Amid Evil
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to type in cheat codes.
Note: Just type them in game, there is no console or anything like that.
Code Effect
AELPHA - All Powerups + Keys + Weapons + Mana + Health + Full Soul Points.
AEOMEGA - God Mode + Infinity Mana.
AETHER - No Clip.
AEOMB - God Mode.
AEMAGE - Full Mana.
AERD - Fly Mode.
AESEE - Torch Mode.
AEWIZARD - All Weapons + Mana + Keys.
AENIMA - Soul Mode Engage.
AEWARLOCK - All Weapons.
AELEON - Level Select Screen.
AE2000 - Full Color Palette.
AENUS - Fart.
AECHOO - Sneeze.
AEXTREME - Actually makes weapons fire fast.
AEBABY - Soul mode toggle (infinite duration).
AEMEMES - memes (memes).
AECRACK - Superfast Weapons.
AEROSICS - Make The Player Super Fast.
AEON - Make The Player Super Slow.
AERTH - Make Planet Launcher Always Fire Earth.
AEOUCH - Hurt Player.
AESPLODE - Kill Player.
To use a Cheat Code, simply type it on the keyboard during gameplay. You don’t need
to do anything special, just type the letters, and you’ll see the screen flash as a
small notification appears at the top of your screen.
Keep in mind, you can’t type in Cheats from the pause menu, you need to be in-game.
So find a safe corner before typing, so you don’t get attacked!
Also, although the codes are listed below in all caps, you don’t need to capitalize
these letters to activate the code.
To disable a cheat, simply type in the cheat code again. You’ll see another flash,
and a new notification will appear at the top of your screen (try putting in the
AERO code and toggling it back off for a laugh).
-=List of Cheat Codes=-
1. ADOMG - God Mode.
2. ADMAGE - Full Mana.
3. AEWIZARD - All Weapons, Mana, and Keys.
4. AENIMA - Soul Mode Engage.
5. AEBABY - Toggle Soul Mode.
6. AEWARLOCK - All Weapons.
7. AEURP - Burp.
8. AERO - Fly Mode.
9. AESEE - Torch Mode.
10. AEYESORE - Invisibility.
11. AELPHA - All Powerups, Keys, Weapons, Mana, Health, and Soul Points.
12. AEOMEGA - God Mode, Infinite Mana.
13. AEVAIN - All Keys.
14. AEHEH - Complete Level.
15. AETHER - Noclip (walk through walls).
16. AESTHETIC - Vaporwave Mode.
17. AETHEORY - Turn post processing up to maximum.
18. AELYMPICS - Unlocks superspeed.
19. AEON - Unlocks super-slow movement.
20. AEXTREME - Unlocks super-fast weapons.
21. AEXTINCT - Kill all enemies.
22. AESPLODE - Kill yourself.
23. AEOUCH - Hurt yourself.
24. AESTOP - Freeze enemies.
25. AEHIDE - Hides first-person weapon.
26. AESHOT - Screenshot mode.
27. AEWEP2 - Gives Azure Ore.
28. AEWEP3 - Gives Whispers Edge.
29. AEWEP4 - Gives Voltride.
30. AEWEP5 - Gives Celestial Claw.
31. AEWEP6 - Gives Crystal Torment.
32. AEWEP7 - Gives Aeturnum.
-=Other Codes=-
1. AELEON - Level Select.
2. AE1981 - CGA Pallete 1.
3. AE1982 - CGA Pallete 2.
4. AE1983 - CGA Pallete 3.
5. AE1989 - EGA Pallete.
6. AE1990 - VGA Pallete.
7. AE2000 - Full Color Pallete.
8. AEBORT - Quit Game.
9. AENDREW - Music Select.
CheatBook DataBase 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, tips, tricks
and cheats (for PC Cheats, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, iPhone, Wii U, Playstation, Playstation
2, XBox, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color,
N-Gage, Nintendo DS, gamecube, XBox 360, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily
accessible from one central location. (Release date January 07, 2024)
- All Cheats and Codes inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.
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