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Ascension: Deckbuilding Game Cheats

Ascension: Deckbuilding Game

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Easy "Don't Mind If Adayu" achievement:
Both of the cards are from the Return Of The Fallen set. Acquire Adayu 
first from the center row. In a subsequent turn, use his ability that 
allows you to defeat or acquire any card to defeat Samael and get the 
"Don't Mind If Adayu" achievement.

Easy "Trophy Room" achievement:
There are currently five Trophy Monsters in the Storm Of Souls set: 
Fanatic, Hoarding Tyrant, Hoarding Whelp, Minotaur, and Unchained Fates.
Defeat each one of those monsters from the center row to add them to your
sideboard. They are technically in play until you use their trophy ability.
Have all five of them in your sideboard at the same time, and do not use 
their trophy abilities to get the "Trophy Room" achievement.

Easy "Weapon X" achievement:
There are currently six Mechana Contructs from the Chronicle of the Godslayer
set: Burrower Mark II, Hedron Link Device, Rocket Courier X-99, The Grand 
Design, Hedron Cannon, and Watchmaker's Altar. You must control one of each 
of them and have them in play at the same time. Try to acquire them as fast 
as possible because the CPU will prioritize getting Mechana Constructs since
they have a 1:1 Victory Point to cost ratio. There are only one of each of 
the Hedron Constructs in the deck. If the CPU manages to get one of them, 
start a new game.

Expansions Combination Guide:
Written by Vecho
Too many expansions or sets? Do not know which combination of sets to choose? 
Look no further!

-=List of Expansion=-
0.[CotG] Chronicle of the Godslayer : The basic game
1.[RotF] Return of the Fallen
2.[SoS] Storm of Souls
3.[IH] Immortal Heroes
4.[RoV] Rise of Vigil
5.[DU] Darkness Unleashed
6.[RU] Realms Unraveled
7.[DoC] Dawn of Champions
8.[DS] Dreamscape
9.[WoS] War of Shadows
10.[GotE] Gift of the Elements
11.[VotA] Valley of Ancients
12.[DLRM] Delirium
13.[DLV] Deliverance
Every expansion above can be played alone without the basic game, by design.

Since some sets share same mechanics, there are some combinations, which work together.

* 0+1: CotG + RotF: Chronicles of the Godslayer & Return of the Fallen
* 2+3: SoS + IH: Storm of Souls & Immortal Heroes – for the Event cards
* 4+5: RoV + DU: Rise of Vigil & Darkness Unleashed – for Treasure and Transform
* 6+7: RU + DoC: Realms Unraveled & Dawn of Champions – for multi-facition heros, 
  constructs, and synergies between them
* 8+12+13: DS + DLRM + DLV: Dreamscape & Delirium & Deliverance 
  [No Recommended for Balance] – for Insight Mechanic

Note: Gift of the Elements (10)[GotE], can play well with many sets. You can try it out yourself.

-=Combination Rated=-
* Good: 2+3; 8; 0+1
* Mid: 12; 13; 9; 11
* Bad: 4+5; 10; 6; 7: 6+7
* Combination Progress for Newbie
* Newbie: 0+1->2+3->8
* Veteran: 12->13->9->11

-=Player Numbers=-
* 2 Player: Recommended.
* 3 Players: Highly Recommended.
* 4 and more: Not Recommended.
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