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Fabledom Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Coal Mining:
Coal production is crucial, especially in the early game when winter 
can tank your town’s happiness and make it difficult to recruit new 
residents. Even later on, coal is needed not just for heating but 
also for iron production.

-=Happiness Goals=-
Aim to keep happiness above 90% for 140% maximum effectiveness on Cruel difficulty.
Letting it drop for part of the year may still work, but high happiness is ideal.

-=Coal Burner Ratios=-
* Have around 1 coal burner for every 30-40 residents.
* The ratio depends on how efficient your log to coal production chain is.

-=Production Setup=-
* Separate plank and coal production areas to avoid resource competition.
* Each lumberyard can efficiently supply 2 coal burners.

For 300 residents, have a coal area with:
* 4 lumberyards adjacent to 8-10 coal burners.
* 2 log stockpiles between lumberyards and burners.

For planks, have an area with:
* 3-4 lumberyards next to 3 sawmills.
* 1 log stockpile between yards and mills.

By setting up separate, optimized production chains for coal and planks, 
you can ramp up expansion efficiently while keeping your town warm and 
productive through the winters.

How to Increase the Happiness:
Patrizia gave good tips. To help understand what’s happening a bit better, 
Fablings happiness calculation according to some others looks like based 
60 +/- desirability variables from the environment. If they’re all at 60 
average, it means their environment is a mix of desirability buffs and 
debuffs that are averaging out to zero.

Some houses are probably in noisy/smelly worksite areas like pigstys or 
sawmills which lower desirability (the red circle of doom), while maybe 
also being under the effect of an inn which would make the total desirability 
added roughly zero still. Moving worksites and service buildings around to 
move the green/red circles to appropriate areas will help a lot.

Another super easy thing that contributes to happiness is yard objects for 
hovels. The first 3 yard objects in the list give +3 desirability to the home 
each up to +6. Personally I like to use 1 desire object like a doghouse and 1 
food object like an apple tree per yard so they get a bit of happiness and a 
bit of food, but if you need more of one or the other you can stack your yards 
up to compensate.

Additional Note: Make sure that there’s nobody starving, and that their houses 
aren’t build in a “red zone”, meaning they are not close to stone quarries, or 
lumber mills, or the buildings that produce coal (basically things that are 
loud, or make air pollution). Build Bakeries, Inns and Theaters in the 
Neighborhood. Commoners don’t like to live nearby peasents.

How to Survive:
This still refers to the early phase. Let’s start with food. At the beginning, 
one should initially focus on growing vegetables. Because sooner or later, 
despite having enough fields, the people will starve.

Therefore, I have demolished the farmsteads and converted them to ONLY produce 
farmyard crops. Because in this way, the villagers also grow food themselves on 
the side. And viewed as a whole, that’s really a lot.

It is advisable to build more sawmills and charcoal kilns right from the start, 
otherwise the village and town people will complain that they are cold. 
(Emphasis on: I have 135 people and 10 charcoal kilns, and it’s just enough coal 
to get through the winter)

-=Bread and Grain=-
You need grain for bread. However, for a grain mill and a bakery, you need at 
least 2 grain fields so that both can run continuously.

-=The Pigsty / Meat=-
The pigsty, however, consumes huge amounts of grain, and in my opinion, makes 
it pointless for the economy and food. Currently, I have 2 towns and would 
easily need 3 (better 4) pigsties to supply both towns with meat.

Currently, I have only built one pigsty so that I can accumulate meat for quests. 
Because here and there, food including meat is always asked for, and that is 
usually just enough. The town itself gets by with bread and vegetables, and no, 
they don’t complain. Unfortunately, fishing is missing here, because I would 
easily build 2-3 of them and see if that would be enough to feed everyone.

If you later build a town (currently I have 2), you should employ citizens in 
many work areas such as sawmill, stonemason, workers themselves; because 
apparently only countrymen can be employed in many areas. So always pay 
attention to that. The post will be kept as up-to-date as possible.

Useful Tips for Avoiding Starvation:
First thing I would look into is worker proximity from home to worksite. You 
can see how close a Fablings worksite is from their home by viewing the 
worksites UI panel, indicated by the colored circle. Green is close, yellow 
is a bit far, red is problematically far from the worksite. The reason this 
is a problem is because Fablings need to walk all the way home to eat, and 
they can only eat food stored in their homes. If they work miles away from 
home they will be starving by the time they get there potentially.

Second I should have probably listed first but proximity between food storage 
and homes is also important. Head of Household for each home go out and fetch 
food from nearest storage for the entire household to eat. If the HoH has to 
travel too far to provide food for the home, the residents of that home can 

Thirdly I would keep an eye on the Overview panel page where it lists 
residents. If you click the sort button on the Status catagory, any Fabling 
who is in a “stuck” state due to a bug will be displayed at the top and you 
can unstuck them using the unstuck button at the bottom of the Fablings UI 
panel. You can also see who is starving this way and try and figure out why.

-=Bonus Tips=-
Is it smart to close the farms over the winter for more tax money?

The answer to that is a little more complicated than just closing them for 
more money. Yes it does save the 5gold tax on the farm, however it takes the 
entire month of winter to clear the fields and if they are not cleared by the 
time spring starts it will slow down the growth/income of whatever that farm 
is producing. So you have to ask yourself is the few gold worth the potential 
shortage of whatever is being grown. Because the field has to be cleared 
before they will grow on it/harvest from it.

-=Helpful tips to make much gold=-
My tip would be to try not to go too fast. Take your time with building stuff 
in the beginning. You need a good balance between buildings and population, 
as buildings such as the inn, but also wells, for example, require upkeep 
costs, which reduces the amount of coins you receive every few days. But 
the more fablings you have, the more tax you get from them! But you also 
don’t want to have too many fablings, because they obviously need to have 
enough food.

-=What causes slow coal production?=-
From what I found it is usually a lack of porters/poor lumber production lines.

Aka; if you are doing a massive amount of construction, that takes up lumber, 
both low and high grade, your lumber mill producing high grade lumber (planks) 
takes up lumber, coal makers, take up lumber. extended or poor supply lines
means your lumber takes longer to go where it needs to go… etc.

Best advice would be… slow down how much you are actually building, and/or 
increase your forester jobs. another thing that’ll help is to place a 
stockpile near your coal makers that only deals with coal/low grade lumber.

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