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Lazy Galaxy 2 Cheats

Lazy Galaxy 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Conquest Guide/Planet Chunk Guide:
Written by jiggyjig23
Don’t see a guide for this anywhere really, and the game isn’t very 
helpful in explaining how it works.

-=Conquest Guide=-
So it says you should use a lot of different ships but i found that 
about 3 ships are all you really need to get most of the nodes.

* Wasp.
* Tortoise (Diveatea).
* Queen (Preclusion).

In most cases you can just level the wasp and power through easily.

The only exception is the Swarm nodes in which you just use all Queens 

Once you start getting past 5 nodes per ascension the last stage of a 
swarm node will give two of the boss enemies and they will delete your 
wasps easily. This is where you pull out a Tortoise to shield immediately 
and focus one of them down with the shotgun blast.

Every other faction node is easy to defeat so long as you have a high 
enough level Wasp.

So far the only upgrade I have noticed up to tier 4 is the health per 
ship type so I don’t see any reason to use any other ships but these 3.

The best path to go for is to go straight for VUM9X8, giving you the 
2nd insectoid chunk, and access to the O’ Xelg chunks and the 50% and 
100% resource bonuses. This will also give you access to all extra 
buildings as well.

-=Planet Chunk Guide=-
The Insectoid (Swarm) chunks give a 1.5 bonus to buildings so long as 
it is filled with one type of building, this being the highest multiplier 
you can get without synergies.

The Deserted (Angel) Chunk gives a 1.3 bonus to Fuel Pumps.

The Island Chunk (DPF) gives a 1.2 bonus to ALL power buildings. It can 
be effective to put 2 Solar panels and 2 Fusion Reactors to increase their 
synergies, unless its the only chunk you place power on.

The Metal (Warden) Chunks give a 1.15 bonus to non-power buildings. This 
is great for setting up some of the more annoying synergies just to have 
them active, but otherwise is completely unnecessary early on.

The O’ Xelg Chunks give a 1.2 bonus to all Mining drills on the chunk. 
Does not effect Asteroid Harvesters or Particle Generators.

I’ve found a good setup is to sandwich an Island Chunk Between two 
Insectoid Chunks. Place all academies on the Insectoid chunks and place 
fusion reactors on the island chunk to use the Nuclear Physics Advanced 

The two O’ Xelg chunks at the end are different, one being a 3×4 with 3 
random “Obstacles”, basically the spaces you cant use, and the 4×4 that 
has no obstacles.

It seems there’s also a random chance the 1×4 chunks have an obstacle as well.
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