Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: andre
Red Hare Saddle:
Requirements: Play Xia Pi with Lu Bu forces under hard difficulty
settings. Don't kill any enemy generals or sub-generals until Guan
Yu has met with Red Hare. To get Guan Yu to meet with Red Hare just
lure him over to where Red Hare, after he's mounted Red Hare he'll
be super strong so be ready, now defeat Guan Yu and the Valuable
Item message on the little island where Guan Yu mounted Red Hare.
Life display:
Submitted by: conner54
Press "L" during game play to display enemy and ally
health and names.
Play as Lu Meng:
Complete the Yellow Turban Menace and the Yellow Turban Fortress
with any Wu officer.
Play as Zhen Ji:
Complete the Escape Of Guan Yu with any Wei officer.
Play as Dian Wei:
Complete the Yellow Turban Rebellion with any Wei officer.
Play as Xu Zhu:
Complete the Battle Of Hu Lao Gate with any Wei officer.
Play as Cao Ren:
Complete the Escape Of Guan Yu with any Wei officer.
Play as Xu Huang:
Complete the Yellow Turban Rebellion with any Wei officer.
Unlockables - Unlock Wei Characters:
All characters must be unlocked in Musou mode.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Cao Ren Clear Wei Musou Act III.
Dian Wei Clear Wei Musou Act I.
Sima Yi Clear Wei Musou Act IV.
Xu Huang Clear Wei Musou Act I.
Xu Zhu Clear Wei Musou Act II.
Zhang He Clear 11 Wei Musou stages.
Zhang Liao Clear the Battle of Xia Pi on Wei Musou Act III.
Zhen Ji Clear Wei Musou Act III.
Unlockable: Characters
Perform the following actions to unlock additional characters.
Lu Bu - Beat Musou mode once with any kingdom
Men Huo - On Shu Musou Act V or final, Nanman Campaign / Defeat Meng
Huo seven times + a duel.
Yuan Shao - Beat Wei Musou mode
Zhang Jiao - Beat Musou mode once with each kingdom
(Wu, Shu, Wei, Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, and Yuan Shao)
Zhu Rong - On Shu Musou Act V or final, Nanman Campaign Defeat
Zhu Rong in a duel.
Diao Chan - Beat Lu Bu Musou Act I
Dong Zhuo - Beat Lu Bu Musou mode
-=Shu Characters=-
Huang Zhong - Beat Shu Musou Act IV
Jiang Wei - Defeat all of the generals outside the castle in Shu Tales:
Battle of Tian Shui / Defeat Jiang's subs, and lead him to Zhuge
Ma Chao - Defeat Ma Chao when he shows up as reinforcements in Cheng Du
Pang Tong - Beat Shu Musou Act II
Wei Yan - Beat Shu Musou Act IV
Yue Ying - Beat Shu Musou Act IV
Zhao Yun - Beat Shu Musou Act II
Zhuge Liang - Beat Shu Musou Act II
-=Wei Characters=-
Dian Wei - Beat Wei Musou Act I
Xu Huang - Beat Wei Musou Act I
Cao Ren - Beat Wei Musou Act III
Sima Yi - Beat Wei Musou Act IV
Xu Zhu - Beat Wei Musou Act II
Zhang He - Beat 11 Wei Musou stages
Zhang Liao - Beat the Battle of Xia Pi on Wei Musou Act III
Zhen Ji - Beat Wei Musou Act III
-=Wu Characters=-
Da Qiao - In Wu Tales: The Two Qiaos, save the Qiao sisters and Beat the stage
Gan Ning - In the Battle of Xia Kou, defeat Gan Ning You must complete Act IV
to unlock him
Sun Quan - Beat Wu Musou Act III
Taishi Ci - In the Campaign for Wu Territory, beat Taishi Ci
Xiao Qiao - Save the Qiao sisters in Wu Tales: The Two Qiaos / Beat the stage
Zhou Tai - Beat Wu Musou Act III
Zhou Yu - Beat Wu Musou Act II
Lu Meng - Beat Wu Musou Act I
Lu Xun - Beat Wu Musou Act IV
Sun Ce - Beat Wu Musou Act II
Level 10 weapon:
Submitted by: patrick
-=Cao Cao=-
Play the Battle Of Chi Bi level on the hard difficulty setting with Cao Cao. First,
approach Pang Tong to see through his trick, then defeat Zhuge Liang to stop the wind
prayer. Next, defeat Gan Ning and Lu Meng to trigger the all out attack. Then, defeat
Huang Gai to stop the fire attack. Finish the level with your level 9 Sword of Heaven
to get Cao Cao's level 10 sword.
