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Nobunaga's Ambition: Awakening Cheats

Nobunaga's Ambition: Awakening

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips to Win the Sekigahara Battle:
* As general tips, the battle is difficult but not unwinnable 
  if you can micro.
* A very easy mistake to make is to form a static front – don’t 
  worry about competing for the capture points.
* Concentrate Ukita and your main troops along a single rout and 
  pincer a few of the enemy units, cycle in as needed and hold 
  down chokepoints on your flanks.
* Ideally, try to use Tamehiro Hiratsuka’s to engage Ii first so 
  he can get through his tactic on a small unit (make sure to 
  withdraw him so he won’t die afterwards, use him as another 
* Then pincer Ii with Ukita and Konishi. Have Toda screen Ukita’s 
  flank so he can’t be counter-pincered.
* Use Shima aggressively so you can get the stamina regen from 
  his ability.
* Once Ii and Kuroda down the battle should just be a matter of 
  taking out some of the smaller Eastern Units to trigger your 
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