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Bionic Commando (2009) Cheats

Bionic Commando (2009)

Item Unlockables:
Successfully complete Bionic Commando Rearmed with the following tasks done to get codes to 
unlock the "Purple Matrix", "Retro Oufit", and "Prototype Weapon" in Bionic Commando. 
Note: The codes are different between PCs.

Unlockable          How to Unlock
Prototype Weapon  - Pick up the Albatross icon from the last level of BC: Rearmed. This 
                    will unlock the Prototype that will replace the Tungsten in Bionic Commando.
The Purple Matrix - Collect every yashicis in BC: Rearmed. Then, travel to Area00 to gain the 
                    "purple pickup" to gain the Purple Matrix to use in Bionic Commando. This 
                    Matrix will allow you to access a secret room in the Fissure.
Retro Skin        - Complete Bionic Commando Rearmed.

Level Boss Unlockables:
How to Unlock            Unlockable 
Destroy the Buraq      - "Six Shooter" (the Tarantula can now lock on to six targets, 
Defeat the Mohole      - "No Clipping" (increased ammo capacity for SJMG), Red Matrix
                         (can open Red Matrix doors)
Defeat the Constructor - "White Matrix" (White Matrix doors can now be opened).

Hidden ending message:
Successfully complete the game. After the credits, a screen with red Morse code will appear.

Resident Evil 5 reference:
Towards the beginning of the game, after you exit through the big hole in the side of the
building there is a Tricell billboard. This is a reference to Resident Evil 5.

Complete the indicated task to complete the indicated challenge. Available challenges
can be viewed on the "Information" screen. 

Arm and Wire Action: Leap Up!           - Perform a leap up.
Arm and Wire Action: First Swing        - Perform a swing.
Arm and Wire Action: Hand-To-Hand       - Kill a grunt in hand-to-hand combat.
Arm and Wire Action: Kick In The Back   - Perform 2 zip kicks on an enemy.
Arm and Wire Action: Reel In            - Reel in 3 times.
Arm and Wire Action: Speed Swinger      - Complete 5 consecutive speed swings.
Arm and Wire Action: Swinger            - Complete 3 consecutive swings.
Arm and Wire Action: Train Block        - Pull down the vehicle that is blocking your way.
Arm and Wire Action: Train Wreck        - Pull down 3 train cars.
Arm and Wire Action: Barrage            - Kill 3 enemies at the same time with a death from above.
Arm and Wire Action: Incoming!          - Kill an enemy with a death from above.
Arm and Wire Action: Jabberman          - Kill 10 grunts in hand-to-hand combat.
Arm and Wire Action: Monkeyman          - Swing longer than 30 meters without touching anything.
Arm and Wire Action: Pull!              - Kill an airborne enemy with a throw attack.
Arm and Wire Action: Receiving End      - Throw an object at an enemy.
Arm and Wire Action: The Pinball Effect - Kill 2 enemies with one throw.
Arm and Wire Action: The Pitcher        - Kill 50 enemies with the throw attack.
Arm and Wire Action: Worthy foe         - Kill 3 biomech in hand-to-hand combat.
Enemy Combat: Anti-Air Measures!        - Destroy 1 polycraft.
Enemy Combat: Biomech Sweeper           - Defeat 15 biomechs.
Enemy Combat: Blood Trial               - Kill 10 grunts.
Enemy Combat: Cracker                   - Defeat 5 biomechs.
Enemy Combat: Fair Fight!               - Defeat 1 biomech.
Enemy Combat: Headshot Bonanza          - Kill 50 grunts with a headshot.
Enemy Combat: Nemesis                   - Kill 350 grunts.
Enemy Combat: Poly Cruncher             - Destroy 10 polycraft.
Enemy Combat: Slayer                    - Kill 25 enemy grunts.
Enemy Combat: The bold approach         - Hit 1 biomech with a single death from above.
Enemy Combat: Torn Into Pieces          - While in the air, destroy 1 polycraft.
Weapon Usage: Air To Surface            - Use the Tarantula to kill 6 enemies while swinging.
Weapon Usage: Close up                  - Shoot an enemy while zoomed in.
Weapon Usage: Drive By                  - Kill 3 grunts with the hiker while swinging.
Weapon Usage: Explosive Delivery        - Kill 2 grunts with the bulldog while swinging.
Weapon Usage: Kaboom                    - Use a grenade to kill a grunt.
Weapon Usage: Let The Dog Out           - Kill 3 grunts with one bulldog shot.
Weapon Usage: Man Locked Up             - Use the Tarantula's lock-on ability to kill 1 infantry unit.
Weapon Usage: Rocket Man                - Use the Tarantula to kill 10 enemies.
Weapon Usage: Stroke Of Luck            - Kill 1 enemy by using the bulldog.
Weapon Usage: The River                 - Kill 5 grunts with a single grenade.
Weapon Usage: The Turn                  - Kill 4 grunts with a single grenade.
Weapon Usage: Two Hit Wonder            - Kill 2 guards with a single hiker shot.