-=Cao Ren=-
On the Siege Of Fan Castle level on the hard difficulty setting, destroy all enemy
castle-attacking vehicles without the castle being compromised. Lu Meng will exit the
enemy castle and attack. Defeat Lu Meng. Note: Time will be extremely tight for this
task. The following is the best order to destroy the four castle-attacking vehicles.
Equipping a saddle is recommended. Immediately, run to the south wall. There will be
a cloud ladder vehicle moving towards the west gate. Destroy the vehicle as quickly
as possible. Then, immediately run to the east wall. There will be a cloud ladder
vehicle approaching from the north. Destroy the vehicle as quickly as possible. Then,
run to the stone toss vehicle at the south gate and destroy it. Next, run to the stone
toss vehicle at the north gate and destroy it. Do not stop to fight enemy generals In
between, as there is not enough time.
-=Da Qiao=-
Play the Battle Of Xu Chang level on the hard difficulty setting on the Wu side.
Defeat Deng Ai, Hu Zhi, and Dian Wei.
-=Dian Wei=-
Play the Battle Of Wan Castle level. Defeat Hu Che Er, then join with Cao Cao.
After the Cao Cao conversation with Dian Wei event, deplete about half of Zhang Xiu's
HP and he will retreat. After the castle gate closes, clear the map of enemies for Cao
Cao to advance. After Cao Cao reaches the dead end, two fire blocking exit messages
will appear. After the Xu Chu breaks through wall event, Dian Wei earns his Level 10 Weapon.
-=Diao Chan=-
Play the Battle Of Si Shui Gate level on Dong Zhuo's Side. Allow Sun Jian's messenger
to complete his task. Then, wait for Sun Jian to defeat Hua Xiong. You must now defeat
Sun Jian and Cao Cao to gain her level 10 weapon, Diva. You must quickly do this before
your forces retreat and you lose the map.
Play The Battle Of Si Shui Gate level. Sun Jian will send a messenger to Yuan Shao, and
you must let the message be received before you defeat any enemy officers. After this,
defeat two officers out of Sun Jian, Liu Bei, or Cao Cao. You should receive a message
stating "Diao Chan has earned her ultimate weapon, Diva". Then, complete the level.
-=Dong Zhou=-
Play the Lu Bu's Revolt level on the hard difficulty setting. Kill everybody on the screen
where Lu Bu is the only one alive. If done correctly, Dong Zhou will make a comment.
-=Gan Ning=-
On the Battle of Xia Kou level on the hard difficulty setting, defeat Su Fei and Chen Shen.
Wait for Zhou Yu to tell you about gun powder on Huang Zu's northern ship. A burning gun
powder pot appears on the ship. Go near the gun powder pot. The gun powder pot discovery
message will appear. Destroy the burning pot on Huang Zu's northern ship. Then, defeat
all enemy generals on the map (Chen Jiu, Deng Long, Zhang Hu, Cai Mao) before Huang Zu's
northern ship and southern ship connect. Huang Zu's two ships will connect and Huang Zu's
southern ship starts burning (about three minutes after destroying the gun powder pot),
with Ling Cao and Ling Tong alive. Note: In free mode, Gan Ning will appear in place of
Chen Shen. Defeat him instead of Chen Shen.
-=Guan Yu=-
Kill all the Wu generals at the Fan Castle level on the hard difficulty setting. Make
sure that all your soldiers switch sides before you kill the Wu generals.
-=Huang Gai=-
On the Battle Of Chi Bi level on the hard difficulty setting, eliminate all enemy entry
points before the fire attack, then defeat Cao Ren, Cao Hong and Cao Pi.
