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Biing 2 Cheats

Biing 2

If you want to change your "Luemmelstand", execute the
following steps:

1.Save Game.  Notice you your Luemmelstand.  
2.The Luemmelstand into a Hex convert 
  (e.g. 700 = 2BC) 
3.Hex turn (e.g. 2BC = BC02) 
4.Open Savegame with a Hexeditor and look for this Hex.

The Luemmelstand is only four-digit and should considerable at 
the end of the file.  Replace the value by FFFF and you should 
65535 Luemmel have.

Individual values of the persons change with look up the person need
one the following data:  
points of formation (1.Job), 
points of formation (2.Job), 
points of formation (3.Job), 
age in Hex convert and one has the looked up person.  

19 year old Hostess with 4 points of formation those a 
Bunnygirl with 5 points of formation is simultaneous, looks
one for the following Hexwert:  " 01 05 00 04 05 13 ".  
The Offset`s is arranged in the following series:  
1.Job (2.digit), 
2.Job (2.digit), 
3.Job (2.digit), 
points of formation
1.Job (2.digit), points of formation 
2.Job (2.digit), points of formation 
3.Job (2.digit), Age(2.digit), Groesse(4.digit),
Gewicht(4.digit), IQ(4.digit), Herz(4.digit),
Oberweite(4.digit), Taille(4.digit), Becken(2.digit).
4 lines further down are the empirical values, caution to 255 are 
them to 2 digit starting from then 4 digit.  
Note:  With four-digit offset are to be rotated these.

01 Hostess 
02 chambermaids 
03 Animateur 
04 Fuzzy 
05 Bunnygirl 
06 Domina 
08 coaches 
09 Trainerin 
0A Bikinigirl 
0B portier 
0C S&M Girl
0D nurse 
0E cook
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