X4: Foundations
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Get Unlimited Money:
Written by Admiral-Kittler
If u were like me and want to get started on making station's & buying ships well
you are in the right spot. So here is a few steps to get you on the way to a Glory
& Profit's $$$.
* Get onto the Game.
* Go to in game settings.
* Go to Game Options.
* Make sure Compress Save is Off.
* Open your Folder/File Explorer.
* Click on Documents.
* Click on EgoSoft -> X4 -> # File -> Save File.
* Right Click on any of you save files you want to edit.
* If u have WinRar or 7-Zip.
* Right Click to extract File / I extracted it into the save file faster way X3.
* Right Click on the Exracted File then Use Notapad++ to open file.
* Then on Top Left area Find Search then left-click it then hit FIND.
* In Find Search for these Account Id= / Player Name= / Stat id="money
* In each of those put how much u want i put 999.999.999 and in game i got
999.999.999 Cr.
* Then Finaly to Left again Find Save or Save all then close everything then go
back to game load that Save File u edit and happy Shopping everyone.
Gameplay Tips:
Written by Rataphract
Stuff a new player has figured out along the way.
-=Tips and Tricks=-
* This is just a list of some stuff I figured out for myself while playing, and
both want to remember for myself, and figured might help some other people.
* To access the in-game Tutorials, hit H. Do the tutorials, seriously.
* There is a specific travel mode, for travelling (hit shift-1, among other ways,
to activate it). There is also a scan mode, which seems to be for finding secrets
and stuff (shift-2), and a long range scan mode, which seems to be for finding
things like stations and secret lockboxes. (shift-3)
* While wandering around stations, it's possible to find traders who are in
buildings at the docks with a large shopping cart hologram above them. You can buy
crafting items from them, such as needles and bandages, and craft medkits.
This turns a really good profit, at least for me as I start out.
* There's a sort of interplanetary superhighway - these long blue ribbons you can
kind of see on the map, and in space. If you fly near one, then lower yourself down
(using the s key), you can lock onto it and race around at very high speed. This
is awesome. It's possible to speed up slightly with x and slow down a bit with Z,
so you can overtake traffic.
* Manually docking the first time was confusing as hell. Not only must you follow
the easy to see green lines to the docking zone, you need to line yourself up with
your pad. This is best done by looking for a hologram. You need to roll (tilt side
to side with q and e), align the front of your starship (hold mouse1 and turn to
face), and get yourself lined up with the centre of the pad (z and x to put
throttle backward and forward, or mousewheel also works), then hit s to go down
and land.
* Remember that hitting boost (tab) drains your shields. It also drains your
opponent's shields, so consider making an effort to chase them down if they've
just boosted away.
* To get missions you have to use the map screen, you don't talk to people on a
station. There is a tutorial for this. It details some requirements for accessing
plot missions (level 10+ in a faction, for example, but I can't confirm this.)
* Sometimes you will overhear police radio type stuff. If a tiny ship gets marked
as an enemy, for whatever reason, it seems to be safe to shoot it. You get a small
bounty and a small boost to relations with the local faction.
* I think I found some space landmines! They showed up on longscan as a field of
?s, and when I got close I couldn't target them. But by running into them my ship
exploded. They looked like yellow glows which I was hoping were some kind of
valuable space mystery.
* Longscanning and scanning can be used to find secret stuff. On longscan, look
out for purple pings in the world (not on the map) which are invisible to radar.
* When trying to hire people on a station, click the ship you want to add them
to, then right click it and click 'select' in the popup menu. You can then assign
them a role in the right hand hire dialogue menu.
* To sell a ship, Open the map then select the ship you want to sell, then right
click on a shipyard or warf and select sell ship in the drop down.
How to Use Your Own Logo on Ships:
Written by Nexuscrawler
In X4 Foundations you can use a custom logo that will be shown on your ships.
This guide describes the process of getting your images to show up in game.
