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Hammerwatch II Cheats

Hammerwatch II

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

The commands below are available by opening the console using the tilde (~) 
key. This key is usually located below the escape key. These commands don’t 
save to your configuration file so they will not stick once you close the 
game. To save a command to your HW2.exe.cfg file you can either add the 
command manually by editing the file or type save your command & argument 
or save_curr your command.

* save ui_scale 0.75
* save_curr ui_scale

-==Cheat Commands==-
- e_cheats is required for any of these commands to work. Once toggled on, 
  a red text will appear top right. Cheats are only available on modded profiles.

- change/load level to the chosen relative path argument. 
  ex: levels/testDoodad.lvl

- Changes the scaling of the game. 
  The default for a 16:9 resolution would have a game scale of 4.

- Affects the game speed.

- Change the current weather, options are fair windy rain_2 rain_3 snow_1 snow_2

- Clears all currently set flags – will probably break your save

- Clears all inventory items, including key items

- Resets all skill point allocations

- Uncovers the entire map

- will mark the specified quest as completed

- will give the amount of the specified item

- will give and equip the specified item

- grants the specified amount of experience

- grants the specified amount of gold

- grants the specified amount of health

- grants the specified amount of mana

cht_give_many_equipment     0 = random
- gives many equipment with the specified parameters.

-gives the specified amount of random equipment

- grants the specified tier, apprentice, adept, expert, master

- grants the specified amount of unique items with the specified tags.

- Toggles godmode.

- Will kill all enemies on the current level

- Will level your character up by the specified amount of levels.

- Will print all items and ids in the game to the console/log

- Lists all currently set flags

- Lists all quests and their IDs

- Toggles noclip

- Plays specified track.

- Plays specified track.

- when true, hides the character on screen

- Sets the character to the specified level, with the correct tier and 
  key items for that level as well as a random selection of level 
  appropriate gear

- Refills your potions

- Revivies you

- Can be used to set/unset a flag

- Opens the Tailor UI to chance character colors

- Marks the specified quest as solved

- Starts the specified Quest

-==Game Config Commands==-
- Enables or disables the use of HDR rendering.

- Changes the Aim Guide option. 1 for on, 0 of off, -1 for Auto.

- Adds a colored circle below your character’s sprite. 
  True or False.

- Multiplier for the speed of the mouse cursor movement on gamepads.

- Snap angle for the movement direction on gamepads.

- Add a delay before you can reuse your potion. This can prevent rogue keyboards.

- Enable or disable rich presence for discord and steam.

- Shadow quality. 0 = off, 1 = sun only, 2 = all.

- Enables or disables smooth camera scrolling.

- Brightness of the game.

- Contrast of the colors.

- Gamma value of the colors.

- Multiplier for the CRT curve effect.

- Whether the scene needs to render in pixel perfect mode or not. Pixel perfect 
  in this sense means that the game will be rendered in 1x sprite scale and 
  then upscaled (faster). If it’s disabled, the game is rendered in its full 
  size and sprites are scaled instead (slower). Disabling pixel perfect allows 
  for a few smoother effects like shadows.

-==Console Config Commands==-
- Background color of the console. Set as a vec4: *cs_bgcolor 1 0 0 0.5* for a 
  red transparent console background.

- Text color of the console. Set as a vec4.

- Enable or disable the use of the console entirely. Useful if you need the 
  console toggle button for something else.

- The height of the console window, in a multiplier of the screen height: 0.5 
  means 50% of the screen height.

- Whether to show the game’s build ID in the bottom left of the screen.

- Shows recent log additions as an overlay at the top of the screen

- The amount of recent lines to be displayed for cs_show_log

- The speed for the console toggle animation. The higher the faster.

- Dumps the contents of the console to a file, doesn’t include timestamps, 
  format is condump "filename".

-==Debug Commands==-
- Displays a menu at the top of the screen with many debug options and useful 
  information about the current save

- Lists the current flags in the console

- Displays scripts on screen.

- When scripts are being drawn, this will toggle whether they are compact or not.

- When scripts are being drawn, this will toggle whether connecting lines 
  are drawn.

- Draws object collision.

- Draws object physics.

- Shows raycasts.

- Shows pathfind information

- Toggles the line of sight visibility/fog of war effect

- useful for debugging on screen widgets.

- Displays unit name when the mouse is over it.

- dump the level in a file in the game repository

res_dump_generated 1
- this has to be set in your config file, but will write all files generated 
  at runtime to a temp folder in the game directory.

All Commands:
Note: Complete list of commands in alphabetical order.

