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Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse Cheats

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Part 1:

-=Easy "Joey Easter Egg" achievement=-
There is a painted glass next to the Le Lizard Bleu immediately after the tree. 
On that glass is a small yellow robot named "Joey", a character from Beneath A 
Steel Sky. Select him six times with George and Nico at the following points:

* When you can leave the gallery just after the murder. 
* When Nico returns to the gallery and Moue is there. 
* After you return from Vera Security as George. 
* When you are Nico and allow Marques into the Adam's apartment. 
* When Navet calls you to come to the gallery. 
* After you get the keys for the gallery from Bijou.

-=Easy "Local Call" achievement=-
While playing as Nico at Castell del Sants, enter the old car where you found 
the mirror. Use your press card on the radio to get the "Local Call" achievement.

-=Easy "Super-Charged Potpourri Easter Egg" achievement=-
While making the potpourri, combine wood shavings, flowers, and eud de toilette 
before burning it to get the "Super-Charged Potpourri Easter Egg" achievement.
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