Crude Audio Switchup:
At the fight with the MOHOLE, the tunneling worm boss, lose the fight once and 
retry to hear a strangely lewd (and fourth-wall-busting) exchange between Spencer
and his superior:

Spencer: Woah is that a long health bar or are you just happy to see me?
Radio:   There's no way out, you'll just have to [THE MOTHER OF ALL EXPLETIVES] it!
Spencer: Um…

Complete the following task to unlock the corresponding upgrade. 

Ammunition Upgrade 1: Use a grenade to kill one Grunt. This increases ammo capacity. 
Ammunition Upgrade 2: Kill an enemy with a Death From Above. This increases your ammo capacity.
Faster Reload 1     : Defeat one Biomech. This decreases the reload rate of the Yelena. 
Faster Reload 2     : Use the Kite ability on 15 Grunts and kill them in the air. 
                      This decreases the reload rate of the Yelena. 
Firestorm           : Kill three Grunts with one Bulldog shot. 
                      This increases the blast radius for the Bulldog. 
Hip Shot            : Kill 10 Grunts. This increases shot accuracy for Tungsten. 
Hollow Point        : Destroy one Polycraft. 
                      Tungsten damage will be increased (one of two). 
In Your Face        : Kill two Grunts with a single Hiker shot. 
                      The rate of fire on the Hiker will be increased. 
Light Armor         : Kill a Grunt in hand-to-hand. 
                      This increases how much damage you can take. 
No Clipping         : Defeat the Mohole. 
                      This increases ammo capacity for the SJMG) 
Precision           : Shoot an enemy while zoomed in with the pistol. 
                      This decreases the bullet spread when zoomed-in with the Tungsten.
Red Matrix          : Defeat the Mohole. Red Matrix doors can now be opened. 
Reloaded            : Kill two Grunts with the Bulldog while swinging. 
                      This decreases the Bulldog reload time 
Six Shooter         : Destroy the Buraq. 
                      The Tarantula can now lock on to six targets simultaneously. 
Sledgehammer        : Kill three Grunts with the Hiker while swinging. 
                      Hiker damage is increased. 
Super Charges       : Kill one Grunt with a Whip Spin attack. 
                      Tungsten damage has been increased (two of two). 
The Bullet Hoser    : Kill three Biomechs in hand-to-hand combat. 
                      This increases rate of fire of the SJMG. 
White Matrix        : Defeat the Constructor. White Matrix doors can now be opened.

