Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Best Way to Start:
Written by nickdood
How you should manage your aquarium to bring in the most money!
When Starting Chillquarium, one may not know what fish to sell and
what fish to keep in their tank!
This guide will explain the best way to start your Chillquarium.
While even the common fish look nice in aquarium they are not worth
keeping for their small daily incomes. I would recommend to completely
ignore aesthetics in the beginning of your Chillquarium journey and
focus solely on acquiring the most profitable fish.
A good rule of thumb to aim for is selling any fish that do not bring
in at least $10 a day.
This would mean sell any commons in your tank, sell all rares except
for Flowerhorn Cichlid, keep all epics except for the Discus. and keep
both legendary fish.
While there may be painted fish you want to keep I still would not keep
them if they are not bringing in at least $10 a day.
Gold fish have high sell values and the best option would usually be
to sell them.
I find the best strategy is to simply make the most profitable aquarium
you possibly can and then starting a second aquarium ignoring profit
numbers and just building the most aesthetically pleasing aquarium you
would like. This first profit based aquarium will put you on a fast track
to getting the pebbles, lights, and decorations you want for your dream
As your tank grows and gets more profitable you can increase the minimum
daily earning fish to $15.
In the end keep what fish you would like and make your aquarium fit
whatever style you like but this is my recommendation on the best and
fastest way to get your dream Chillquarium.
How to Easily and Effortlessly Auto Feed Your Fish:
Written by Wisdom
It’s super simple!
* Lure your fish to the bottom, left side – all the way to the bottom
but a place where your fish can still reach bait!
* ALT+TAB to anything else.
* That’s it! You will now auto feed your fish.
Guide to Get Infinite Money, Golden and Rainbow Fish:
Written by Robbe
-=Location of Save Game File=-
* Paste this path in your file explorer search bar:
%APPDATA%\Godot\app_userdata -> press ENTER
* Open the "chillquarium" map.
* Open the "V" map.
* The files in this map are the Save Game files.
-=Manipulate the Files=-
The "" file, is the file where you can edit your money and your
mercy timers for golden and rainbow fish drops.
The other files are the different tanks where you can edit specific fish elements
like experience.
Open any file with a text editor program. Notepad++ is free!
* Important: change the values of these settings when the game is not open.
* Save the file with your new values and then you can open the game.
* Change the values of these variables in the first line of code:
* mercy_timer: set to 20000 -> this setting makes sure your next pack of fish
will have a gold fish!
Important: after you get a goldfish, this value will be reset by the game.
So you will have to edit it again to 20000 if you want another golden drop.
* Money: set to any number you want (Maximum: 921639280084223898).
* rainbow_mercy_timer: set to 20000 (same remark as the other mercy timer).
Change the values of the fish for each tank. These are very self explanatory.
The most usefull one to me is the xp value. I set it to 1000000 (one milion)
so my fish instantly becomes an adult.
Again: change the values while the game is closed. Save the file, and then open
the game with your new values.
How to Get Almost 100% Achievement by Editing Save Files:
Written by Jurk0wski
Replace one line in your save file in order to nearly 100% of the game’s achievements.
If you’ve played for a while, you’ve probably realized just how grindy getting all
of the achievements will be. Getting all the normal fish is fine enough, and getting
all the painted fish can be done with some simple effort, but getting all of the
golden fish requires a lot of successful RNG, to the point of absurdity.
Fortunately, the save file is easy enough to edit. For most people,
your save file is located at:
* C:\Users\%YOURPCNAMEHERE%\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Chillquarium\V7
If you can’t find it, a simple google search should suffice.
-=Editing the save=-
* Open “” in your text editor of choice.
Even just Notepad works fine, though I do suggest Notepad++.
* The second line should start with something similar to:
Where the first fish, alphabetically, that you already have in your fish log is
listed first, in this example, the “Goldfish”.