Logo-Folder: /Documents/Egosoft/X4/[Numbers]/logos/
Valid file formats are .BMP, .DDS, .GIF, .JPG, .PNG and .TGA.
Transparency in images should work as expected, but animations in GIFs will not
For the [Numbers] folder to be generated you will need at least one save-game, so
the first step is to save your game at least once. After that, create the logos
directory inside of the [Numbers] folder. The images you place inside the logos
folder must be square and a power of two. A valid size would be 128x128, 256x256,
512x512, ... and so on.
After I placed the logo inside the folder, I had to restart the game and load
the save-game. The logo will then show up for selection in the game. Press
ENTER, click the tab Player Information and then scroll down to Custom Logos.
How to Hack Data Vaults:
Written by thefallenwanderer
Data Vaults are located in space and show up as a purple ping when using the Lon-
rang scanner. So far I have only seen them in Asteroid fields so you can focus on
those areas to start with. Once You have a ping just fly toward it till you find
the Vault.
-=Fixing the Vault=-
In order to get the data out of the vault you need to get the vault back online.
To do this first get your ship close to the vault than get out of your ship. You
will need a repair laser for this part. Look for panels that are lit up in red
and say presser leak detected(see first image). Just get close enough to hit it
with your laser to fix it. It will turn green and say status ok(see second image).
Some of these will make the solar panels align with the sun while others will
open small hatches that can contain other panels that need repaired or containers
you can pick up. Ones all the panels are repaired one finale hatch will open.
-=Getting the Data=-
Now that the last hatch has opened fly over to it with you scanner going. (Default
key-bind is shift+2) You will hear the static on the coms as you get closer to
the spot. You will see some broken wires with a red mess of lights above them,
just point towards that mess and slowly approach until you get the data.
Where do I find my savegames?:
X4: Foundations Savegames can be found here:
(You need to replace USERNAME by your actual user name in Windows)
Beginner's Guide:
Written by salzlaender
I Dropped Into the Game, and Now?
I try to keep this guide as short and un-wordy as possible, so I won't tell you every
single detail. You may have to click a bit yourself through the submenus, the menus are
labyrinths ;)
Where here is will be depending on your start. It also defines which ship you have.
I used the first start.
Do not go into a different ship! Many unsuspecting new captains have kidnapped by uninterested
F5 is quicksafe. You can manually save in different slots. You may want to use that.
So far the game is less buggy than many people thougt, but you never know.
To learn what to do, press H for the tutorials. You may not be able to do some of them right
now, but you can alwys stop and restart them. Their instructions are only shown on-screen,
and not in the log (really Egosoft??)
-=Hire and Fire=-
One of the first things you should do it to hire a captain. Just in case you get kidnapped even
after my warning, a captain allows your ship(s) to be commandered using the map.
To hire a captain, you have a tutorial. In short, talk to any running-around NPC and hire them.
Right click on the ship you want to have them assigned to (must be on same station). Click
again to accept your selection (Egosoft!) and then on the right side select the role -> captain.
Congratz! You have a captain for your ship.
To fire personal you have to go to your ship's details and right click -> comms.
(Or talk of you stand in front of the NPC).
The guys running around on a station are as noobish as you are, possibly because they are the
unemployed. But even a 0 star pilot can steer. Often in a station. In that case - if you ship
is stuck - don't try to fly manually, let your captain do it. H
e can fly out nealy as easily as in something.
You can find better (and more expensive) crews by docking on capital ships. You can't see what
you get though. New ships get (often with some stars) crews from the shipdock.
Many find this hard. You have to align the horizontal and vertical markers to match the docking p
lace. With a bit of trainig that works quite easily (you may have to turn around sometimes).
A docking computer makes that easier, the MK II solves that completly alone.
-=Outfit a Ship=-
On equipment stationss (and I think wharfs and shipdocks too) you can repair and upgrade your
ship using the ship menu after landing. There you also use consumables like satellites.