-=Huang Zhong=-
On the Battle Of Jian Ye level on the hard difficulty setting, before defeating the real
Sun Jian, defeat Huang Gai, Taishi Ci or Zhou Tai. Next generation Suns attack event,
defeat Sun Ce, Sun Quan and Sun Shang Xiang in any order.
-=Jiang Wei=-
Play the Battle Of Tian Shui on the hard difficulty setting and do the same steps you
did to unlock Jiang Wei. Make sure that you have at least the Red Hare saddle on Jiang Wei.
The Peacock Urn, the Tiger Amulet, and Tortoise Amulet may also help, as well as any kind of
Jade Orb. When the level starts, go directly to Ji Castle. You must open both gates from the
outside. Cao Ren will appear. Do not worry as much about his lesser generals. Once you kill
them, he will run. Defeat Cao Ren then go down to Wang Lang. Defeat him as quickly as possible,
because there will be another general where Zhuge Liang is located. If Zhuge Liang dies, it
is all over. Once you have made sure there is no immediate danger to Zhuge Liang, go to Tian
Shui Castle. You must open both gates of this castle from the outside as well. Defeat the two
generals with the main Boss. However, do not kill the main Boss. He will run when after you
kill his two lesser generals. You should have now unlocked Jiang Wei's, level 10 weapon, Blink.
-=Liu Bei=-
In the Battle of Ru Nan on the hard difficulty setting, meet with Zhao Yun after he appears
on the map (about ten to twenty seconds into the game at the bottom right horizontal path).
After the Zhao Yun swears allegiance event, defeat Li Dian, and join with Zhang Fei. At the
Xiahou Yuan appearance, defeat Xiahou Yuan before Guan Yu appears (about 4:30 to 5:30 into
the game), defeat Yu Jin, defeat Xu Chu. At the Xiahou Dun appearance, defeat Xiahou Dun,
defeat Zhang He, and defeat Yue Jin. Note: Other than defeating Li Dian after meeting with
Zhao Yun and defeating Xiahou Yuan before Guan Yu appears, all other enemy generals can be
defeated in any order.
-=Lu Bu=-
Play the Lu Bu Rebellion level. Clear the entire stage of every enemy so that only Dong Zhuo
remains alive. Be sure to kill every general and sub-general yourself. Lu Bu will earn his
Level 10 weapon. Note: If the weapon does not appear after only Dong Zhuo is alive, move around
the map awhile. There may still be ambush troops you did not encounter.
-=Lu Meng=-
Play the Battle Of Mai Castle level on the Wu side. First, allow Liao Hua to escape from the
battle. Enter the castle through the northern gate. Kill Jiang Wei's Sub-General Wan Fu.
Then, kill the Gate Captain at the north wall, then the one at the south wall. Liao Hua will
return with additional troops. Destroy them, including the Sub-General in the group. Return
to the castle and kill Guan Ping. This causes Guan Yu to attempt an escape. This is why the
two Gate Captains had to be killed; he will try to escape to one of them if they are not sealed.
Kill the northern-most Gate Captain. Guan Yu will change direction and head for the southern-most
Gate Captain. Once both of those are shut off, go back into the castle and an ambush troop will
appear. Destroy them. Zhang Fei should appear soon, if not already. Eliminate all Generals and
Sub-Generals (besides Guan Yu). Kill Zhang Fei and you should then receive the White Tiger.
Finish the level.
-=Lu Xun=-
On the Battle of Yi Ling level on the hard difficulty setting, protect and keep Zhu Ran alive
until he successfully triggers the fire attack. Enter stone maze, and pass through it.
-=Ma Chao=-
In the Chen Du Suppression level go to the left side of the map to trigger the appearance of
enemy back-up troops. Kill the enemy back-up troop generals Pang De and Ma Dai. Note:
This can only be done in Musou mode, because the generals will be Ma Chao and Ma Dai in
free mode.
-=Meng Huo=-
Play the Battle Of Cheng Du level on the hard difficulty setting as Meng Huo on the Nanman
Forces. Kill every character that is playable. Note: Make sure you personally kill the
character and have his level weapon. You will get his level 10 weapon, King Of Beast.