* alias
* bgfx_debug_ifh
* bgfx_debug_stats
* bgfx_debug_trace
* bgfx_debug_wireframe
* bgfx_device_id
* bgfx_renderer
* bind
* change_level
* check_static_units
* cht_change_weather
* cht_clear_flags
* cht_clear_inventory
* cht_clear_skills
* cht_damage
* cht_explore_level
* cht_finish_quest
* cht_give_and_equip_item
* cht_give_combo
* cht_give_experience
* cht_give_gold
* cht_give_health
* cht_give_item
* cht_give_mana
* cht_give_many_equipment
* cht_give_random_equipment
* cht_give_stamina
* cht_give_tier
* cht_give_uniques
* cht_god
* cht_god_cannon_game
* cht_killall
* cht_levelup
* cht_list_all_items
* cht_list_flags
* cht_list_prompts
* cht_list_quests
* cht_listenemies
* cht_lose_cannon_game
* cht_noclip
* cht_open_interface
* cht_play_ambience
* cht_play_music
* cht_plr_damage_fire
* cht_plr_damage_poison
* cht_plr_free_health_cost
* cht_plr_free_mana_cost
* cht_plr_free_stamina_cost
* cht_plr_hidden
* cht_plr_level_progress
* cht_plr_level_skills
* cht_plr_reset_cooldowns
* cht_print_charcreate_colors
* cht_refill_potions
* cht_remove_item
* cht_revive
* cht_set_flag
* cht_set_scalar
* cht_show_tailor
* cht_solve_quest
* cht_spawn_equipment
* cht_spawn_equipment_usable
* cht_spawn_gold
* cht_spectate
* cht_spectate_next
* cht_start_quest
* cht_stop_quest
* cht_tutorials_unlock
* cht_unlock_all_cards
* cht_win_cannon_game
* clear
* clear_debris
* condump
* countdown
* crash
* cs_bgcolor
* cs_enabled
* cs_fgcolor
* cs_height
* cs_menu_save
* cs_show_build
* cs_show_cheats
* cs_show_log
* cs_show_log_count
* cs_show_menu
* cs_show_script_errors
* cs_show_vars
* cs_speed
* dbg_cht_fill_equipment
* dbg_cht_ignore_equipment_requirements
* dbg_clear_unit_kills
* dbg_list_baseitem_modifiers
* dbg_list_existing_modifiers
* dbg_list_tags
* dbg_list_unit_kills
* dbg_print_key_binds
* dbg_track_unit_kills
* debug_dungeon_prefabs
* debug_list_units
* debug_merge_count
* debug_track_flag_set
* debug_unit_compare
* debug_widgets
* dirty_nav_graph
* dump_level_save
* dump_script_gc_info
* dump_unit_list
* dump_unit_type_list
* e_cheats
* e_debris_limit
* e_task_threads
* e_threaded_physics
* e_threaded_saving
* edit
* flush_streamed_textures
* g_adv_foliage
* g_autoequip
* g_cam_freecam_speed
* g_cam_taut
* g_debug_menu
* g_debug_mods
* g_debug_scripts
* g_default_axis_sensitivity
* g_disable_saving
* g_extra_players
* g_frametime_render
* g_frametime_swap
* g_frametime_total
* g_frametime_update
* g_gore
* g_intro_logos
* g_intro_logos_shown
* g_language
* g_laser_sight
* g_load_state_delay
* g_local_player_marker
* g_mousemove_speed
* g_movedir_snap
* g_multi_test
* g_multiplayer_limit
* g_multiplayer_ping_limit
* g_player_markers
* g_pure
* g_quickcast
* g_render_pos
* g_richpresence
* g_save_level_state
* g_save_slot
* g_scale
* g_screenshake
* g_show_slideshows
* g_simulate_platform
* g_sound_listener_height
* g_start_difficulty
* g_start_level
* g_start_sessions
* g_start_sessions_controls
* g_tile_effects
* g_time_hour
* g_timeofday
* g_timescale
* g_vfx_quality
* gpu_print_info
* help
* include
* inspect_widget
* join_ip
* lobby_say
* mem_print_info
* ms
* net_kick_unanswered_pings
* net_stat
* net_stat_msg
* net_stat_singleplayer
* net_stat_time
* particle_blocks
* physics_report
* plot
* ply_kill
* print
* quit
* r_bottom_padding
* r_clear_color
* r_debug_render_target
* r_draw_bloom
* r_draw_bounds
* r_draw_collision
* r_draw_color_grade
* r_draw_effects
* r_draw_glow
* r_draw_glow_precalc
* r_draw_ground_nodes
* r_draw_icons_collision
* r_draw_icons_lights
* r_draw_light_debug
* r_draw_lights
* r_draw_line_of_sight
* r_draw_locators
* r_draw_minimap_sprites
* r_draw_minimap_texts
* r_draw_models
* r_draw_nav_data
* r_draw_origins
* r_draw_outlines
* r_draw_particles
* r_draw_pathfinds
* r_draw_physics
* r_draw_physics_aabb
* r_draw_physics_centroid
* r_draw_physics_queries
* r_draw_physics_shape
* r_draw_ranges
* r_draw_raycasts
* r_draw_scripts
* r_draw_scripts_compact
* r_draw_scripts_debug