-=Station Trade=-
Stations don't buy or sell (nearly) unlimited stuff. Instead they offer trades - a certain
amount to a certain price. Keep that in mind when getting your first big trade ship!
Also there are different types of cargo hold.
If you do the trade tutorial you will learn how to order your ships to trade manually.
You can assign autotrade by right clicking and choose the option. Make sure your cargo hold
is empty! Autotraders do not sell stuff already in cargo hold. No room, no trade.
Credits due from trade are those that you get after a planned trade is finished.
Keep that switch for trade offers in mind!
If you hover a (colorcoded) text ion the trade screen, you can see the % under or above average
To mine esteroids can be quite profitable. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to make your
miners mine AND sell at random stations. I think you can assign them to one of your stations
(after you get one of course) later, to get resources.
To mine you need a ship with a mining laser. To see what an asteroid yields (if any) click
on it. You may(?) need to make a range scan first.
-=The Endless Space=-
X games are big. X4 is relativly small, but since two more races are planned in DLCs,
it should get quite some sectors more.
The shift+1 and shift+3 modes are your friends! 3 scans (hold R two seconds) for stations
and other big objects, 1 lets you fly faster.
Backspace is your friend! The complete stop brakes you way faster then just switching off
travel mode. Also a must-use in the spacesuit!
-=Spacesuit - Repair and Capture=-
Your spacesuit is very useful! You can go out of your ship in a spacesuit by using the
teleporter console of your ship when in space. Unfortunately that does not work on staions.
Why unfortunately? Your suit is equipped with a repair laser, that makes repairs possible.
After you buy a hand laser, you need to reassign the repair laser to a fire group.
Also, to capture a ship (where the pilot has left in a fight), you have to get out, make a
scan of the ship and decipher a signal. Then you can shift+d enter the ship.
You need a captain on your old ship or it will be helpless!
-=Assorted Tips=-
Backspace is your friend! Fast brake for ships and spacesuit!
Stuck in an asteroid or station? Let your captain pilot you out of it!
Grafics FPS low? Only use FXAA Antialiasing.
Need money? Go to a station's trader (a building somewhere on the side, see crafting tutorial).
Buy bandages, needles and sedatives. Use them to make Medkits. Buying price per Kit: 1K, sell
price per kit: 10K. If a trader has all three, that is 100K fast profit. It's nearly cheating!
Different races, different upgrades! Each race has ship equipement that is stronger than that
of the other races. It might pay off to shop around.
-=Player-HQ and Other Spoilers=-
To get your Player-HQ, start the scanning tutorial. Find the signal (fly like you want to put
it on your window) and follow the instructions of the lunatic Boron.
Be careful to put the antimatter on the right ship. It will be destroyed. Get your main ship
to follow you. Fly the antimatter ship to the coordinates. Get out of the antimatter ship and
into your main ship. Fly away to the coordinates given to you by guide. Then watch the show.
Crystal Mining Guide:
Written by Xautos
This is a short and direct guide to making early money by crystal mining.
-=Crystal mining for credits=-
* Head to Argon Prime.
* Explore out the snake like asteroid field in the system
(noted in red hexagons on the map).
* Start at one end and focus on the asteroids.
* Notice on some asteroids a bright twinkle? Head towards these twinkles directly.
* Shoot directly at the crystal with your primary weapon when in range.
(Best not to use ammo based weapons so you gain the most profit of this venture.
Weapons like; Torpedos and Missiles)
* Pick up the crystals by holding down the key that activates the device used to pull free
floating items into your ships hold.
-=Crystal types=-
* Purple (Bandannite) - most common, least valuable (850cr - 1,150cr).
* Blue (Menelaene) - common, a lot more valuable than purple crystals
(8,500cr - 11,500cr).
* Green-Yellow (Aguilite) - uncommon, a little more valuable than blue crystals
(17,000cr - 23,000cr).
* Orange (Mitonene) - rare, a lot more valauble than green-yellow crystals
(25,555cr - 34,500cr).