Achievement List:
Submitted by: Arju

Air to Surface (20)    - Complete "Air to Surface" challenge.
Barrage (15)           - Complete "Barrage" challenge.
Biomech Sweeper (25)   - Complete "Biomech Sweeper" challenge.
Blood Trial (5)        - Complete "Blood Trial" challenge.
Can you dig it? (40)   - Complete "Can you dig it?" challenge.
Choke on that (50)     - Kill the final boss - Kill him for good.
Close Up (5)           - Complete "Close Up" challenge.
Come Out and Play (20) - Complete "Come Out and Play" challenge.
Cracker (15)           - Complete "Cracker" challenge.
Crowd Control (20)     - Complete "Crowd Control" challenge.
Down To Earth (10)     - Complete "Down To Earth" challenge.
Drive-by (20)          - Complete "Drive-by" challenge.
End Game (50)          - Complete the final mission.
Fair Fight! (10)       - Complete "Fair Fight!" challenge.
Headshot Bonanza (25)  - Complete "Headshot Bonanza" challenge.
I got Hard (75)        - Finish the game in Hard mode.
I went Commando (100)  - Finish the game in Commando mode.
Incoming! (10)         - Complete "Incoming!" challenge.
Jabber Man (10)        - Complete "Jabber Man" challenge.
Kaboom (5)             - Complete "Kaboom" challenge.
Kick In The Back (10)  - Complete "Kick In The Back" challenge.
Leap Up! (5)           - Complete "Leap Up!" challenge.
Let the Dog Out (15)   - Complete "Let the Dog Out" challenge.
Man Locked Up (5)      - Complete "Man Locked Up" challenge.
Nemesis (25)           - Complete "Nemesis" challenge.
Out of the Bush (30)   - Complete "Out of the Bush" challenge.
Poly Cruncher (25)     - Complete "Poly Cruncher" challenge.
Pull! (15)             - Complete "Pull!" challenge.
Receiving End (10)     - Complete "Receiving End" challenge.
Rocket Man (10)        - Complete "Rocket Man" challenge.
Shellshock (25)        - Complete "Shellshock" challenge.
Shoot 'Em Up! (15)     - Complete "Shoot 'Em Up!" challenge.
Slayer (10)            - Complete "Slayer" challenge.
Stroke of Luck (5)     - Complete "Stroke of Luck" challenge.
Swinger (5)            - Complete "Swinger" challenge.
The Collector (50)     - Find all collectibles in the game.
The Pitcher (25)       - Complete "The Pitcher" challenge.
The River (10)         - Complete "The River" challenge.
Torn Into Pieces (10)  - Complete "Torn Into Pieces" challenge.
Train Wreck (5)        - Complete "Train Wreck" challenge.
Two Hit Wonder (10)    - Complete "Two Hit Wonder" challenge.
Whip 'Em Good (25)     - Complete "Whip 'Em Good" challenge.
Whoo-paah! (10)        - Complete "Whoo-paah!" challenge.
Worthy Foe (10)        - Complete "Worthy Foe" challenge.

Easy Challenge Completion:
Submitted by: Arju

- This one is somewhat tricky but not as bad as the Drive-By one was. While
swinging from location to location killing enemies is awkward but fun. Simply
hold down the fire button to lock onto enemies and releasing when you've got a
red lock on them. By doing this liberally you will get the achievement quick
enough. Nets you the Air To Surface achievement.

- Destroying a single Polycraft is easy enough. One burst from the Tarantula
or a few zip kicks will take it out of the air. Go for the zip kicks since that
will also get you the Torn Into Pieces challenge.

- This is easy enough to get as you're playing through the levels. Gather up a
bunch of enemies by letting them see you and then retreating. Climb up on top
of a building or structure and wait for them to cluster underneath you. Now
leap down and mash on the button to perform as strong of a DFA as you can. If
you have a large enough group you should kill at least three and net this
achievement as well as opening up the Shellshock challenge.

- Since you pretty much have to kill every single Biomech that you come across
throughout the game this one will come up eventually. You should earn it by the
time that you reach the Ascension City Garden.

- You will get this as you play the game as well as the Slayer Challenge.
This unlocks the Slayer Blood Trial achievement..

- This is probably one of the hardest achievements in the game to get since
there is no real one great place for it. Some people prefer trying for it in
Port Anderson three but the best place this author has found to do it is in
Ascension park one. Near the end of the stage there will be three enemies on a
central platform in the water. By going all the way to the right near the trees
and firing a bulldog shot at their position on the radar you should get this
within a few tries. If you mess up you can kill yourself and reload right near
the area for another try.

- This is awarded for defeating the Mohole boss. This also comes with an

- To get this all you need to do is defeat Gottfried Groeder. This too comes
with an achievement.

- Simply use the zoom in function to do this one. It's impossible to not get
this one at some point. Nets you the Close Up achievement.

- Getting this can be a bit tricky since the Biomech are quite difficult by
the time you get this challenge. Your best bet is to stay moving when there's
only one of them. Either use a DFA or grenade to stagger it and leave it open
to attack. Now grapple to its back, jump and then hit the buttons to start the
adrenaline attack and kill it off. Nets you the respective achievement.

- This should be obtained when you reach the tunnel level just after the
fissure via killing a standard Biomech. This nets you the Cracker achievement
and opens up the Biomech Sweeper challenge.