-=Pang Tong=-
Play the Battle Of Luo Castle on the hard difficulty setting on the Shu side. When Zhang
Ren appears, decline his duel challenge. Destroy the bridge and kill Zhang Ren.
Sima Yi=-
Ho to Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains level on the hard difficulty setting and defeat Wei Yan,
Jaing Wei, and Ma Chao. A message will appear, stating that Dark Feather has been unlocked.
-=Sun Ce=-
On Unification of Jiang Dong level on the hard difficulty setting, defeat Liang Gang.
Wait for Zhou Yu to be defeated and the ally food supply fort to fall (about ten minutes).
Then, defeat Chen Ji and Yue Jiu. Defeat Yuan Shu, go the bottom left path, and meet
with Ji Ling. Liu Xun orders an attack on the ally food supply fort and starts moving
towards it. Defeat Li Feng before Liu Xun enters the ally food supply fort. Note: Do not
stop to fight Ji Ling, as there is not enough timeRun past him and head directly for Li
Feng in the ally food supply fort. Riding on a horse is recommended.
-=Sun Jian=-
Play the Search For The Imperial Seal level on the hard difficulty setting with Sun Jian.
You must defeat Li Jue, Zhang Liao, Diao Chan, and Lu Bu. Finish the level with Sun Jian's
level 9 weapon to get his level 10 weapon.
-=Sun Quan=-
Play the Battle Of He Fei level on the Wu side. First, allow Zhang Liao to retreat.
After the bridge is destroyed and Sun Jian is trapped, defeat Li Dian. Run back around
to where Sun Jian is located and wait for Zhang Liao to make his ambush. Kill Zhang Liao.
Then, go up the left side of the map and defeat Xiahou Yuan. Next, run across to the right
side of the map and defeat Xiahou Dun. After that is done, you will receive the Master Wolf.
Complete the level.
-=Sung Shang Xiang=-
Play the Race For Nan Territory level. Defeat Wang Lang to open the gates on the right
side castle. Enter and wait for the event where Zhou Yu gets hit with an arrow. Then,
kill Cao Ren. You get Sol Chakram. Finish the level.
-=Taishi Ci=-
Play the Campaign For The Wu Territory level. There is a bridge directly in front of you.
Once you cross that bridge, a message will appear stating that Yu Mi is retreating towards
the Niu Zhu Fort. Catch up with him before the fort gate closes behind. Note: Have a
Hare equipped. Defeat Yu Mi and Zhang Ying before they retreat. The "Taishi Ci earns
Tiger Slayer weapon" message will appear.
-=Wei Yan=-
On the Jing Zhou Strategic Battle level on the hard difficulty setting, defeat the enemy
ambush troop general Xing Dao Rong, defeat Liu Du and Liu Xian, do not defeat Jin Xuan
(decline the duel), and defeat Han Xuan's sub-general Yang Ling. After Huang Zhong exit
castle and attack message, defeat Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and Huang Zhong defect event.
-=Xiahou Dun
On the Battle of Xia Pi level on the hard difficulty setting, after the Xiahou Dun
shot by an arrow event, defeat Diao Chan.
-=Xiahou Yuan=-
On the Battle of Mount Ding Jun level on the hard difficulty setting, immediately kill
the exchanging hostage Chen Shi. Then move directly to Huang Zhong. Defeat Huang Zhong.
-=Xiao Qiao=-
Play the Battle Of Cheng Du level on the hard difficulty wetting on the Wu side.
Trigger the "Advance on Cheng Du" event without triggering "Cheng Du closes gate" or
"Mian Zhu ambush" before Ma Chao appears. Defeat Guan Yu and Guan Ping.
-=Xu Huang=-
Play the Battle Of Guan Du level on the hard difficulty setting on the Wei side. Let
the enemy destroy the castle wall and let them set the supply depot on fire.
-=Xu Zhu=-
Play the Battle Of Tong Gate level on the hard difficulty on the Wei side. Defeat Ma
Dai and Pang De before Han Sui defects. Kill two of his officers to make him defect.