* White (Burnite) - very rare, extremely valuable and worth way more than orange crystals
(200,000cr - 300,000cr).
Assuming you got a pile of different crystals? Sell the crystals to a trader but make sure
to pick the right one, otherwise you could lose millions in credits selling to the wrong
trader! Always check your prices when selling.
It is a time consuming task finding and extracting the crystals but it is well worth it
early on for quick credits.
Note: There is an achievement tied to this means of making money (Called: "Miner's Luck").
By mining Burnite crystals you complete the achievement for mining the most valuable crystals
in the game.
How to Train Crew or Marines:
In short: Learning by doing. They all get better the longer they survive!
Marines improve their main boarding skill the most in actual boarding missions, while ordinary
crew gets better in normal ship operations like trading. Surviving a fight can also improve the
skills in many areas.
-=Station Modules=-
Stations are constructed from modules which act independently of each other but can be connected
together to allow for the efficient transfer of wares between modules without the need for drones
or ships. To construct a station module requires the corresponding Blueprint and for the station
Build Storage to have enough wares for construction by an assigned Build type ship.
Station modules are classified according to function:
* Build: Produce, equip and repair ships.
* Defence: Heavily armed modules for protecting the station and claiming ownership of entire
* Dock: Allow ships of various sizes to dock at the station.
* Habitation: Houses the station workforce.
* Other: Used to connect modules to other modules or act as spacers.
* Production: Produces specific wares, usually by consuming other wares.
* Storage: Stores wares of the corresponding storage type.
* Venture: Special modules with unique functions which are usually the rewards of plots.
How to Land the Ship without a Docking Computer:
To land without a docking computer 4 parameters must be correct:
1.The ship nose must point in the right direction.
2.The ship must be parallel to the landing pad.
3.The ship must be located centrally over the landing area.
4.The ship must be hovering at a certain height.
How to I Get More Missions?:
Flying by stations you sometimes see mission icons appear on the radar.
Then open the mission interface (shift M) to see the actual offer.
The alternative are secret missions offered through signals revealed with the SCAN MODE (Shift 2).
These missions often pay better.
Another alternative are subscriptions: These give you many missions in a row, with little stories
around them. To get to that point you have to get good standings with a faction first and follow
their invitation.
How Do I Hack Stations Myself?:
Exploring the universe, you may find parts which can be used to craft illegal hacking items:
If you have these items in your inventory, you can apply them to a security panel of a station.
Panel are found in rooms like the engineering section. The hardest to hack security system is
the "Turret Control Panel", as it shuts down almost the entire defence systems of a station. ?
To hack it, you will need a Security Slicer.
Most other panel can be hacked with the Security Decryption System.
Where Do I Get Licenses?:
First get a good standing of at least level 10 with at least one of the factions of the
game. You can improve your standing with many ways: Playing missions, destroying smuggling
drones, help the fight against a factions enemmies or just trade with them. Once you reach
level 10 you may get an invitation mission to visit the faction administrative. Talk with
him and accept the honour to be promoted. This alone already may unlock some licenses.
Others can be bought once your reputation allows it.
Easy Money (Bug):
Written by T3h Ng1n33r
Now I will tell you about the easy money making scheme, which I sincerely hope will get fixed.
-=Everything is very simple=-
1.On any ship you dock with the shipyard of the faction with which you are most friendly
for upgrading.
2.Put the most expensive gun / equipment for all the money.
3.Fly to the shipyard of the faction with which you have a near-zero relationship, and
again you dock for an upgrade.
4.Sell everything that you bought earlier.
The point is that the friendly faction sells upgrades cheaper than neutral. And the cost of
installing and returning the upgrade at the same shipyard is the same. Buy for less, return
for more. Congratulations, you spoiled the impression of the game :)
Maximize Your Station Profits!:
Written by Serylt
You are a beginner and have some stations built, but none make any profits for you?
Well, take a look and see if my simple and basic tips can help you maximize your income!
