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Paladins Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

The Drafting Guide:
Written by Prayson

This is a brief drafting guide based on the last open beta patch Paladins 
has had: OB70!

Makoa: He has the major ability of hooking opponents that almost guarantees a 
kill. With the usage of Leviathan, he'll also have the highest HP ingame and 
acquire complete CC immunity making his ultimate uncounterable. Makoa goes 
around well in all the maps which makes him a general ban or pick. However,
he requires the highest skills among frontlines so pick him in ranked only 
if you're extremely confident. 

Ruckus: Ruckus is what you call a tanky damager. He has the highest damage 
potential among all frontlines and might almost always end up with the highest
damage. He's recommended in maps where there aren't much places to hide, so 
that you can keep poking your opponents and pressurise them with your insane

Inara: Inara is overall the most useful frontline a team can have. Her abilities 
help her team in combat and she herself takes up lot of damage which inturn provides 
cover to her teammates. She has the highest frontline banrate in below platinum 
matches, because her Treacherous Ground talent is considered to be annoying. 
She's especially powerful in closed maps, while not a much of a problem on a map 
like Fish Market. 

Terminus: Terminus performs extremely well on Brightmarsh and Jaguar falls, and 
is also the best counter to Inara since he denies any kind of control the opponents 
can have. Using Crush talent is most useful and it makes the opponents almost afraid 
of him. However, he should be completely avoided in maps where he would have to move 
around a lot. 

Khan: Firing Line is the only talent that should be used with Khan. While all other
 talents are barely useful, this talent makes him the monster he is by providing 
complete CC Immunity. He's an excellent support tank and is very useful on maps 
where he can make use of his ultimate and commander's grab, like Frog Isle and 
Ascension Peak. The only problem with him is he lacks DPS, so pick him only if 
you feel your team can do neccessary damage. 

Fernando: Fernando is the frontline with the best zoning capability, where you 
can push and harass opponent damagers and also be able to retreat back safely. 
With Scorch talent you can punish a grouped up team very hard while also not 
affecting your self sustain. He's a must pick when opponents have access to neither 
Terminus or Khan. 

Barik: Just like Ruckus, he's at the 2nd place for being a DPS tank. He should 
never be picked against area denial damagers: Drogoz, Bomb King, Tyra and Willo. 
His abilities provide decent crowd control for the team and he has good self 
sustain. Brightmarsh is the best map for him. 

Torvald: Torvald is a tank that made it's way from top to bottom to top and then 
back to bottom. While his abilities make him the best support tank by him bubbling 
the victim and nullifying the flank, he's still outclassed by other frontlines. 
But again, he's a whole different champion on Frog Isle so that's the only map 
where you must chose him. 

Ash: People play her because of the amazing hitbox her left click has, but all 
other 4 abilities of her are the worst a frontline has. She has a mini ult of 
fernando and a shield that can be avoided. Her other 2 abilities are focused on 
knocking opponents, which makes her a top tier frontline on Frog Isle and Fish 
market where you can send opponents flying.

Cassie: Cassie is undoubtedly the best DPS ingame with her Impulse talent. She 
has a very high damage burst and what makes her special is that the burst is 
instant. If your team has the first ban, then get her if the opponents don't 
ban her. 

Shalin: Shalin also has a very high damage burst which however isn't instant. 
He's also the toughest target for a flank to kill, even after the flank grabs 
Illuminate. Bigger the map, tougher it gets to deal with him. 

Bomb King: He's the toughest damager to play ingame so don't play him just for 
the sake of it. He's especially effective in closed maps where area control is 
the major priorirty, like Brightmarsh. He can also 2-3 shot every flank except 
Buck, so a good Bomb King can always be disruptive. 

Strix and Kinessa: These are the only two snipers ingame and it's really not 
possible to declare one better than the other. To decide which is better, you 
must decide which abilities would be more useful: Teleporting and Slowing or 
Flaring and Shooting. They're the best 2 picks on Timber Mill, and giving away 
one of these to the other team without having one of these in your teams pretty 
much decides the outcome. 

Drogoz: Drogoz can do hell lot of damage, but is a very situational pick. You 
can have him as last pick if opponents have not more than 1 hitscan counter to 
him. With Fussilade, he can 2 shot every flank and Androxus is the only flank 
with the potential to directly counter him. 

