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Broken Ground Cheats

Broken Ground

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Written by x0reNTV.

If you haven't already, use code BadEggs20 in the SHOP section to get 
20 free credits and a Bad Eggs badge.

How to Get the Mjollnir Weapon:
Written by MrMeatMan

The Mjollnir in Broken Ground is a melee weapon resembling a hammer which can 
be unlocked through an easter egg on the map "Valhalla". In this guide I will 
teach you how to unlock the map "Valhalla", get the Mjollnir, and go over the 
weapon's basics.

-=Unlocking Valhalla=-
The first step to unlocking Mjollnir is obviously to unlock the map where it can 
be found. To unlock Mjollnir, your Broken Ground account must reach 50 deaths. 
You can check your deaths by going to the "statistics" tab:

Once this happens, you should get a notification saying you have unlocked the map. 
The map should be listed to the right of "Biodome" and to the left of the "generated" 
map sets in the level selector.

-=Unlocking the Mjollnir=-
To unlock the Mjollnir, you will need to launch a game with your friend, or, if 
you are very diplomatic you might be able to get some random players to help you 
in a public game.

Once you get into the game, you and your friend will need to approach both of 
these two odd circlular symbols. You should both position yourselves in front of 
one. When you press X, a light of thunder will strike above you. When both have 
been pressed, you will trigger an event in the map.

When you do this, the Mjollnir should come flying down into the middle area of 
the map. Walk up to it and press X. You will collect the hammer. Once you've done 
that, finish your game and go to your inventory, and you should see it! 

-=What Does the Mjollnir Do?=-
The Mjollnir is a melee weapon, which you can use to fling enemies across the map. 
It is unique in that it uses a slot-machine mechanic which triggers when you fire 
the weapon, and based on how many slots you match the damage will increase, as 
well as how far your enemy will go.

The best combination is 3 skulls, which can do up to 38 damage and completely 
launch your opponent across the map. Other combinations will do less, but still 
punt enemies to a degree.

It should be noted that 3 skulls is the only full combination that the game 
allows you to get, meaning it is impossible to get 3 sevens, or 3 leaves, etc.
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