-=Yue Ying=-
On the Nan Man Campaign on the hard difficulty setting, defeat all enemy generals
except Wu Tu Gu (and the defected Dong Tu Na and Ah Huei Nan). Defeat Zhu Rong in a
duel, defeat Meng Huo six times (including one duel). Meng Huo appears for the seventh
time in his base. Approach Wu Tu Gu. Zhuge Liang says that he has a strategy. Battle Wu
Tu Gu but do not defeat him. Zhuge Liang's fire arrow attack to deal with the bamboo
armored enemy soldiers event will play.
-=Yuan Shao=-
Play the Battle Of Guan Du level on the hard difficulty setting as Yuan Shao. Protect
the ramming vehicle until the castle wall falls. You will then get the Sword Of Kings.
-=Zhang Fei=-
Play the Battle At Chang Ban Bridge level on the hard difficulty setting. Defeat Xiahou
Dun, Xiahou En, and Xiahou Ye to keep Zhao Yun alive. Accompany Liu Bei down the path
across the bridge. The Chang Ban Bridge yell event with enemies in the bridge will occur.
J A Do is left in the castle. A message will appear, Rescue him; go on a horse to get
there fast. An event where J A Do defeats Xiohou Yaun will happen. Zhao Yun must still
be alive. The weapon message will appear.
-=Zhang He=-
On the Battle Of Jie Ting level on the hard difficulty setting, surround Ma Su and
defeat him. Then, defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals.
-=Zhang Jiao=-
Play the Yellow Turban Rebellion level on the hard difficulty setting on the Yellow
Turban side. Defeat every General. When He Jin is killed, Dong Zhou will appear. Kill
Hua Xiong. Note: Make sure Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang are still alive when Hua Xiong is
Play the Yellow Turban Rebellion and defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals.
Defeat He Jin last. Dong Zhuo troops will appear. Defeat Hua Xiong, with Zhang Liang
and Zhang Bao alive. The weapon message will appear.
-=Zhang Liao
In Lu Bu Musou mode, play the Battle At Si Shui Gate on the hard difficulty setting
as Zhang Liao with your level 9 weapon. Defeat Sun Jian, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei, then
complete the level. Then on Hu Lao Gate, do not defeat any enemy generals until the
enemy's fire attack event. To activate it, go directly towards Sun Jian, Cao Cao, or
Liu Bei and it will commence. Then, defeat Sun Jian, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei.
-=Zhao Yun=-
Play the Battle Of Bo Wang Po level. Follow Zhuge Liang's instructions. First, lead
Xiahou Dun to the designated fire attack spot in the middle path of the map left area.
After the fire attack event, defeat Xiahou Dun. The Han Hao attack message will appear.
Zhuge Liang next tells you to lead Han Hao to the designated ambush spot in the top path
of the map left area. Guan Ping ambush troops will appear. Defeat Han Hao. At Zhuge
Liang's next instruction message, lead Yu Jin to the designated ambush spot on the upper
bridge. Guan Yu's ambush troop will appear. Defeat Yu Jin, Zhuge Liang. Order Zhang Fei
to fire attack on enemy food supply. After the fire attack is successful, clear the path
of enemies for Zhuge Liang to enter the enemy castle. The Zhuge Liang meeting Cao Cao
event will appear. Zhao Yun earns his Level 10 Weapon. If after you have cleared all
enemy generals and soldiers except Cao Cao, and Zhuge Liang stands in front of the enemy
castle but will not enter, you can lead Cao Cao to follow you out of the castle to
meet with Zhuge Liang.
-=Zhen Ji=-
Play the Battle of Chang Ban level as Cao Cao's forces: Any Harness, the Tiger Amulet,
Tortoise Amulet, Peacock Urn, and Wind Scroll are recommended. Ride towards Zhao Yun.
He will challenge you to a duel; defeat him. Wait for Liu Bei to cross the bridge.