-=You require=-
* Storage Modules, preferably Large
* Habitats or Bioms for workers to live in
* At least one docking module
* Connection modules, like a cross that goes upwards, as most production modules require
these Production Modules, duh.
* You can get these blueprints for free when you have completed the according “Research” and
flew around the station modules in Scan-Mode waiting and hoping for the data leaks.
* It’s not as rare as you think and I can highly recommend this as this can save you over
100 million credits.
-=Step Two: Building and Setting it up=-
General Tips
* Always assign a Manager, at least one trading ship
* If basic resources are required, assign at least one miner
* Assigning ships will reduce your buying cost by a large sum, therefore maximizing your
* Have the ships already stationed in the sector before assigning them
(due to bugs not getting them to work properly)
* Go to your player info menu and then to the “Credit”-Symbol, where you see your station
* The station funds “recommended” when hovering over the station name are what the station
needs to fill their containers and storage. Fund the station generously to get it going
as they buy food and materials.
* Always add Energy Cell Production (Solar panels). Expensive at first, but cost effective.
* Click on the station on the map: See whether the storage is full – then add more and see
whether one of the three different types is full.
* Click on the station on the map: See whether there are enough habitats for your workers.
The “most efficient amount” of those workers will be reached eventually when enough food
is available.
* It’s effective to place the building slot and station either where there already is a
lot of traffic or directly near the hyperspace routes
* Add turrets for defense – simply edit the module
-=Food Production
* Watch out as every race requires a different type of food.
* Food produced will also supply your workers, so choose the habitats together with your
food production
* Where there are many station of a certain race, there will be a lot of need for food –
therefore, choose a location close to many stations and lots of (already existing) traffic.
* Often requires water and ice, but supply shouldn’t cost you much
-=Raw Production and Refined Material
* Requires Resource Sites
* Resource Sites refill when being used up, so don’t worry about that
* Check Site with Resource Probes
* Place close or even in the resource site for easy extraction of materials.
* Your own miners fill your storage for free. This reduces your material costs to almost zero.
-=Most importantly!
* Do not specialize on a single product, instead: Make a production line!
* Do not simply focus on exporting Silicon or Ore. Instead: Build Microchips from the already
refined silicon. Even go as far as building Nano technology!
Nanotronics, Refined Silicon, Fuel and Food are highly profitable when the production line
starts at the most basic material.
Starter Tips for Newbies:
Generally taken you’ll want to automate gaining credits as soon, and then use that income
to increase the rate at which you gain them. Early on loot collectors and auto miners are
your most valuable passive source of income:
-=Auto Collector=-
Buy a cheap, fast ship such as a Pegasus Vanguard and give it an Mk3 shield and Mk3 Split
Combat Engines (Use Mk2 early on as it is much cheaper). Then set this ship to repeat orders
and have it collect drops near a combat zone, followed by a drop-off at the player HQ.
Hatikvah’s Choice I near the Xenon gate tends to be a great spot.
You’ll have to periodically visit the PHQ for drops and sell them, but the income is very
decent. 1+ mil for Spacefly caviar (Made from 25 Spacefly Eggs) and 150k for each Programmable
Field Array. As a Pegasus Vanguard costs around 250k for minimal specs they pay for themselves
in very short order. And due to their speed they virtually never get shot down if set to run.
(I lost one in a ~40 hour old game where 5 of them were set to collect non stop for the entire
duration of the game despite being constantly close to Xenon ships).
-=Auto Miner=-
Autominers are the next static income source. Just buy a Gas or Mineral autominer and set it
to Local Automine for Ore, Silicon, Methane, Helium or Hydrogen in a sector that has these
resources and has stations that buy them. No attention needed except the initial setup. If a
sector supports more miners just order a new mining ship to “Mimic” the previous one to lower
the setup time needed.
I personally like using Alligator’s (M size) for this job due to their excellent speed are
relatively low cost (About 700k for a gas and 1 mill for an ore autominer, though you can
certainly use cheaper parts to halve that number). Even with cheap parts they travel at 670m/s
which means that pirates, xenon and Khaak virtually never catch them.
