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Act of War - Direct Action Cheats

Act of War - Direct Action

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

While playing, press [ENTER] then type any of the following cheat codes.
Press [ENTER] again to activate.

Code                    Result
fortknox              - Add $1000 Cash.
keyholemaster         - Reveal Map.
ineedalltechnos       - All Tech.
yeepeekaye            - Nuclear Strike at Cursor.
bigbrother            - Unlock Camera Mode.
motherrussia          - Summon M80 Tank.
coolihaveanewcar      - Summon CIA Armored Van.
coolimthepresident    - Summon U.S. Predisent.
swatatyourorders      - Summon SWAT.
ymca                  - Summon U.S. Cop.
greenjelly            - Summon U.K. Cop.
bringoutthedead       - Summon Ambulance.
duckhunt              - Summon a Flying Duck.
blackhawkdown         - Summon SA12 Anti-Aircraft Missile.

Camera mode:
After enabling the bigbrother code, hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] and press J to 
cycle through the different camera modes. 

These are: 

Mode 1: Controls the "X", "Y", and "Z" axis
Mode 2: Controls only the "X" and "Y" axis 
Mode 3: Normal 

To control the axis, you can use either the cursor keys, or the Left Mouse 
Button + Mouse Wheel. If you go through all three modes then hold [Ctrl] + 
[Shift] and press J again, you will start back at Mode 1, but without the 
values that you previously set.
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