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Lethis - Path of Progress Cheats

Lethis - Path of Progress

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cheat Console Codes:
Input these codes after pressing F7 on the keyboard while in-game. 
Two codes unlock achievements, as well as inputting cheats, providing
four total achievements from using this.

Code                 Effect
ByeByeNemo         - Fills up all empty granary space with fish.
Cetautomatix       - Instantly finishes the construction of all monuments.
ItPrintsMoney      - Adds 100 000 Florins to your treasury.
Goetia             - All of your houses become haunted.
TotalBiscuit       - Causes all buildings next to your maintenance 
                     buildings collapse.
TrickOrTreat       - Fills up all empty granary space with pumpkins.
WelcomeToBritanny  - Fills up all empty warehouse space with beer.
BackToTheFuture    - Set the date to July 30, 2015.
Fest-Noz           - Toggles the happiness system.
Ambrosia           - Unlocks the achievement "Ambrosia"
GuybrushThreepwood - Unlocks the achievement "I'm a Pirate!"
WinWinSubmarine    - Wins the current mission.
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