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Avencast - Rise of the Mage Cheats

Avencast - Rise of the Mage

Cheat Codes: 
Submitted by. RM

Open the "game.cfg" file from your installation folder with Notepad.
Change the line that says: Debug = 0 to Debug = 1

Also, to enable the cheat console, add the following line to the 
"game.cfg" file: AllowConsole=1    

Debug Mode Cheats:
After enabling the debug cheats, you can now use the 
following keys in game: 

Code  Result
F7 - Instant Level Up
F8 - Wireframe Mode
0  - Toggle Red Lines
9  - Toggle GUI

Cheat Codes:
After enabling the console, press ; (semi-colon) while playing and then
type any of the following cheat codes: 		

Code                          Result
cheat("health")              - Full Health
cheat("mana")                - Full Mana
cheat ("strength",amount)    - Add Blood Magic
cheat ("spell",amount)       - Add Soul Magic
cheat("experience",amount)   - Add Experience
cheat("advance",amount)      - Add Advancement Points
AddGold(mc_ID,amount )       - Give Guilders
SetMoveSpd(mc_ID,amount)     - Change Movement Speed
SetImmortal(mc_ID,1)         - God Mode On
SetImmortal(mc_ID,0)         - God Mode Off
UncoverMap()                 - Reveal Map
CoverMap()                   - Cover Map
ExportHero("name")           - Export Hero
ImportHero("name")           - Import Hero
cheat("mana",amount)         - Set Mana
cheat("health",amount)       - Set health

Use All Skills:
Edit the "game.cfg" file and change or add the following line: 

AllCombos = 1 

You can now use all skills without learning them regardless of level
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