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Bendy and the Ink Machine Cheats

Bendy and the Ink Machine

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Secret mini boss in Chapter 2:
With the release of Chapter 4, theMeatly included a hidden boss fight. After 
you turn the second pipe wheel and gain access to Sammy Lawrence’s office,
head to the room where you first started the chapter. 

There, in the pentagram, where you regained consciousness, is a searcher 
with a miner hat. It’s larger than the other searchers you encountered 
so it’ll take 4 swings to take it out.

Chapter 2 Hidden Boss Glitch:
After spawning the hidden boss in Bendy Chapter 2, instead of killing it lead 
it to the hallway that leads to Sammy Lawrence’s office. Then, quickly go in 
to Sammy’s office and flip the pump switch. Next, lure the hidden boss to the 
area where Sammy knocks you out. If done right, after Sammy knocks you out,
 the searcher will attack you and you’ll be sent to the tunnel(the one you 
have to go forward in order to get back in to the game) After Sammy’s finished 
with his "Rest your head, it’s time for bed" phrase , you’ll transition from 
the tunnel to the area where Sammy does his monologue. But, you’ll be in 
"Bendy Limbo" and the screen will look as it does during the first jump scare 
in Chapter 4.It’ll even play the whispers you hear during said jump scare. 
After you break out of the ropes, the Searchers will spawn but they won’t 
attack. In fact, they just die, no axe whacks needed. When Bendy jump scares 
you, don’t bother running away, because he’ll just be stuck in place and the 
best part, even if you get up close to him, you won’t die! When you reach the 
end of Chapter 2 and you’re gonna transition to Chapter 3, during the loading 
screen, you’ll still hear the whispering and when you actually get into 
Chapter 3, the Bendy Limbo look is gone but the whispering still goes on.

Happy Boris Challenge:
Written by Kittanimates

A fun challenge you can do alone or with friends to unlock achievements through 
BATIM Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, and experience tons of spooks!

Welcome to the guide for the Happy Boris Challenge! This is a BATIM Chapter 3 - 4 
challenge that focuses around everyone's favorite wolf - Boris. In this challenge, 
you will make sure to give your Boris the best life he can possibly have throughout 
the time of knowing him. You can do this challenge alone, or with your friends! 
It will also act as a walkthrough in finding some achievements throughout these 
chapters. I hope you enjoy!

-=Happy Boris Challenge=-
Step 1 - Acquire the Bone

The bone is the first and most crucial step for this challenge. As soon as you 
feed your Boris, send him outside to wait. Go back into the bedroom and find a 
bone sitting under his hammock. Even though it doesn't shine, it is indeed 
collectable. Go back to your Boris, and "Knick-Knack Paddywhack", give the poor 
doggie a bone.

Step 2 - Supply food
Your Boris is bound to be hungry throughout your treacherous adventure through the 
studio. Make sure to keep him fed by collecting every last can of Bacon Soup you 
can find. A hungry Boris is a sad Boris. Bring Home the Bacon!

Step 3 - Supply a light source
The darkness of Joey Drew Studios is probably one of the scariest things there, 
and you don't want your Boris to be shaking alone in the dark, right? Do not let 
Boris shake in the dark, he has very spooky nightmares. Extreme spook.

Step 4 - Don't support the angel
The angel wants your Boris all to herself! You must keep away from her as much 
as you can. Do not walk the way of the angel, that only shows your Boris that you 
support the one out to get him. You must walk "The Path of the Demon".

Step 5 - Never leave him alone
If you go down, Boris is basically a flashing target for whatever took you. Your 
Boris is a very defenseless wolfo, don't leave him stranded by dying on the job, 
he still needs your protection.

Step 6 - Acquire the most powerful weapon
You need something to protect your best buddy with, right? Well, lucky for you, 
you have the power to get "Blazing Metal". All you have to do is at Jacksepticeye's 
Sean Flynn's tape recorder, turn the ink blob into the shape of the original Ink 
Machine. Continue the previous steps, and if you did it right, you will have 
unleashed the Tommy gun.

Step 7 - Your (third) biggest threat
You have the angel, who hides behind class. You have the demon, who has a deadly 
touch. And then you have the Projectionist, who can easily find their way to the 
elevator where your Boris is. Make sure there's no risk of that happening, and reveal 
"Norman's Fate". Shoot the Projectionist and bring them down to the ground.

