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Concord Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Quick Tips for Emari:
Written by Machosauce.

Your weapon has less ammo and fires slower than most minigun characters 
you’ve played in onther games. Make sure you are hitting headshots, 
dispite being a minigun, its night and day damage. Always prefire.

If you’re using the base variant, use your armor boost from sacrificing 
barrier when you’re about 35%-25% HP. This gives you enough to fight back 
against enemies who might be fooled by your low health and rush you. If 
played right, you should have your barrier back soon too. You can also 
use it when peaking a choke that has damage coming through it to assess 
where everyone is before pulling back, while firing.

You are very reliant on healing. If you don’t have a healer, play more 
conservatively, and be especially on the lookout for flankers.

Your weapon is hitscan, so fliers and people in air are your priority.

Armor as many allies as possible, as soon as possible, then the round 

To save low health allies when your weapon is not wound up, use armor 
generator. When it is wound up, give them cover fire.

You can melee while barrier is up. Use this when enemies have already 
been at point blank trying to get around your sheild for a while, it 
throws them off hard.

1-0ff is your biggest counter, but also your biggest ally. When he’s on 
your team, and you are shooting, have him use vacuum to block damage for 
you. When you’re using barrier, have him throw trash bombs, or throw you 
an air barrier.
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