- There are two ideal places to pull off this challenge. The first is in the
same place as the Shellshock -  in the area right after the Avenue of Heroes,
Ascension City Park two. If you go in with a full adrenaline bar you should be
able to get both of them here. However if you need more you can clear that area
and continue forward. Ahead is a small metal bridge with about eight enemies
in the immediate area. Getting this achievement here is no big deal. This also
unlocks the Whip It Good challenge.

- Yet another really easy challenge. Simply use the Kite command on an
infantry unit and then smash them once the option comes up and you've targeted
another soldier. Nets you the achivement and the Shoot 'Em Up challenge.

- This one is fairly difficult to get as you don't often have much Hiker ammo
and killing three enemies with any weapon while swinging is tough. A better
idea is to go into a low ceiling hallway where enemies will come at you and
attach to the ceiling. Keep on swinging back and forth just a little bit and
shoot enemies as they come. You should kill them in no time as well as complete
this challenge. This unlocks the Lead Sprayer challenge as well as the Drive By

- You will get this upon defeating the final boss in the interactive cutscene.
If you've completed all Challenges by this point, including the Collector ones,
you will get the Bionically Challenged achievement.

- Three achievements are quite easily gotten at the same time if you're clever
enough. What you want to do is hold onto the Bulldog the first time that you
get it. Don't shoot it at all until you've finished off the two Polycraft. Now
go onto the roof you can see the relay on. Get the enemies attention and kill
the first one to get the Stroke of Luck challenge. This nets you two more
challenges an the Stroke of Luck achievement. Now turn around, run off the roof
and start swinging from one of the green girders with the nVidia billboard on
it. Some enemies will begin parachuting into the area to reinforce the two
troops there to begin with. Wait for them to all cluster together near the edge
while shooting at you before you fire at them. You should easily get Explosive
Delivery and Let the Dog Out, netting you two more achievements.

- You will get this at the end of stage five after you've defeated the first
of the two Biomechs there. Either use the Hiker on their backs or use the zip
kick to take them out quickly.

- Not a hard one to get but a bit time consuming you're going to want to melee
the enemies every time you can. Sometimes the DFAs and grapple kills count but
other times it seems like they're ignored. So do your best to use flat out
melee attacks. Killing enough of them nets you the achievement.

- An easy enough one to get, you can acquire it in the very first room if you
like. Opens up the Swinger challenge.

- Once this opens up it's really easy to pull off on an enemy soldier. Simply
grab them with the arm, kite them and start shooting with a machinegun. As
they're hit they will bounce upwards allowing you to shoot them all the more.
Opens up the Down to Earth challenge.

- Simply melee the first enemy that you run across. Luckily Spencer has some
serious melee damage going on.

- This one isn't terriby difficult to get on the lower difficulties. Simply
take your time to aim at enemies heads before wasting ammo. It saves bullets
and gets you this challenge. You recieve the Headshot Bonanza achievement for
this one.

- You're going to need to get higher up to enable this attack. An easy place
to get it is after you've activated the third relay in Ascension city six. Five
enemies will be all clustered around so repeatedly perform Death From Aboves to
get this as well as, potentially, the next challenge this unlocks, Barrage.
Also nets you the Incoming achievement as well.

- Killing ten grunts in hand-to-hand is about as simple as can be. Just don't
use any zip kicks, either melee or use Death From Above to get them. This
unlocks the Feel the Beat, Y'all! challenge and nets you the achievement.

- In the fourth part of the first level you will find your first grenade. Take
it up the stairs inside the monorail station and blow the two conversing
enemies up. This unlocks The Turn challenge and nets you the Kaboom

- Not quite so easy early on you will need to grab an enemy with your arm,
jump and zip to them which gives them a solid kick. It's not the safest of
things since you die pretty easily but just try it when there's one enemy a
fair distance away. You should get it without much difficulty.

- All you need to do to clear this challenge is to cluster up a group of
enemies, drop on into the middle of them and use the arm swing. If you're quick
enough you should be able to do this without taking too much damage. Unlocks
the Crowd Control challenge.

