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Hitstick 2 Cheats

Hitstick 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Enter one of the following cheats during the gameplay.

Code        Result
depzone   - move trough levels by pressing (Q or W).
concie    - full access to every zone.
resgod    - invincibility.
beedapack - all items.
fstbur    - a faster firing rate.

Solution without the dragunov:
* At the first scene kill the two guards; the one in the bus and 
  the one to your right.
* Then go to the left of the bus by clicking on the arrow on the 
* In the next scene kill all the guards that will attempt to shoot you.
* After killing them click on the arrow to the extreme left beside the 
* Pick up the access card you will find there.
* Go back to the bus and click the arrow to the right in front of the 
* Make your way to the end of the hallways without dying.
* At the end you will find your target dressed in white. Kill him to 
  finish the mission.

Solution with the dragunov:
* At the first scene kill the two guards; the one in the bus and the
  one to your right.
* Then go to the left of the bus by clicking on the arrow on the ground.
* In the next scene kill all the guards that will attempt to shoot you.
* After killing them click on the arrow that leads to the tower.
* Once at the top of the tower equip yourself with your Draganuv Sniper 
  and take down your target dressed in white. Mission complete.
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