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Backyard Skateboarding 2004 Cheats

Backyard Skateboarding 2004

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

To enter these cheats your character needs to pull off a 100+ trick combo 
succesfully. (The best way to do this is to go to the Boardwalk and grind 
a table near the Hot Dog Stand, then press Space and B alternately and 
rapidly.) Then, at the start of a level, during the flyby (Sunny and Eric 
will be talking) type in any of these cheats to get the effect. 
(Does not need to be capitalized) You can only have ONE cheat  activated 
at a time.

Code         Effect
NOFAIR     - All Cheats
KABOING    - Higher Ollies
SLOWMO     - Infinite Mollases Time (More Time in the Air)
DIZZY      - Infinite Spin Cycle (Spin Around Faster)

Get higher on quater pipes or half pipes:
When you are in the air after you go off a quater pipe or half 
pipe keep pressing the jump button and you will continue to go up
each time you press it.

Jump high:
Select a level. When it is loading press the jump button continuously until 
loading is done. When it comes up to the screen you will jump really high.

Unlocking Characters:
To unlock the characters, you need to be able to beat all 39 In-Game 

Unlockable How to Unlock	
Eric Stream               - Beat All 39 Challenges.
Old School Andy Macdonald - Beat the Final Challenge.

                            (Pro Challenge in Skate Station Alpha).

Get on tower head:
Skate by any tree near the castle tohear Sunny Day say one of her comments 
about falling. You should then be on one of the "rook" heads.
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