I’m currently running around 550 of those in my 40 hour old game and lost a total of 4 of them
in that timeframe. With two of those actually lost because a fleet commander got shot down,
and me not noticing the rest of the miners (In mimic mode) just decided to halt and float next
to the Xenon K that shot the first miner down.
How to Get the They Are Gone Achievement:
* Fulfil the Patriarch’s orders in the gamestart “Spear of the Patriarch”
(requires the Split Vendetta expansion).
* You have to clear out the Argon sections in the top right of the map.
As long as they don’t have Admin centers it counts.
* I believe what I did was boosted ZYA economy so they destroyed any reinforcements/traders
going to Argon then used Rattlesnakes to snipe the Admin centers after I placed my own down.
* Even if Argon rebuild their Admin center since they lost control at most it just goes to
Guide to Set a Waypoint:
You are targeting something, not setting a waypoint. Though that works perfectly fine in
most cases. Select ship/station/jimboburuncle on the map, hit the ‘T’ key, tada, you have
targeted and locked a ship and it will now show up on your viewscreen in cockpit.
Now, if you want to set an active waypoint that your autopilot, or you, can path to, you
add one more step. You select whatever ship you are in from the map, then right click on
what you want to run into/visit/land on. That brings up a context menu and one of the options
is…uh…’set active guidance’? If I remember the wording correctly.
Congrats, now instead of a cool white target box, you get a sweet yellow one. That you can
tell your autopilot to head to. AND you can still have a target lock on something.
If You Can’t Get a Marker to Show Up on Your Hud
So, your problem is that the computer in your ship has not a single damn clue how to get to
there. Anything obfuscated throws your navigation computer off. Cause, well, it doesn’t
know where it is, heh. It knows it’s ‘over there somewhere’ in this case though, but that
doesn’t work for it. Best bet, if that is a mission target you are trying to get to is to
com any ships near you and ask for directions. They will give you a waypoint exactly where
you need to go, and when you hit it, it will flip back to what you were in before.
If it isn’t a mission target, then pop into long range scan, point in that general direction
and fire off a scan. That will get you a ‘?’ on the map which you can waypoint too. Also
note, since you know ‘where’ it is you can just manually engage travel drive towards it and
not bother with the scanner if you so choose.
As an edit, a dead give away is the ‘Find way to ‘ for the waypoint. You know it exists,
you ‘know’ where it is, but…not really.
Early Money Tips:
Can get a bunch of laser towers and a fighter and go to a pirate sector and capture a
pirate destroyer? Use the laser towers to defeat the destroyers shields. Could also
capture another ship in a pirate sector. Can capture m ships in a s ship.
Picking up loot from friendly faction ship battles is easy money.
Get about 30-50 laser towers and a s ship then blockade a xenon sector gate and set the s
ship to repeat orders and collect the drops. Then watch out of sector. Can set up many
gates and make a lot of credits selling stuff.
-=Terrain Cadet / Xenon=-
For Terran Cadet, Play storyline till Getsu Fune, where lot of xenon drop loots, even
spacefly, then craft, sell to trader, stop at Defenders of Sol, where before she tell
you to spy on Segaris Pioneers, Explorer whole Terran and Segaris, make sure all station
you know, then exam on station that need mine/gas, get miner for normal and gas to fill
that need, that is work for me in early of game. Lightly outfit on miner, you might not
even need gun on it, but only for terran zone.
Split Fires of Defeat? I did played once, it’s same as most gamestart, go to argon
space, Second Contart flashback, and find crytab mining and sell, but they had been
nerfed, so I don’t know what is best to do that from there, but I knew what to do in
Terran Cadet, I love that gamestart!
Don’t worry about Xenon, just keep close to friendly allied (Terran always spent fleet
when you doing Terran Cadet mission) while search and loot it leftover from battle
Terran Fleet destroy Xenon fleet.
