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Airball Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Infinite lives:
For infinite lives in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG.  
First backup your game, then type the following from the 
DOS prompt:

ren airball.exe cheater.cht
debug cheater.cht
e 304c 90 90 90 90
Then type:

Then rename CHEATER.CHT back to its previous name.

Higher jumps:
After losing a life, a cross will appear at that location. You can 
collect it as an object later, and jump on it to reach high locations.

Take and remove the blocks in the room with the candle to get the spellbook.
Take the spellbook back to the starting room and place it in the top left 
corner. Follow the instructions in the book to get the ingredients necessary
to complete the game.
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