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Alien Carnage Cheats

Alien Carnage

Customer Cheat
Pressing [B] [I] [G] all at the same time will give you full
health and jetpack power. 

Debug Mode
The following debug keys work for version 1.1 of Halloween Harry only:

Code                 Effect
[Ctrl] [R] [E] [N] - Gives you all weapons, and activates god 
                     mode for several seconds. 
[alt] [L]          - Level warp. Type the number of the episode (1-4), 
                     followed by the number of the level (1-5). Illegal 
                     input will dump you to DOS. This can not be used in 
                     the shareware version to access levels in the registered 
[alt] [=]          - Change location within a level. Type coordinates after 
                     this code; illegal input will probably crash the game. 

Tech Parameter
Pressing these four keys at the same time will show you the  
coordinates you are at on the level. This serves no real 
function on its own, but it is used by Apogee's Game Hint Line 
sometimes to locate a player in a level. 
The keys are [ctrl] [alt] [rshift] [F12] 

Misc Command Line Parameter
"skip" will start the game directly from the main menu.
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