- This one can take you awhile since it takes a bit to get used to the Hiker
and how it fires. What you generally want to do is hold onto the Hiker in later
levels of the game (Act 2 and beyond) and keep on using it. Don't swap it out
when you find another weapon unless you need to and look for the red banded
containers to refill it. It might take awhile but you should have no problem
getting it before act 3 even starts.

-  This can be easily obtained in the very first room after the tutorial just
zipping around the room you're in to get it. Nets you the Leap Up achievement
and opens up the Kick in the Back challenge.

- Three achievements are quite easily gotten at the same time if you're smart.
What you want to do is hold onto the Bulldog the first time that you get it.
Don't shoot it at all until you've finished off the two Polycraft. Now go onto
the roof you can see the relay on. Get the enemies attention and kill the first
one to get the Stroke of Luck challenge. This nets you two more challenges and
the Stroke of Luck achievement. Now turn around, run off the roof and start
swinging from one of the green girders with the nVidia billboard on it.
You should see some enemies parachuting into the area to reinforce the two
troops there to begin with. Wait for them to all cluster together near the edge
of the roof, shooting at you, to fire at them. You should easily get Explosive
Delivery and Let the Dog Out, netting you two more achievements. Let the Dog
Out also opens up the Bulldog's Eye challenge.

- This is easy enough, simply lock on the tarantula to at least one infantry
unit and blow him away. This nets you the achievement and opens up the Rocket
Man and Air to Surface challenges. If you'd like to get a leg up on the Air to
Surface challenge use the tarantula to do this while swinging.

- Get this on the first street after the leap of faith. Simply don't let
yourself bump into anything or accidentally land on to of a sign and you will
be fine. Start near the phone booth and try to stay low but not too low.

- So long as you kill every enemy that you're coming across you should get
this by the time you're playing through Port Anderson one. It's not the hardest
to get so long as you're thorough and not avoiding gunfights. Also nets you an

- This is gotten as you play through the game by simply defeating the Buraq
chopper at the end of Act 1.

- This will be obtained as you play through the game.

- While this sounds tricky it really isn't. All you need to do is wait until
you reach the area with two Polycraft on the city streets. Then fling the car
and two big bricks at one of them to destroy it and nab this achievement.

- Simple enough; just use the arm to toss a rock or two at a Polycraft. This
nets you the achievement and unlocks The Pinball Effect challenge.

- Simply use the zip function three times to clear this challenge.

- You should get this one as you're playing through the game. Just keep the
Tarantula you are given to fight the first Polycraft pair in the game and use
it against any enemies you find from that point on. You should get it with ease
especially if you can use one shot to kill multiple enemies.

- Yet another really difficult DFA challenge. The best way to clear this one
is to wait until you get to the area right after the Avenue of Heroes, Park
two. If you enter the tunnel down here there are a bunch of enemies you can
aggro and draw them together for a DFA. Remember to use your adrenaline to
boost it up by hitting the two melee buttons at once repeatedly as you fall.
You should have no problem killing them and getting the achievement.

- This is a fairly simple one although it's alot harder on the higher levels
of difficulty. All you need to do is grapple 15 soldiers, kite them up into the
air and shoot them dead. You get an achievement for your troubles.

- For this you have to kill 25 grunts. However you got your first ten
completing the Blood Trial challenge that unlocked this. So really just kill 15
more enemies and this one is yours. Nets you the Slayer achievement as well as
the Headshot Bonanza and Nemesis challenges.

- This one isn't too hard but it is tricky. Complete it on the street after
the leap of faith to help you learn how to do speed swings. What you want to do
is let go of the swing while the blue lines are near your reticule. This means
you will speed off rather quickly. Now you need to do five of these in a row
repeatedly. It doesn't matter if you don't seem to be moving too fast or bump
into things. Just keep doing it when the blue lines are there and you will
complete this challenge.

- Easy enough to get, you just have to hold onto your adrenaline a bit. The
first opportunity you will get to perform this move is in the Fissure IV, the
one that comes up after the Buraq fight. Here you will be heading towards a
relay that, once you hack, brings out a Polycraft. Simply draw it close, grab
onto it with the wire and then hit the buttons to auto-kill it.