Willo: Willo is another situational pick. She's highly useful in tight objective 
maps like Brightmarsh and Jaguar falls but is also an easy target to a flank 

Tyra: The same goes with Tyra, except that she's more of a frontline destroyer 
and easier of a victim. 

Viktor: Viktor has the Hustle ability which makes him no different than a flank, 
he can be a major problem with the right build and insane gameplay. 

Vivian: Vivian should be picked only when opponents have no flanks and you feel 
your frontlines can provide enough cover to you.

Zhin: With the number of bans he gets, it's not worth considering that Zhin still 
exists. He's the true flank king with 3 survivablity abilities that make him 
extremely hard to deal with, so yeah pick him if he's somehow magically not banned. 

Androxus & Evie: They're both high tier flanks like Zhin, but not everyone can 
be good at them. They require extremely high skills and also have the highest 
mobility, the thing which flanks actually need. Noob ones can make you curse 
their moms, pro ones can make you suck their balls. 

Buck: Buck is a tanky flank with wonderful abilities that can make him a pain, 
the above 3 flanks are the only ones that can outclass him. You need to pick 
both Cauterize and Resilence to effectively counter him. 

Maeve: What keeps Maeve at mid tier is her Street Justice talent. She's especially 
hated in lower tiers where her movements make the opponents get scared but other 
than that she's all normal. 

Talus: Talus is a bugged champion as of now, you can still chose him if there's 
one target that completely has to be destroyed, but there's no reason to pick 
him over the above mentioned flanks. 

Moji: Moji made her way from the top to the bottom with the cooldown nerfs. 
She's still highly overrated in low tier matches. Moji can be picked in maps 
without much high ground. 

Skye: You'll come across people going like "Trust me". Never trust them. 
They've cursed you with a defeat pre-match. Good skyes don't exist independently, 
they turn good with noob opponents.

Seris: "Ban Seris" is what some people go around saying, you can proceed with 
that if your team has a skilled Maldamba in it. Seris has wonderful abilities 
and an ultimate that makes many other ultimates godlike. She's a risky pick 
when your teammates don't give a damn about protecting their healer, and all 
the opponents want is your meat. 

Maldamba: For supports, he's the hardest champion to play. His tool kit make 
him extremely viable, with 2 abilities meant for healing and the special ability 
to stun after reload. He can even handle flanks in certain cases all by his own. 

Jenos: Jenos is the easiest healer to play, and yet just 1 level below the 
other 2. He heals the marked players for 220 health per second, so he isn't 
really the clutchy healer to have. Celestial Touch or Luminary is another 
controversial debate for Jenos, and with self damage buff for luminary gone, 
luminary is no more the correct answer. 

Ying: She's at the bottom of these 4 main healers, but she has the capability 
to have the same healing as Jenos with her ultimate. Good Yings always buy 
Morale boost! 

Pip: Pip can indeed be a good healer, but that's in a highly cooperating team 
that stacks champions on the offense and defense. He's highly customizable and 
can be turned into a monster flank in maps with high ground, especially Serpent 

Grover: With Efflorescence, he can actually have a high healing output. But 
again, you're better off playing him as a sniper on Timber Mill. People won't 
trust you with the healing part. 

Grohk: Grohk is a situational pick, you can have a super high impact with the 
Totemic Ward talent if teammates are super focused on protecting your totem.
But again, that happens only in proplay. Grohk is better off being a damager
with Maelstrom talent.

Written by MAT1JA
Today i will be showing you all of the Paladins commands.

/spectate [name] – spectate someone/friends in game
/replay [match ID] – replay the match with that ID
/stat fps – show FPS counter (or just press f9 instead)
/stat UNIT – Shows hardware unit framerate;
/stat LEVELS – Displays level streaming info;
/stat GAME – Displays game performance stats
/stat PHYSICS – Displays physics performance stats
/stat STREAMING – Displays basic texture streaming stats
/stat STREAMINGDETAILS – Displays detailed texture streaming stats
/stat NET – Doesn’t have a desciption
/quit – Quit the game
/fov [number] – to change FOV
/surrender – to vote surrender
/disconnect – skip top play replays

(you can find these next commands when you type /help in chat)
/w [name] [msg] – send a private message
/f [name] [msg] – reply to a private message
/c – send a clan mesage
/g – return to general chat
/lfg – join the lfg channel
/dnd – toggle don’t not disturb

100 Laws of Paladins:
Written by PWNDotcom

100 things you'll encounter in Paladins, made by many community members.