Ride toward Zhang Fei. Bridge event. Zhang Fei will challenge you to a duel; defeat
him. You must defeat Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei in the duels to get this weapon. Ride
south to Mi Zhu and defeat him. Li Qui will arrive with Guan Yu and his navy. Defeat
Li Qui first, then Guan Yu. This will prevent Liu Bei from escaping. Ride north and
defeat Zhuge Liang. The "Zhen Ji earns her level 10 weapon" message will appear.
-=Zhou Tai (Dusk)=-
To get Zhou Tai's weapon, Dusk, play on the hard difficulty setting. Zhou Tai must
have the weapon Using the Red Hare for this is recommended. Ride down and kill Wu Tugu,
then get into Meng Dawn, at level 9. Go to the Nanman Campaign, and play on the Wu Forces.
Huo's castle before Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Ne defect to the Wu side.
-=Zhou Yu=-
Play the Battle For Fan Castle level. At 10:20.00 into the battle, the enemy Supply
Team will appear at the top right corner of the map and move towards the castle's right
entrance. Defeat the Supply Team Captain before the Supply Team reaches the castle.
Zhou Yu will earn his Level 10 Weapon.
Note: If you try to get Zhou Yu's level 10 weapon without taking care of Wu's siege
weapons, Lu Meng will come forward and get killed by Cao Ren's all out charge. However,
if you have an already powered up Lu Meng, choose him as player two and equip him with
a Shadow Saddle, level 15 Horned Helm, Tiger Amulet, Tortoise Amulet, and Elixir.
You need two good bodyguard teams, one for each player. Make them wait at Lu Meng's
camp entrance. Play fast, as you have ten minutes to kill the generals and Zhen Ji's
entire side. While doing this, Wei must have destroyed all your siege weapons and charged.
After you clear Zhen Ji's area, make Zhou Yu wait there until the Supply Team Captain
comes up. Kill him, and once you get the level 10 weapon message, switch to Lu Meng and
go for Cao Ren. Cao Ren is weak against mount attacks. Keep moving and bounding him until
he dies.
-=Zhu Rong=-
Play the Battle Of Xu Chang level on the hard difficulty setting. Join the Nanman side.
Defeat Man Chong, then to to Cao Hong. Defeat him and fight off the other soldiers while
you wait for the siege ramp to be set up. After that, defeat Xiahou Dun. Then, go back
over to the supply depot and kill Cao Zhang. Finish the level with her level 9 Magma Wheel
and you will get the level 10 Inferno.
-=Zhuge Liang=-
First, clear the Battle Of Jie Ting level, then choose the Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains
level. Go to the left path and approach Zhang He. After the consecutive arrow vehicle
event, defeat Zhang He. Approach the enemy base, and start the enrage Sima Yi event.
A Supply Troop appearance message will appear. Backtrack and defeat Xiahou Dun to protect
the Supply Troop. The "Supply Troop broke through battle lines and reached the ally base"
message will appear. Note: This weapon can only be earned in Musou Mode. If you do not
clear the Battle Of Jie Ting level first, there will be no Supply Troop appearance.
Unlockable: Characters:
Ronaldi Setiawan
Email : renaldi8854@yahoo.com
Perform the following actions to unlock additional characters.
Lu Bu - Beat Musou mode once with any kingdom
Men Huo - On Shu Musou Act V or final, Nanman Campaign / Defeat Meng Huo seven times + a duel.
Yuan Shao - Beat Wei Musou mode
Zhang Jiao - Beat Musou mode once with each kingdom (Wu, Shu, Wei, Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo, and Yuan Shao)
Zhu Rong - On Shu Musou Act V or final, Nanman Campaign Defeat Zhu Rong in a duel.
Diao Chan - Beat Lu Bu Musou Act I
Dong Zhuo - Beat Lu Bu Musou mode
Red Hare:
Play Xia Pi as Lu Bu forces under the Hard difficulty setting. Do not kill any enemy
generals or sub-generals until Guan Yu has met with Red Hare. To get Guan Yu to meet
with Red Hare, lure him over to where Red Hare is located. After he has mounted Red
Hare he will be very strong. Defeat Guan Yu and the "Valuable Item" message will
appear on the little island where Guan Yu mounted Red Hare.
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