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Asphalt Overdrive Cheats

Asphalt Overdrive

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Each car has three stats that must be considered before they are purchased. 

Maximum speed : The car's top speed.
Acceleration  : How fast the car can reach top speed, measured in seconds.
Nitro         : How fast the car gains nitro from stunts and nitro collectibles.

Maximum speed and nitro are the most useful stats, as they will help you escape
from the police and complete stunts. 

You can bump into the sides of other cars to knock them out, which is considered
a destruction stunt. However, doing this with larger vehicles such as buses will
end up costing you speed. Rear ending them will result in a crash.

* Use your nitro for straight stretches of roads that are safe to reach the next 
  area with cars or obstacles. 
* Draft behind cars to get small speed boost in their slipstream. Then, pull ahead
  and hit their sides to take them out. Also use slipstreams to gain extra speed 
  if you are pursued by the police and are out of nitros. Drafting also allows your
  combo timer to last longer.
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