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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips for Beating the Campaigns and Getting Your Achievements Fast:
Written by Icosidodecahedron

Quick hotkeys that will save you loads of time

-=How to skip the long cinematic intro sequences=-
Press the menu button (Escape) once or twice to reset the camera and 
reveal the start button.

How to reset the level you’re stuck on without exiting to the menu and 
restarting all over again: Press R.

How to skip the long slow motion sequences and reset the awkward preset 
camera angles: Press any camera button (1, 2, etc.) to reset the camera.

How to get out of that cursed Lua console window with no exit while Shift-
tabbing to the Steam overlay (if you know, you know): 
Press Shift + Tilde (~).

-=How to beat the rear-wheel drive driving test (the boat one)=-
Yank the handbrake quickly on every corner with the clutch engaged and 
counter-steer while moderately pressing the throttle (too much and you 
spin out). In other words, send that bih sideways.

How to beat the first race in the free-roam Utah campaign (the one where 
you do it for $200 you never actually earn).
Do not wipe-out right before the first checkpoint at the small cliff above 
the road. You can go around to get on the road. It took me a minute to figure 
it out, so just in case anyone else is going through that embarrassment.

How to beat the delivery mission in the free-roam Utah campaign.
Back up slowly to the trailer to automatically hook it, and then just take 
the road. There’s no time limit, it’s a simple completion mission.

How to beat that awful off-road race in the free-roam Utah campaign
(the one with the tight trenches).
Get in front, but then take your time entering the trenches to not 
receive mechanical damage. Your opponent will most likely crash along 
the way and not pose a threat.

How to beat the first bus mission (the bomb one).
After you help the passengers get on the rescue truck, take the right-hand 
exit into the following yellow checkpoint. Easiest choice to take out of all 
of them.

How to beat the bus mission where you have to follow the car to the studio.
Just follow them and don’t get in front. Yes, it’s slow af, but there’s no 
time limit. (Gran Turismo 4 Pace Car moment)

How to beat the bus mission where you have to land on the car:
You don’t. It takes forever. What helps is to nudge the car right before 
the hairpin it takes. You don’t get the bonus points from bumping it 
afterwards, but it slows down enough to where you can fully press on the 
gas after the hairpin and have higher chances of actually landing on it.

Off-road Config Guide:
Written by cowboom

My example will be with the D-series aka (The Pickup) all other vehicles can 
account to the modifications that are applied.
-=1. suspension=-
Type, go for Off-road independent or 3 link both are good but independent has 
more ground clearance up front. Go for the *Highest ground clearance* possible, 
add good Off-road Tires & Wheels it matters on what suspension for wheel size, 
other than that its up to personal Preference. I suggest that you go 15-20 PSI 
for air pressure too.
-=2. Body work=- 
If you want bigger tires go for Cut Fenders (mainly mods) for more clearance 
between fender & wheel. Lights? Yes add a Roof Rack and add some lights too 
it Light Bulb type is up to folks. Snorkel, indeed you will want this. For 
better performance add a smaller bumper or no bumpers mainly for cosmetics 
though if wanted. Cosmetics are added tire, Nix Fuel Tank, Jacks, wheel color, 
and roof supplies. Also add rock sliders.
-=3. Engine=-
You will want power not too much though, For a Short Frame go for a 5.5L and 
add Heavy Duty mounts, bone stock is good. Extended = 6.9L Add Heavy Duty 
mounts too, if needed add an early Supercharger. Crew Cab, 6.9L again add 
mounts, but add a Stage 1 Super if you don’t want that added power go for a 
late Super then.
-=4. Drivetrain=-
To Start off add or switch to a 4WD Transfer case, then the Transmission Manual 
or Auto that is not up to me and gear is good buy yea if wondering it is up to 
you. Brakes go for the Off-road brakes with the Full-Race Pads on all 4 wheels, 
Disc is better than drum So if wondering than yea. An important upgrade is 
Locking Differentials.
Those are my tips for my Custom 4WD truck I may have missed some points but 
those are for cosmetic or mods.
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