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Anarchy Online Cheats

Anarchy Online

Submitted by: rickHH

say allows you to speak to the vicinity tell "character name" allows
you to whisper to someone shout allows you to be heard by all players
nearby me "action" can be used to express actions, like "me laughs 
out loud" 

Easy targeting:
Self                           -  F1
Cycle nearest enemy targets    -  Tab
Cycle nearest friendly targets - Ctrl+Tab
Teammates                      - F2-F6

Once you've targeted yourself or someone else, you can press 
T for more information. 

Easy follow:
Once you've selected an enemy or player that you'd like to 
approach, type: 


You might also find it useful to create a macro icon for this command, 
as follows, and place it in your shortcut bar. 

macro fo /follow 

If you experience a bug that doesn't allow you to proceed or escape
from a zone, then you can kill your character by typing the following: 


GM petition
If you require GM assistance, you can petition for help as follows: 

petition X 
A standard petition command might look like the following: 

petition Help me, I'm stuck in Omni-1, and my character's left arm has 
disappeared! I don't know where I dropped it, or that I could drop it.  

Show frame rate   - Ctrl+Alt+F 
Submit bug report - Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9 

Take screenshots
To take a screenshot, press F12. They're saved to the Screenshots folder 
located in the Funcom/Anarchy Online directory. 

Create macros
To create a macro for a commonly used command like /pet attack, 
type the following: 

macro pa /pet attack
This will create a small, selectable icon that can be put into 
your shortcut bar for easy use of the pet attack command. 

Completing "live-with" missions
To complete this type of mission, once you've found the objective 
NPC, simply target him or her, and stay within the vicinity for a 
short period of time. 
Registering the mission as complete can take as little as 10 
seconds, and has on some occasions taken us up to 4 minutes. 

Creating implants
Select the nanocluster you want to insert into the implant by 
left clicking it, then hold it over the implant and shift-right 
click to combine the two. 
You can then go to a surgery clinic to install the implant, if 
you meet the requirements. 
Nano-programming skill is required for creating implants. 

Team looting
As team leader, you can select how loot is divvied up by the team. The most 
common choice is alpha, where the spoils can be picked up by characters in 
alphanumeric order. To enable this, type: 

team loot alpha 
Other choices include "/team loot leader" and "/team loot FFA" 

New player advice
New players can take advantage of the newbie chat channel, 
where GMs and players of up to level 6 can chat about game 
mechanics and starting strategies. 
To un-squelch the newbie chat channel, click on the friends 
icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and uncheck 
the box next to the channel listing. You can also reach the 
shopping channel this way.

Killing untargetable NPCs:
The game may glitch in some live-with missions, where the objective NPC 
will become stuck behind a wall, and thus cannot be targeted. He may 
appear briefly, but you will not be able to maintain a lock on him. 
Walk towards the wall and enter the /kneel action to see through the wall.
You can then click and target the NPC to complete your mission objective.
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