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AdVenture Capitalist Cheats

AdVenture Capitalist

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Managers will keep your business running even when you are logged out. 
Unlock all managers as soon as possible for the first five or six 
businesses. Then, start focusing on upgrades. 

* The more times businesses are upgraded, the more money you will earn. 
Consider evening everything out and do not focus on a single business. 
Once reaching level 25 to 50 you can begin the multitude of upgrades for
achievements and improvements. 

* The first screen of the "Unlocks" shows the number of upgrades you 
must purchase for each business in order to greatly improve its speed
or profits. After a requirement has been met, a new one will be unlocked.

* Upgrade before the timer runs out. Later businesses that start appearing
with the Hockey Stadium require some time before you can collect their 
profits. However if you upgrade them a few times just before the timer is
ready, you still get the larger amount of cash. Spend your money for 
upgrading other areas then invest in those large businesses when the timer
gets close to resetting. 

Double profits:
Tap the green television in the lower right corner to watch an 
advertisement video and in turn double your profits for the next four hours. 

Angel investors:
* After accruing a large amount of profit, you will get the chance to unlock
the Angel Investors. They will increase your profits greatly and give you 
access to more upgrades. However, you will have to sell all your businesses
and start again. However, this is necessary if you want to make even more 
money. When given the opportunity, sell your shares and get as many Angel 
Investors as possible. 

* Angel Investors can only be received by resetting the game (starting at 
zero again, with all upgrades reset). You get Angel Investors based on your
total earnings. The more earnings you received, the more Angel Investors 
you will get. They have three main uses. Each of them will increase all 
profits by 2%. Profits can be spent on Angel Upgrades at the "Upgrades" 
menu, where you trade Angels for different boosts. You can also spend Angle
Investors for Managers who usually make your businesses a lot cheaper and 
leveling upgrades cheaper. 

* When you reset, you will not lose Angel Investors that you have not spent,
even though you will lose the upgrades and managers purchased with them. It 
is worth resetting as soon as possible then gaining the first batch of Angel
Investors. Then waiting some time before getting your second batch. From then
on, your progress will be must faster, allowing you to accumulate Angel 
Investors. Always try to have at least a few hundred working up your profits.

Useful Tips and Tricks:
* Start out a brand new event in Knockout Gear or whatever outfit has the best 
  base profit for events.
* When you collect your first angels, switch to Vam Buyer Attire , Chequered 
  Tuxedo , or whichever outfit you have with the highest boost to angel bonus.
* When you finish your goals, quickly switch to an outfit and badges that don’t 
  give ANY event bonus before you reset… Collect angels, reset and don’t buy 
  anything before you turn in your goals. Your new goals will be easier to 
  complete if you had this junk gear on when you reset & turn in. Otherwise it’ll 
  factor in your fancy gear bonuses when it decides how hard your new goals will 
  be. Just don’t forget to switch back to event bonus gear!

(The above reason is also why I don’t keep my profit booster running after the 
first few hours of a new event, especially when turning in goals — Though it can 
be useful in early stages of event while stacking angels. It just makes goals 
longer/harder, requiring you keep it going to complete them in a reasonable 

I never turn in the non-elite “make more cash” style goals after I max out 
everything in an event. Elite cash and angel goals take so much longer to 
complete than Own/Buy goals, so I usually keep non-elite versions of those 
unclaimed , so the only elites I get are own/buy style. After you have a certain 
amount of angels, you’ll no longer get any new angel goals – so that’s still 3 
goal slots to work with. You might have to use a boost or two to get enough 
angels for that to be the case. (Use time boosts with the profit boost running).

Note: I’ve been #1 in event more times than I care to count, including the last 
8 or 9 events. Getting bored of game and ready to uninstall and move on, so 
maybe someone else can get some benefit by my strategies. Good luck.
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