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Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions Cheats

Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Do Charged Shots:
Written by K4ution

-=How to Do Charged Shots (Properly)=-
I have seen a lot of complains from people saying that they take too long so:

* Be sure that you don't have red stamina.
* The character needs to have a special shot (they have an additional square 
  in the charging shot bar).
* If you dribble against 2 defenders your shot charges way faster (like if
  you activated a V-zone) you can even start charging the shot during the 
  second dribble animation.
* If one of your players has a charged long pass (like Tsubasa for example)
  you can instantly do a charged shot afterwards by holding square.

How to get "Scouted":
Written by By Koaany

How to get Scouted by Brazil, America , Germany and Roberto Hongo. Tutorial for 
Captain Tsubasa Rise Of New Champions, how to get achievments for getting scouted
and how to play finals with america/brazil (secret route)

-=How to get scouted by America=-
* When you beat Nankatsu MS, before facing Germany in the prologue.
* Add Ryan Ortiz in your Friends, now play until you beat Italy.

1.You go the American Route after your match against Italy, in the final you have 
  to play against America.

2.Ryan Ortiz must be rank S before the final match.

3.Before the final, Ryan Ortiz will give you special mission/challenge - you will 
  use his "Analyze Shot" in the Final, and you must get A Rank in Shots with your 
  custom character.
  A Rank = Two Goals and keep showing whenever you get a chances with him.

* Trophies Unlocked:-
* Trophy: Tyrant of the Field
* Description: Beat America in the Junior Youth World Challenge.
* Trophy: Scouted by America
* Description: The custom player was scouted by America.

-=How To get Scouted by Brazil=-
* When you beat Nankatsu MS, before facing Germany in the prologue.
* Add Carlos Bara and Alberto in your Friends, now play until you beat Italy.

1.You go the Brazil Route after beating Italy, in the final you have to play 
  against Brazil!
2.Carlos Bara & Alberto must be rank S before the final.
3.You have to learn "Sacred Shot" from Alberto.
4.Before the final, Carlos Bara will give you choose a special mission/challenge.
  you use his "Sacred Shot" in the final, you must get A Rank in Shots with your 
  custom character.
  A Rank = Two Goals and keep showing whenever you get a chances with him.

* Trophies Unlocked:-
* Trophy: Soccer Cyborg
* Description: Beat Brazil in the Junior Youth World Challenge.
* Trophy: Scouted by Brazil
* Description: The custom player was scouted by Brazil.

-=Scouted by Germany=-
* When you beat Nankatsu MS, before facing Germany in the prologue.
* Add Karl Heinz Schneider in your Friends, now play until you beat Italy.

1.You go the normal Route, in the final you have to play against Germany!
2.Karl Heinz Schneider must be rank S before the final.
3.Before the final, Karl Heinz Schneider will give you a special mission/challenge 
  before the final match - you use his "Fire Shot" in the final and must get A Rank 
  in the Shots with your custom character.
  A Rank = Two Goals and keep showing whenever you get a chances with him.

If you get a score against Germany in the prologue then you will unlock:

* Trophy: Huge Goal
* Description: Scored a goal against Germany in the prologue match.
* Other Trophies:-
* Trophy: The Young Emperor and Sprite
* Description: Beat Germany in the Junior Youth World Challenge.

* Trophy: Scouted by Germany
* Description: The custom player was scouted by Germany.

-=Scouted by Roberto Hongo=-
* When you beat Nankatsu MS, before facing Germany in the prologue.
* Add Tsubasa Ozora in your Friends, now play until you beat Italy.

1.It doesn't matter which Route you take!
2.Tsubasa Ozora must be rank S before the final.
3.Before the final, Tsubasa Ozora will give you a special mission/challenge - 
  you use his "Drive Shot" in the final and must get A Rank in the Shots with 
  your custom character.
A Rank = Two Goals and keep showing whenever you get a chances with him.

* Trophy Unlocked:-
* Trophy: Back to Roberto & Tsubasa
* Description: The custom player was scouted by Roberto.

* Furano Team is best as you can use his Appeal to choose more than one group.
* Also the training items such as Golden Ball or anything that increases your 
  friendship points helps.
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