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12 Labours Of Hercules 2: The Cretan Bull Cheats

12 Labours Of Hercules 2: The Cretan Bull

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Puzzle piece locations:
Search the indicated area to find the corresponding piece. 

Level   Type        Location
1-1   - Brown     - Top right corner, left of pointer.
1-2   - Yellow    - Center right side.
1-3   - Brown     - Top right side, just right of shooting lava.
1-4   - Brown     - Left bottom corner, left of red flowers.
1-5   - Brown     - Lower left side, right of cage.
1-6   - Brown     - Bottom right corner, on the pink shelf.
1-7   - Green     - Middle left side under bush.	
1-8   - Yellow    - Left side , right of fir tree.
1-9   - Yellow    - Middle bottom screen on stone.
1-10  - Grey      - Bottom right side, towards center.
2-1   - Green     - Top right corner on green tuft.
2-2   - Grey      - Bottom left corner under bare tree.
2-3   - Grey      - Top left corner under timpani.
2-4   - Green     - Bottom center.
2-5   - Grey      - Top left side near crack.
2-6   - Grey      - Near pointer.
2-7   -           - Left of the pyramid of food at bottom.
2-8   - Brown     - Below gold switch at center bottom.
2-9   - Brown     - Bottom left to the right of the trees.
2-10  - Grey      - Bottom right towards the center near rock.
3-1   - Brown     - Just above the "C" in "Click to Play".
3-2   - Yellow    - Center of large white flower on left side.
3-3   - Green     - Top right corner, left side of crater near trees.
3-4   - Black     - Top right corner, right of sign post.
3-5   - Green     - Left side above food bush.
3-6   - Green     - Center waterway.
3-7   - Black     - Right side of black water, beside tree.
3-8   - Black     - Bottom right corner on rock.
3-9   - Grey      - Under the "A" in "Click to Play".
3-10  - Brown     - Lower right side above skulls.
4-1   - Yellow    - Under turtle at middle of screen.
4-2   - Brown     - Upper left side, next to III.	
4-3   - Yellow    - Lower left side under castle.
4-4   - Brown     - Bottom center above starfish.
4-5   - Brown     - Top left corner above rock.
4-6   - Brown     - Top right side beneath rock.
4-7   - Yellow    - In water, middle left side under starfish.
4-8   - Green     - Bottom left side above cage.
4-9   - Brown     - Middle screen right side above palm tree.
4-10  - Brown     - Bottom left near fish skeleton.

Easy "Overlord" achievement:
Play the four Boss levels then any other level under the Hardcore difficulty setting.
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