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Mecha BREAK Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Gameplay Tips for Skyraider:
Dont stay in air mode all the time in your dogfights, always exit in 
and out, dash, utilize your tap shots on the main gun rather than 
holding charge shots, the charge shot is more of a opener/finisher in 
the sky, focus on staying locked on and trickling damage, your abilities 
like right mouse button and 3 are great for dogfights, 2 for jamming 
missiles can used as a smoke screen, I tend to bury myself in it to 
recover from an exchange.

For staying locked on them, stop holding shift W in your dogfights 
sometimes pull back using S, it allows you uturn on a dime, if a falcon 
or SR is under you trying to pull away, you can sit right above spinning 
in circles and just keep trickling damage, and like I mentioned earlier 
get in and out of air mode, maybe as you get out of air mode and free 
fall a bit, you are holding the charge on main gun, get back into fly 
mode and hit them, all those little maneuvers you do help out in a big 
way, gives you more time for your abilities to come back, more time for 
them to make a mistake.

Another thing you should utilize even in 1v1s are the energy deposits 
around some of the maps, be mindful of them, drag your fight out around 
there, they are those blue crystals at the bottom of the sinkhole map, 
or on the big sand map in the canyons, but the best ones for dogfights 
are on Cape, the big mountain range map, there is a big deposit in the 
middle, and scattered all over, landing in them blows a mist that stops 
lock ons completely

Its a good way to get energy quick, armor, and cover from a falcon 
since they cant lock on, against a SR, pop your jam missiles infront 
and sit in the crystals for a few seconds.

This is against a hurricane but trying to show the dashing and jumping 
in and out of air mode:

But yeah not your traditional dogfight, you almost wanna try and have 
them spin around you, if they fly under you, get out of air mode, dash 
backwards, or side to side to manuever into a better position before 
they can strike, if they are behind you, as a SR you can pivot and 
defend yourself with the jam missilies mid air for cover, dash around 
a bit, and once you apply your right mouse and 3, you go on the offensive

Hope this helps, I’ve been using it pretty much exclusively to plat so far!
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