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Mahjong Soul Cheats

Mahjong Soul

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Farm Money:
-=Without Setup=-
* Good Fortune (3/5 Coin, Unupgraded/Upgraded)
* Reward the Capable (2/3 Coin, Unupgraded/Upgraded)
* 13 Wait Kokushi

-=With Setup=-
* Heaven’s Bequest (1 Coin per Soul Tile per Win)
* 13 Wait Kokushi

-=Setup Requirements=
* Cheering Boost (Changes Winning Dora Tile into Soul Tile)
* Wild Adventure (Shows 1 Dora Indicator Following Every Victory)
* The legend talisman that changes Indicator into Dora - 
  (Optional but Speeds Up Process)

Note: Avoid using 500% Change Random Tile into Soul Tile (it’s too slow).

-=Ideal Coin Lineup=-
After all Honor/Terminal Tiles become Soul Tiles:
* Heaven’s Bequest
* Yakuman Master
* Sprint
* Soul Shrine
* 1 Additional Card of Your Choice
Note: If the Shrine is upgraded, you can use a total of 5 cards; 
otherwise, you can use 4.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reach E19+:
Written by Halley

Reroll for good fortune (+3 from green dragon) and force 13 wait orphans. 
If you don’t get it reset.

Ideally you should enter first shop with 15 or more stars from fortune, as 
well as 5 from completion and 15 from 500% bonus. Buy 1 or 2 refreshes, but 
more importantly buy out the first shop – prioritize Comp Sprint, Yakuman 
Master, Soul Shrine, and Wombo Combo (dora after a win, gas can, bequest). 
Upgrading good fortune is also good. Else, prioritize good eco relics 
(excellence, Doggy > Piggy since it’s more helidroppable, also the free refresh 
is notable since it pays for itself) and high sellback.

If you get VIP early: take it 100%. Helps tremendously in finding the stuff 
you need. In ideal circumstances, you should have upgraded Soul Shrine and 
Yakuman Master by 2-3, sprint helps too (but less important because the 
scaling is worse).

-=Early/Midgame (piss tiles)=-
Try to get upgraded bequest. Gas can doesn’t need upgrading. Try to buy out 
dora indicators (!) asap to get rid of the “dora after a win”. Pray you 
actually get everything into piss asap. Shiny tiles helps but if you have 
upgraded shrine and are getting stacks on sprint and yaku master, it’s not 

After you got everything into piss tiles, sell gas can to try to get shiny 
tiles. Again if you see VIP, take VIP.

Hoard until ex9. If you see a “exchange 3 only”, don’t be afraid to throw a 
few coins to find extra unopened tiles, or moon under the sea. Sell it if 
you can get a win guaranteed though.

Around ex7/8 (not sure the optimal timing), also spend a few coins here and 
there to try to find handouts (yes, the green relic is better than gift box). 
Handouts Does Not Stack If You Don’t Have It. This is why we try to spend a 
little to guarantee it early, instead of falling victim to O(n^2) scaling

-=Lategame (just before ex10)=-
Look at the condition. Sell Bequest, and try to find:

* VIP+ for micro and to squeeze out extra refreshes (only if you’re a masochist).
* Glance+.
* Envoy+.
* 4 nobles chrysanthemum+ for more open tiles.

If you get “max 3 open tiles” you’re kinda screwed lol gg. But everything 
else is a non-condition, except for like “disable 1” but you literally have 
3 other talismans to bait.

Once you’re fully ready, head into the stage and take a screenshot. Map it 
out so you can get a guaranteed yakuman, easiest are (single wait) 4 concealed 
triplets and (13 wait) orphans. If you can incorporate an all honours into 
your triplets, that’s even better. Also don’t forget dora tiles

If you do everything correctly (and don’t get fucked over by either yourself 
or RNG), this should give you an e18 or an e19.
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