A Memoir Blue
Submitted by: David K.
100% Achievement Guide:
Written by tasselfoot
This guide will show you the ways how to get all A Memoir Blue achievements.
Note that this guide may contain A Memoir Blue spoilers, continue reading
at your own risk.
All achievements are missable except for beating the game! There is a chapter
select, and the game is short, but be warned. This guide will list the
achievements in order, so you can easily follow along.
-=Empty Your Cup=-
Remove all cubes from glass
I found this to be annoyingly difficult to do, especially since it has to be
fast (before they melt). Turn your mouse sensitivity all the way up via in-game
-=Surfing the Radio Waves=-
View all images in radio
At the radio, when you get to each image (the large vertical spots on the dial),
click on both the middle and right buttons on the top-left of the radio. Each
image has 2 different moving pictures. Achievement will trigger when you move
all the way to the far right image.
-=Glow Up=-
Light up the crane and billboard at sunset
Near the beginning, you’ll pan out a window. On the right side, click on the
billboard once and click on the crane in the upper right 3-4 times.
-=Hopping the Turnstile=-
Try to avoid paying train fare
On the train, when you get to the machine and stamp and 2 pennies… take the
pennies and throw them off the screen. Awarded after I did it twice.
-=Wood War=-
Knock the other wooden planks into the water
After the train, you’ll swim through some water, and wind up on a wooden walkway
with water and wood planks above you heard. Grab the wood planks above you, drag
them slightly out of the water, and release them. Repeat until achievement triggers.
-=Siren Song=-
Listen to the music through the microphone
Once you’re on the boat, in front of the controls, start the engine with the key.
Then pick up the microphone/speaker control and hold it for a few seconds.
It should make some static and then music.
-=Oh Buoy!=-
Find all secrets floating in the map
After you start the boat and go to the lake map, find the 4 buoys.
-=Bubbling Over=-
Swim in a circle around the photo as the mother fish
After you shake 2 photos to make their images appear and go into the water with
the 3rd (final) photo, click and grab the Red fish and drag it clockwise in a
circle around the photo.
-=Fan Service=-
Activate the pinwheel
Immediately after the Bubbling Over scene, you’ll still be underwater and outside
of a building. Click repeatedly on the left side of the building. A fan will spin,
which will then spin the yellow pinwheel.
-=Knock Em Down=-
Knock down the umbrellas in the box
You’ll come to a garage. Click on the lone umbrella in the upper right, above
the other umbrellas in the box. Takes 3 clicks.
-=Flipper Friend=-
Play with the dolphin models
When you first enter a building (escalator on the left), click a few times on the
dolphins in the upper right corner.
-=Sink and Swim=-
Swim the whole length of the pool without floating up
On the 3rd page of the memory book, you’ll go into 1st person perspective and dive
into the pool. Quickly keep clicking your mouse until this achievement pops; it’ll
be about 30 seconds, and your screen will be black for longer than you think it
should be.
-=Mirror, Mirror=-
Fix the mirror in 1 attempt
At the top of the merry-go-round, you’ll have 6 pieces of a mirror. Place each piece
in the correct spot on your first attempt. This shouldn’t be too difficult, I started
with the lower-right piece. The positioning isn’t super precise. Then click through
the 4-5 images that appear and then the achievement will trigger.
Home Sweet Home – Beat the game
All Done! – Earn all achievements.
This will trigger at the same time that your last achievement is earned.
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