- Three achievements are quite easily gotten at the same time if you're clever
enough. What you want to do is hold onto the Bulldog the first time that you
get it. Don't shoot it at all until you've finished off the two Polycraft. Now
go onto the roof you can see the relay on. Get the enemies attention and kill
the first one to get the Stroke of Luck challenge. This nets you two more
challenges an the Stroke of Luck achievement. Now turn around, run off the roof
and start swinging from one of the green girders with the nVidia billboard on
it. You should see some enemies parachuting into the area to reinforce the two
troops there to begin with. Wait for them to all cluster together near the
edge, shooting at you, to fire at them. You should easily get Explosive
Delivery and Let the Dog Out, netting you two more achievements.

- After taking the leap of faith in the first level simply swing from girder
to girder to get this one with ease. Nets you the Swinger achievement and opens
up the Speed Swinger challenge.

- This is pretty difficult to do with the first ones you come across but
possible. Slip to the right and climb up the front of the central bank. You
will start taking radiation damage so quickly leap off and Death From Above the
Biomech to get this.

- Definitely the hardest one in the game this requires you to find every one
of the blue orbs. Once you have all 150 of them you will finish this challenge.
Take note that there is no way to get a collectible if you miss one. You have
to get them all in one pass through the game for it to count. Level select does
not work for this. You net The Collector achievement.

- This is easily gotten in the second part of the Fissure stage. You will come
upon a group of about four enemies with a police car nearby. Simply wait for
them to come to you and throw the police car to take them out with ease. Nets
you the respective achievement and opens up the Pull! and Pitcher challenges.

- Unlike many of the challenges in this game where you have to adapt your
style of play to work differently this one is actually a huge boon. By using
the throw command to kill enemies you're saving on ammo for when there are no
throwable objects. While doing this all you need to do is kill 50 enemies and
you will net the achievement for this challenge.

- While it sounds simple to kill five enemies with grenades it's quite
difficult to get them to cluster. Plus enemies on the periphery have a tendency
to survive with a small sliver of health left. The easiest place this writer
found to get it was in the tunnels after completing the fissure level. After
defeating the first Biomech there are a number of enemy soldiers further in the
tunnels. Simply run forward, get their attention and wait for them to cluster
up before blowing them away.

- This can be done in any number of places but this writer found it easier to
do in the tunnel that connects the two parts of stage five. A group of at least
five soldiers attacks you so you have a great chance of blowing them all away.
If done earlier this can help with the follow-up challenge.

- All you need to do to get this easily is repeatedly zip kick the Polyrcrafts
that you come across. It takes about three hits to kill them. An easy way to
lure them in close so you can do this is to hide behind something and wait for
them to pass overhead to try and ambush you. Attach, zip kick and repeat. It's
also believed you can get this by swinging, releasing and hitting them with a
tarantula shot while freefalling. Nets you the Torn Into Pieces achievement.

- You get this after you get the rip ability in the second part of the first
stage. Simply yank out the train in front of you and you will get this. This
unlocks the Train Wreck challenge.

- You got the first part of this challenge by pulling out the very first train
when you get the rip ability. You just need to find two more. The second is
towards the end of this same stage and is hiding a collectible. The third one
is found in the next stage after going up into a monorail area. Drop it on the
enemies to kill some of them and finish this challenge. This nets you the Train
Wreck achievement.

- Simple enough. After you get the Hiker head towards the waypoint. There are
four enemies clustered outside of the building entrance here so blow them away
and clear this challenge. This nets you you the Two Hit Wonder achievement and
opens up the Drive By challenge.

- Once you gain access to the adrenaline ability it's easy to get this. If you
wait long enough for the soldiers that parachute in to cluster you can get this
and the Lash Out challenge at once. Unlocks the Lash Out challenge and Whoo-Pah

- This can be a pain to get since it means putting yourself in the line of
enemy gunfire. Your best bet is to find a large group of enemies, leap into the
middle of them and immediately begin hitting the buttons. Hopefully you will
kill them before they deal too much damage to you. This works better on the
lowest difficulty level since on the higher ones you need to be more careful.
Try to never engage more than a few enemies at once and, if necessary, use a
DFA to knock them around and then perform the move. Net's you an achievement.

- Easily gotten by simply using zip kicks to take out every Biomech you come a
cross. If you do this you will get it before the end of the first Trend
Industrial section. Nets you the Worthy Foe achievement. 

Extra lives and points:
Exit level 1 when there is exactly one second remaining on the timer for nine 
lives and bonus points.
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