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5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Cheats

5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Get Out of Check/Draw:
Written by perseus

This quick guide explains how to relatively quickly find a legal time 
move to get yourself out of those checks/draws in which there doesn't 
seem to be a legal move, yet the game still continues.

-=Getting Out of Check/Draw=-
Before anything else, make sure the check/draw isn't occuring on an 
inactive board and that you can't just simply move the king somewhere

To find which piece(s) can go back in time, you must:

* Completely ignore any boards that have pieces on them that are checking one 
  or more of your kings, because no matter what you cannot play a time move 
  on those (Even if you could, that would switch the turn to your opponent, 
  who could just then take your king).
* Note that this only includes boards with the attacking piece(s) on them, 
  because the target king may be on another board on wich you can still 
  make moves.
* Completely ignore any board on which it isn't your turn.
* Verify every possible queen movement.
* Completely ignore any rooks that either didn't move or captured a piece 
  during your previous turn, as they can't go back in time, and verify 
  the move of the others.
* Verify every possible bishop movement.
* Verify every possible knight movement.
* Verify every possible movement of every other piece.

If the check/draw is happening on a timeline that happens to be in the past 
of the other timelines, it means that in those future timelines, you have a 
limited number of pieces that can go far enough back in time. Here is a list
of pieces and how many turns back in time they can possibly go:

Pawns and kings: [1]
Knights: [2]
Bishops, unicorns and dragons: [7]
Rooks and queens: [Theoretically Infinite number of turns]

Note: You sometimes cannot possibly prevent the check/draw, and the game 
hasn't ended yet because you can still do legal moves.

In such situiations, you have no choice but to either play thoses moves or forfeit.

Thoses situations aren't exclusive to this game, and are present in classic 
chess too.

How to Beat Every AI (Without Skill or Time Travel):
Written by computersmoke

Want to beat all of the AI within 20 minutes of launching the game? 
Hate time travel? This is the guide for you!

I’m a mediocre chess player (~1730 on lichess rapid, not accurately rated irl), 
and I love the idea of this game. My sarcasm in this guide is mainly due to my 
disappointment in the AI. I hope the multiplayer will be much better if I can 
find someone to play with. What excites me most about the game is the possibility 
of developing an engine of my own for it, to compete against the existing one. 
That said, I’ll get to ripping on the AI, flaunting my wins, and showing you how 
to ruin your own challenge forever.

-=Bamboozling the AI=-
To absolutely bamboozle the AI, all you need to do is play a relatively aggressive 
opening by pushing your center pawns, bringing out knights, and bringing out 
bishops as the ‘AI’ lets you. The AI does not follow actual openings, so it is very 
easy for you to open your side of the board and attack while they sit around and 
do nothing.

Once you’ve developed some pieces, look to make any threats possible. The threats 
don’t need to be sound, and you don’t need to worry about alternate timelines, the 
past, or anything like that. The AI is completely stupid, and things like basic 
knight forks are invisible to it.

If you want to defeat the AI easily, simply never make a move you couldn’t do in 
regular chess. If you do this, the AI will at some point make a single alternate 
timeline, but be unable to make any more. Once this happens, you’re essentially 
just playing two different regular games against a really bad opponent.

-=Finishing Them Off=-
To win the game, you don’t need to find any complicated checkmates. If you’re 
playing aggressive and checking the king a bunch while capturing other pieces, 
you’ll eventually mate it without even meaning to. This is because its movement 
squares are threatened by pieces that could travel through time, even though none 
of your pieces are actually going to travel through time, and you haven’t even 
bothered to think about time travel.

-=The Aftermath=-
If you’re wondering what to do once you’ve absolutely trashed your fear of 
timelines, I can tell you that I personally plan to try some of the other game 
modes, especially the puzzles. I suspect anything against the AI will be about 
as easy as ever, but the multiplayer seems promising if it becomes active.
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