1. "The ally that instalocked a Damage or Flank will most likely be 
inefficient with that Champion."

2. "One's effectiveness is inverse to how quickly Deft Hands is bought."

3. "The Team's chances of killing a certain Champion is inverse to the number 
of Champions The Team has that counter them."

4. Those who get Chronos as Viktor are blind to the faith of Morale Boost and 
it's heavenly Barrage spam.

5. The support is always to blame for when you lose a capture or lose the game.

6. If the Flank is not on the point, they suck

7. If an ally is asking for someone to play tank or healer they themselves 
are playing damage or flank

8. The biggest social miff in Paladins is to be the last pick and not fill 
in a needed role.

9. Flank with a Frontline, what could go wrong?

10. When someone pick Pip or Kinessa you instantly lose. :)

11. If you have a Support on your team, spam VHS. 
They will surely attend to your pleads of agony.

12. Nerf Viktor

13. If you are killed by any champion they are overpowered and should be 
nerfed immediately.

14. You will be called hacker if you carry as support.

15. If you're a frontline who goes into 5v1 situations without waiting for 
your support to respawn spam VHS, then blame support for not healing you.

16. If you not hit you are lagging.

17. If you can't kill the Maeve who keeps killing you, they are obviously 

18. What is team composition? Not my problem, that's what.

19. As a Torvald plays, he will most likely shield the full HP Makoa on 
his right, despite his dying healer's cries.

20. No One escapes the law

21. Torvald is op, what's wrecker? Deft hand increases attack speed, so 
it's needed when you play grover, shalin and maeve. 
Bulldozer looks cool so it's nice to buy it whenever

22. You can't carry as Front line, your team still manage to lose :'(

23. Nobody ever chooses Pip as a healer.

24. Front line cries when Ying uses right click/shatter.

25. Damba buys deft hand , say bye bye to getting healed

26. Your flank sucks if they cannot kill Kenessa within 3 seconds of their

27. When you play badly, just say I am lagging and you are forgiven.

28. Spam voice in the victory screen.

29. If you get POTG you are physically superior.

30. If you decide to play tank because someone else picked support, the 
support is almost guaranteed to change into a damage dealer a second before 
the round starts.

31. Run away from your Fernandos Ult.

32. You shall spam VEW upon death.

33. Buy wrecker when enemy don't have tank.

34. Buy bulldozer when the enemy team is missing at least two of the three
    * Inara
    * Barik
    * Ying

35. spamming "NOOB TEAM (or specified his role)" encourages your team mates 
to perform far better, especially on support and flank players.

36. When grohk puts his totem down,you have to run away from it.

37. Save ult for a perfect moment......Never use it in the whole match

38. If you ever pick a flank it must by skye and only skye. And if they 
have a Kinessa never damage the Kinessa.

39. Maeve sucks and cannot be good, also if she gets a positive kda she's 
obviously cheating or you're lagging, because all Maeve mains are no skill 

40. Buy Deft Hand when opponent have 2 Tanks and blame it on "Autobuy"

41. Blaming your dual tank for not selecting a flank against kinessa in casual.

42. Drogoz is a ground lizard, his jetpack is only an accessory to look cool.

43. No one escapes the Law! Seriously.

44. Every time somebody says "our healer sux" it's always a flank or a damage. 

45. KDA doesn't matter, shielding doesn't, healing doesn't it's just about 
your damage number.

46. The Tanks shall overextend, never retreat & always blame the healer for 
their death.

47. All flanker shall demand heals all the time even though their position 
is too far from healer's current position.

48. No one escape The Law (3)

49. Every new competitive lobby chat must lose its virginity to the following 
message: "pref damage"

50. If you have any kind of competitive border, you are instantly better 
than everyone else and they must bow to their new God.

51. if you are playing the mode where you can't respawn (forgot the name) 
then you must go as syke

52. Always get aggression.

52. 10 Unless you are Sha Lin, Grover or Maeve if so take deft hands.

53. don't touch my gold.