* The end of that line should end in:
If the only fish you have so far in your log is a normal “Goldfish”, the entire
line would look something like this:
All you need to do, is replace that entire line with this:
{"Acara":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Achilles Tang":[-1,0,1,2,3],"African Butterflyfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"African Cichlid":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Alligator Gar":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Amazon Leaffish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Angelfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Arapaima":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Arowana":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Assassin Snail":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Atlantic Tarpon":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Australian Lungfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Axolotl":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Bala Shark":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Banded Coral Shrimp":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Banggai
Cardinalfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Barracuda":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Barred Knifejaw":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Basking
Shark":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Betta":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Black Tang":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Blobfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Blue Grass Guppy":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Blue Marlin":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Blue Tang":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Bluefin
Trevally":[-1,3],"Bluespine Unicornfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Bullhead Catfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"California Sheephead":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Carp":[-1,3],"Celestial Pearl Danio":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Cherry Shrimp":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Chili Rasbora":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Chinese Trumpetfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Clown Loach":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Clownfish":[-1,3],"Coelacanth":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Colossal Squid"
:[-1,0,1,2,3],"Copperband Butterflyfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Corydoras":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Cowfish":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Devils Hole Pupfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Discus":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Dwarf Cichlid":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Dwarf Gourami":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Elephant Fish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Exquisite Fairy
Wrasse":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Falco Hawkfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Fire Eel":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Firefish Goby":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Flame Angelfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Flounder":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Flowerhorn Cichlid":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Frogfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Garibaldi":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Ghost Knifefish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Ghost Pipefish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Giant Barb":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Giant Pacific Octopus":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Giant Squid":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Giant Trevally":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Glassfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Goldfish"
:[-1,3],"Goliath Grouper":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Great White Shark":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Green Sunfish":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Gulper Eel":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Halfbeak":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Halibut":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Hammerhead Shark":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Hatchetfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Hillstream Loach":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Hogfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Horse Face Loach":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Humphead Parrotfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Kijimuna Goby":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Killifish":[-1,3],"King Salmon":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Koi":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Kuhli Loach":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Lancetfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Leafy Seadragon":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Lingcod":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Lionfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Longfin Batfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Lumpfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Lyretail Anthias":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Mahi Mahi":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Mandarinfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Manta
Ray":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Mantis Shrimp":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Masked Angelfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Mola Mola":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Moonfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Moorish Idol":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Moray Eel":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Mudskipper":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Nassau Grouper":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Neon Tetra":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Neopercularis Hogfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Ninja Woodcat":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Northern Pike":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Oarfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Ornate Bichir":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Oscar":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Otocinclus Catfish":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Pacific Lookdown":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Paddlefish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Panda Garras":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Payara":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Pea Puffer":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Peacock Bass":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Peacock Gudgeon":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Perch":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Pictus Catfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Piranha":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Pleco":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Polka Dot Stingray":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Pufferfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Rainbow Trout":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Rainbowfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Ramshorn Snail":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Ranchu Goldfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Red Snapper":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Redtail Catfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Rock Greenling":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Royal Gramma":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Ruby Red Dragonet":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Rummy Nose Tetra":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Saw Shark":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Scaly Foot Snail":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Scorpionfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Sea Bass":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Sea Slug":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Seahorse":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Snakehead":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Sockeye Salmon":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Spotted Ribbonfish":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Sturgeon":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Surge Wrasse":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Swordfish":[-1,3],
"Swordtail":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Tequila Splitfin":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Threadfin Rainbowfish":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Tiger Shovelnose Catfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Tiger Trout":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Triggerfish":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Upside Down Catfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Viperfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Wagtail Platy":
[-1,0,1,2,3],"Wahoo":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Walleye":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Whale Shark":[-1,0,1,2,3],
"Whiptail Catfish":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Wolf Eel":[-1,0,1,2,3],"Yellowfin Tuna":[-1,0,1,2,3],
If you properly replace that line, save the file, and open the game, you will find
that almost your entire fish collection is complete. Almost all fish will have all
normal, painted, golden, and rainbow variants unlocked in the fish collection,
except for the first, most common, fish in each pack, which only have the rainbow
variant unlocked.
From there, all you need to do is get the normal, painted, and golden variant of
the most common fish in each pack to complete each achievement: Bluefin Trevally,
Carp, Clownfish, Goldfish, Killifish, and Swordfish.
-=Final Thoughts=-
You can further edit the save to give yourself more funds, or guarantee a golden or
rainbow on your next pack as well, though other guides cover that already.
I’m unsure if achievements properly trigger if you have a 100% complete fish
collection save, as I didn’t test it myself.
I’ll be honest, if the hardest achievements were to just get all the painted fish,
I’d have done it naturally, but in my opinion, getting full gold takes far too long
even with infinite funds to cycle through baby fish constantly.
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accessible from one central location. (Release date January 07, 2024)
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