* r_draw_scripts_lines
* r_draw_scripts_lines_back
* r_draw_scripts_lines_branch
* r_draw_scripts_lines_head
* r_draw_scripts_names
* r_draw_shadow_shapes
* r_draw_sprites
* r_draw_statics
* r_draw_text
* r_draw_text_debug
* r_draw_tiles
* r_draw_units
* r_draw_xray
* r_draw_xray_precalc
* r_environmental_detail
* r_frame_batches
* r_frame_environments
* r_frame_particles
* r_frame_renderables
* r_frame_statics
* r_frame_triangles
* r_frame_units
* r_frustum_padding
* r_hdr
* r_light_decal_proj
* r_lighting
* r_line_of_sight_anim_speed
* r_line_of_sight_blurs
* r_line_of_sight_boost
* r_line_of_sight_mul
* r_line_of_sight_quality
* r_masked_shadows
* r_merge_textures
* r_minimap_scale
* r_parallel_rendering
* r_particle_max_spawn
* r_particle_spawn_rate
* r_script_alpha
* r_script_alpha_selected
* r_script_line_alpha
* r_script_line_scroll
* r_script_line_thickness
* r_shadows
* r_sharp_pixels
* r_smooth_scrolling
* r_stream_unit_producers
* r_top_padding
* r_use_merge_textures
* r_use_z_buffer
* r_warn_language_fallback
* res_dump_generated
* res_use_hints
* reset_all_stats
* rg_brightness
* rg_contrast
* rg_crt_curve
* rg_gamma
* rg_pixel_perfect
* rg_post_bloom
* rg_post_phosphor
* s
* s_check_override
* s_check_strings
* save
* save_curr
* select_unit
* show_menu
* snd_debug
* snd_driver
* snd_volume
* snd_volume_env
* snd_volume_music
* snd_volume_sfx
* snd_volume_ui
* snd_volume_voice
* stat_raycasts
* statics_blocks
* statics_num
* test_screenshot
* toggle
* toggle_tileset
* track
* track_comment
* track_history
* tst_lerp
* ui_boss_text_always_visible
* ui_buffs
* ui_chat_dialog
* ui_chat_fade_time
* ui_chat_pos
* ui_chat_scale
* ui_chat_width
* ui_cursor_alpha
* ui_cursor_health
* ui_cursor_health_alpha
* ui_cursor_unit
* ui_draw_plr_names
* ui_draw_plr_names_real
* ui_draw_vignette
* ui_draw_widgets
* ui_flags
* ui_format_letters
* ui_hardware_cursor
* ui_hide_fog
* ui_hud_actor_afflictions
* ui_hud_actor_states
* ui_hud_actor_targets
* ui_hud_announce_loot
* ui_hud_announce_loot_amount
* ui_hud_announce_loot_short_names
* ui_hud_announce_loot_tooltip_compare_delay
* ui_hud_announce_loot_tooltip_delay
* ui_hud_announce_looter
* ui_hud_announce_own_loot_category_filter
* ui_hud_announce_own_loot_quality_filter
* ui_hud_bossbar
* ui_hud_bossbar_actors
* ui_hud_coop
* ui_hud_hpbars_enemy
* ui_hud_hpbars_plr
* ui_hud_minimap_zoom
* ui_hud_overlay_always_visible
* ui_hud_scale_art
* ui_hud_scale_buffs
* ui_hud_scale_left_bars
* ui_hud_scale_minimap
* ui_hud_scale_overlay
* ui_hud_scale_potions
* ui_hud_scale_right_bars
* ui_hud_scale_skills
* ui_hud_skills
* ui_hud_stats
* ui_hud_survival
* ui_hud_topbar
* ui_hud_visible
* ui_hud_visible_art
* ui_hud_visible_buffs
* ui_hud_visible_left_bars
* ui_hud_visible_minimap
* ui_hud_visible_overlay
* ui_hud_visible_potions
* ui_hud_visible_right_bars
* ui_hud_visible_skills
* ui_overlay_minimap_alpha
* ui_overlay_minimap_scale
* ui_player_measure
* ui_quests
* ui_scale
* ui_show_chat
* ui_show_controlbinds
* ui_show_info_buttons
* ui_show_intro
* ui_show_mp_mana
* ui_show_npc_dialog_icons
* ui_show_tutorials
* ui_show_use_icon
* ui_txt
* ui_txt_enemy_heal
* ui_txt_enemy_hurt
* ui_txt_enemy_hurt_husk
* ui_txt_enemy_hurt_local
* ui_txt_enemy_immortal
* ui_txt_pickup
* ui_txt_plr_ammo
* ui_txt_plr_ammo_max
* ui_txt_plr_armor
* ui_txt_plr_heal
* ui_txt_plr_hurt
* ui_txt_plr_hurt_magic
* ui_waypoint_player
* ui_waypoint_world
* unet_gog
* unet_steam
* unit_id_high
* unit_id_low
* unit_id_max
* unit_id_min
* units_updated
* units_updated_native_behaviors
* units_updated_potential
* units_updated_script_behaviors
* v_forced_aspect_ratio
* v_fps
* v_fps_limit
* v_fullscreen
* v_interpolate_frames
* v_monitor
* v_resolution
* v_trap_cursor
* v_vsync
* condump
* g_start_sessions_controls
* r_draw_icons_collision
* r_draw_icons_lights
* rg_contrast
* ui_show_controlbinds
* ui_show_npc_dialog_icons
* ui_show_use_icon
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