54. Saying your flank sucks will totally encourage him to flank the 
enemy’s support.

55. Wear glasses against a Sha Lin in case your sight fails you.

56. Maeve is for stealing kills not soloing front lines.

57. It doesn't matter if you're Torvald, we lose because it's your fault 
for not whacking enemies good.

58. Fernando's ult must always be used when you and your team are at full 
health and there's only one enemy left on the payload.

59. Nerfing Cassie was the most stupid idea ever.

60. The team who picks Mal’Damba on Competitive loses

61. The player who is first to pick on Competitive and picks Skye is 
owned by Lex.

62. If you are Grover, use your Ultimate when everyone is at full health 
and get close to the enemies to deal minimum damage.

63. If you are Pip, heal only yourself.

64. If you are Lex, remember to tell your team that you are God and run 
frontal against 3 opponents.

65. Competitive frames have to do only with how good you are and not how 
lucky you were with the team on the first 5 games.

66. If you are owned by someone, it's because he is a hacker

67. If you get called "noob", just spam [VVY] [VVA] then laugh at the 
lobby after the end of the match because you have most kills than him 
and you're top play.

68. It is never the tank's job to be and stay on the point or with the cart.


70. The enemy team full on caut? Your support obviously just isn't healing 
you enough. You should spam that you need healing and complain that they're 
not doing their job.

71. Those who give doubt in master riding, receive doubt from their team.

72. The Laws of Paladins are more like the commandments for Paladins.

73. When a 12 year old says he's a pro gamer, he's obviously telling the 
truth and if he accuses you of hacking you are since you can't possible be 
better than him at the game.

74. When your frontline yells at you for support he is probably overextending.

75. Flankers and damage champs are better than everyone else.

76. If you are playing badly, quickly insult another team member for the 
rest of the match and leave when the score screen appears.

77. If you're not a tank the cap point is forbidden and you must never, 
ever touch it no matter what. This also applies to the cart once you are 
in overtime.

78. If you insult your teammate, you won't end up muted. It's based on the 
fact that the mute button get offended at your insult and will not want to 
be touched by such dirty hand.

79. When you win, it is Paladin Law that you MUST VEW (Woohoo!) and Spam the 
ever lasting ???? out of it. And the team must do the same.

80. If a teammate uses the VVGG(Good game) command after a defeat you must, 
as quickly as possible, use VVN.

81. Pick damager, blaming your support for not healing you while you are far 
away from your support, saying gg healer noob healer etc, ended up your 
support heal for 150k meanwhile you only deal around 40k damage for 3/4 rounds

82. Go support when you have 3 flanks, then complain that you can't heal them.

83. Go a Diamond champion just for someone to pull out a Master champion.

84. "The best place to hide something is in your beard" - Barik

85. Raise your hand if you mustache about the lack of a stache.

86. If a person instalock Kinessa, the chances of him feeding the enemy team 
then getting salty about it and also being a 12yr old boy who thinks Paladins 
and CoD are the same thing, is about 96,7%.

87. if it's overtime or the enemy team is doing their final push and there's 
no one on the objective because your team is respawning, N E V E R contest it, 
your K/D is way important.

88. Behold the Spanish Inquisition and not the Dragon's Fury.

89. 3 flankers while playing Kinessa? Lure them into your team and use 
Suppression to make their escape harder and to deny flank routes.

90. Viktor is the most uninspired and noobiest character in the entire game. 
He needs to be killed off.

91. Need Healing.

92. PvE is not regular bot matches, only specific comps have a relatively 
easy success.

93. If flank sucks then your team is dead.

94. Fruntliners are losers.

95. No one heals you.

96. If you don't use the entire map, you aren't flanking correctly.

97. If there is a Torvald on a map with water, a Viktor or Skye on any map 
then they are going to get top play by just pressing E. No matter if you get 
a triple kill with extreme skill, they will still steal top play.

98. Skye is OP becuz invis and she is just OP ez champ to play nerf Hi-REZ.

99. If you lose the first round then that's it, you lost the entire game, 
go afk and wait for the match to end.

And lastly, my own submission for the final Law.

100. If any of the previous 99 Laws occur, don’t worry. That is one of many 
games you will play throughout this game. If you lose, that is fine. If 
someone is salty, that’s fine. There are a lot of terrible people out there, 
but there are also a lot of kind, helpful people. Be optimistic about the future.
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