Step 8 - Entertainment (optional)
Boris left by himself in the elevator isn't very fun for him. What IS fun however 
is bringing a bouncing barrel inside with you! With the Tommy gun, get a movable 
barrel inside the elevator. As you travel around with the elevator, the barrel will 
bounce around with you two. Now picture that: A bouncing barrel in an elevator with 
video game physics. Now doesn't that just sound like barrels of fun? (Editor's 
Note: Unsure if this is still a possibility with the recent Chapter 4 update, if 
not, than you can have a free pass).

Step 9 - Search and rescue
What?! The angel took your precious Boris boy? We can't let her get away with this! 
Go through Chapter 4 without dying once, rescue your friend as fast as possible!

Step 10 - Give an advantage
Okay, so, unfortunately, as most of you probably know already, we can't save our 
Boris. However, we can make sure we put him through as little pain as possible. 
Before you head into the haunted house, go back to the fourth area. On the second 
floor, go around to where you turned the lights off on the Projectionist. You'll 
see a case, open it up, and see that there is a turn dial for the Gent Machines. 
Collect it, and you'll give yourself an "Unlikely Victory" by fighting Boris with 
a plunger.

How to Get the Bone for Boris:
Written by SparkPlayez

Warning: before we start, this guide contains spoilers for both chapter 3 and 2, 
so click off it if you haven't played them, now onto the guide.

Nobody seems to care about buddy boris, they're all cooped up in "Tom" Boris asking if 
he is Thomas Connor, blah blah blah, this guide'll teach em' a lesson! So. The first 
step is to start chapter 3 Ya dingus! Now proceed on over to the toilet, there are two 
doors, one opens and one doesn't (this'll be important later) if you jump and try and 
look over the locked door you'll see some Bacon in the toilet (I don't even know why the 
hell there's a Bacon Soup jar in the toilet, Boris, you nasty) now leave the toilet, umm, 
I told you to leave the toilet, what are you doing in there? Ugh! What's that smell, wait 
a minute, Oh no, in public? Really? Boris! Boris?! Anyways back to the guide, you need to 
go out of the toilet and proceed into the main room where boris is sitting, now you need 
to turn left, you see a door? Go towards it, you'll hear Henry say that the lever's 
missing, now go back to boris, interact with him (E on keyboard, square/x on consoles) 
you'll need to feed him 3 Bacon Soup, first one can be found put on a shelf in the main 
boris sitting room or whatever, second one can be found in the chest in the room you wake 
up in plus there's another shelf with Boris' most valuable belongings which just so 
happens to house Bacon Soup, now go to Boris, look at him square in his eyes, his 
horrifiying demonic eyes, anyways turn right and you'll see a stove, interact with it 
to cook the Bacon Soup, after it's done cooking give it to Boris, an he'll give you the 
lever, then go to the door, put in the lever and open sesame!

-=Getting the Bone=-
After you go out the door, it'll show you that you can never return to the safehouse, 
do not go out of it and instead go back into the sanctuary/safehouse, and go to the 
toilet and consume the Bacon Soup, then go even further back to the room you woke up 
in, right next to the chest will be a bone that once you interact with will disappear,
but do not fret or rage, go to Boris, interact with him (he won't glow like you usually 
do like the bone) and bam! The bone is in his mouth (what did I just say lol) you'll 
get an achievement for this.

Once you fight the Brute Boris boss in Chapter 4, he'll have a bone in his mouth, 
indicating that this is the same Boris from Chapter 3, so sorry to people who're saying 
that the Boris we see in Chapter 4 is different from the Boris in Chapter 3.

When the lift crashes in Chapter 3 ending the bone'll still be there in Boris' mouth, 
that bone is the strongest bone I've ever seen!

How to Get Tommy Gun:
Written by Elos

In this short guide I will tell you how to get Tommy Gun in Bendy and the Ink Machine.

1.In the third chapter there is a room where there is a plate with ink you need to press 
  it until it turns into an ink machine.
2.You need to follow the path of the demon.
3.You don’t need to die once if you die, you won’t get Tommy Gun.

If you did everything right, congratulations on the last task where Alice asks you to 
collect hearts, you will get Tommy Gun.
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