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Ova Magica Cheats

Ova Magica

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Useful Tips and Tricks:
* Don’t chop down the trees at your farm! They don’t grow back there 
  naturally and you can miss out on a lot of gatherables each week that only 
  spawn next to them. (They grow back every season elsewhere).
* You can use the crafting table at your plot to move trees, rocks etc to 
  a different place on your plot for better organisation.
* Battle Jasper a lot to boost his level. Then you can take him in with you 
  to blob world one. His blob helps a lot with the AOE attack.
* When you buy a meal at either of the two restaurants it unlocks the recipe 
  for you to make.
* When bug catching stand facing a little to the left of them so your net is 
  lined up with the bug. Wait until a white outline appears around the bug. 
  Then swing.
* Battle the doctor everyday for a free energy bottle.
* When breeding make sure your new blob has moves for all three symbols 
  (stopwatch, sword & shield). Using those moves is the only way you can 
  increase your blobs core battle stats. You increase their health and stamina 
  through cravings & toys.
* Do a manual save the day before your egg is made if you want to try to 
  re-roll it.
* Moves such as shield, and zen, can give each applicable blob one “boost” 
  only per battle. you can use it more to level up, but your total bonus will 
  be the same as if you only cast the skill once.
* You can use tree boosting moves on the apple trees on the Twins’ farm!
* Additionally, use the Acorn Blob Treejuvinationability over the last few 
  days of the month on those trees! You can “harvest” them into saplings, then 
  use the saplings on your farm or sell them for 750 each! On the first of the 
  month three new trees will respawn and replace the harvested apple trees! 
  Feel free to do this trick any time during Fridgus since the trees don’t 
  fruit anyways!
* You can still tree boost trees in winter to mature them! Don’t bother 
  boosting mature trees as they reset to no fruit growth overnight!
* You can move all of the objects on your farm from day one! Just use the 
  work bench! You should make a small woods for foragables! This also gives 
  you the ability to “clear” space without using critical energy early on, 
  and you can chop out in town where items such as trees will respawn monthly!
* Bushes, logs, and stones make for surprisingly cute decorations! In theory 
  you should be able to make two tone pixel art with pine trees this way.
* Decorations only count for happiness if they have a little flower symbol 
  in the build menu. Your basic chair is of no interest to the might of 
* The daily 3x bonus for items in the sale box.
* Some NPCs give you consumables when you beat them 
  (snack stand NPC, Flint, etc).
* Fighting most NPCs one time is a good way to get started on making your 
  blob stronger.
* You don’t need to leave food in barns via the feeder unless you WANT poop 
  or they have a drop like cow blobs dropping milk.
* Happiness effects breeding results, food in feeder does not effect 
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