,   
  especially if you climb to ranks where people are aware of such things.

-=General Tips=-
* Play open queue and arcade modes to practice your characters . Once you know how 
  to use them start playing quick play so you can learn the tank role
* In other roles you have someone else to help so you can practice up, but in OW2 
  it’s really hard to practice tank in games because it’s a very demanding solo role.
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