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Bounty game Cheats

Bounty game

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Cash Chest Explained:
Written by Solo

A simple guide to clear up the confusion people have (from reading reviews) 
on the amount of Cash you need to open The Cash Chest. People think that you
need 100,000 Cash to open the Cash Chest when that is not the case.

-=The Amount=-
The Currency we will be focusing on is.

It asks you for 1,000k to open 1 Cash Chest which equates to 1M or 1,000,000. 
Same goes for the 5,000k which is 5M or 5,000,000 to open 5 Cash Chests in 
one single click.

How to Select Other Game Modes:
Written by Solo

There are other game modes and future game modes to come in Bounty Game. This 
guide will explain how you can change what mode you enter.

-=Change Modes=-
Bounty Game How to Select Other Game ModesClick On Free mode and the mode 
menu will appear.

The cogwheel button is only available for Custom Mode and it allows you to 
change the settings to your liking.

* Bounty Game How to Select Other Game Modes

-=Free Mode=-
* No Entrance Fee
* Rewards: Cash, Chips, Chests

-=Standard Mode=-
* Entrance Fee: 100 Chips
* Rewards: Chips, Gold Coins, Chests

-=Custom Mode=-
* Create your own lobby and play with friends.
* Rewards: None (Good times with friends and hilarious moments)

-=Things To Keep In Mind=-
* Each of the available modes needs a minimum of 10 people for the match 
  to begin.

* Play Free Mode to gain a large amount of Cash.

* Play Standard Mode to gain a large amount of Chips and a decent amount 
  of Gold Coins.
* With each course completed in a single match the more your individual 
  rewards increase at the end of each course.
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