Quick Money Start Guide (Kingdoms End):
Written by I3DI
Here, I will discuss a simple strategy to making a fast few million with very little
trouble right from the start.
I’ve been playing X4 since before it’s official release. With this latest release, 6.0,
I thought I would give a strategy to making a quick few million from the start of X4.
For this guide I will use the Argon – The Young Gun, but, the strategy can be adapted
for other scenarios.
-=Crystal Mining=-
From the initial Argon start sector, head to Second Contact II – Flashpoint. Spend some
time hunting crystals among the asteroids. Bandenite, if your lucky, might find a blue,
yellow or orange while your at it. Once you have about 500,000 credits worth of crystals,
I find about thirty minutes is adequate as long as you go non-stop, sell the crystals.
Now your on your way to the real money maker.
-=The Strategy=-
Hatikvah’s Choice, is just beyond Argon Prime. In this sector is a highly contested gate
thru which XEN and a couple other enemy races tend to come thru. Also, you can proceed
to the gate leading to Faulty Logic I and employ this. Stop at Argon Prime and buy at
least 30 laser turrets. Hire a captain for your ship, if you have not already.
Now, send your pilot to the gate of either Faulty Logic I, or Hatikvah’s Choice and
begin deploying every laser, spaced, and staggered in a line leading from the gate.
Insure they are not to far apart, you want your enemy taking hits from multiple points.
As you deploy numerous lasers, the XEN and other hostiles the lasers destroy will drop
very valuable things that are worth quite a bit. Just order your pilot to pick them up.
If a laser is damaged, have the pilot pick that up and redeploy it. It will be restored
to full working order.
Be sure your not on the ship. Remain on the station and remotely order. Once you have
spent some time picking up loot from destroyed enemies, bring the pilot back. Speak to
the Pilot to hand over their inventory. Now, go to the traders corner and sell all the
bounty. Odds are in the first hour you will achieve at least 2 million.
This strategy can be adapted at any gate leading into XEN space.
For a while now, anytime I leave, I leave with laser turrets. If your accosted by XEN
while exploring, doesn’t hurt to drop them. Drop five, six, or as many as you like
until they are off your tail and focused on the turrets. Once they are destroyed, pick
up the turrets, loot and continue exploring. Happy trails space captains!
Tips to Boarding:
* Use a M class corvette as a personal ship (Nemesis is very nice for this).
* Have another ship or two with large crew capacity for marines.
* Scan target.
* Personally destroy engines first (keep other ships away).
* Personally destroy turrets next.
* After engines and turrets are down, invite other ships to help get shields down.
* Tell your other ships to get lost.
* Destroy some of the large shields, but leave at least one.
* Get hull below 75% (I usually aim for 60%), and keep peppering the target to keep
shields above 1%, but below 25%. This causes crew to bail, and is a slow but
reliable way to reduce boarding resistance.
* When enough veteran marines have bailed that you are confident you will have an
easy fight, tell your ship with marines to start boarding op.
* Turn off the turrets of AI controlled ships to prevent them from damaging the hull
and potentially destroying the target.
Where to Find Lodestone:
* Fly to any asteroid field.
* Find a small asteroid
(can be any asteroid, but small ones will make this much easier).
* Turn on scan mode, shoot orange spots on asteroid.
* Turn off scanner mode and turn it back on again, shoot new orange spots.
* Repeat until asteroid is destroyed.
You can get dozens of lodestones, as well as spacefly eggs and unstable crystals
this way in just 10 minutes of flying around. If you don’t know where to go, just
fly around your HQ in grand exchange.
Tips to Combat:
* Im thinking would it be a good idea to have 1 secondary mount like a torpedo/missle
or an ion blaster. So you can go headon long range and do some dmg before u engage
other guns.
* The most direct path is to upgrade to a M size ship, which has much tougher shields
and more powerful weapons. Corvettes like the Paranid Nemesis or the Terran Katana
are great options.
* Another thing you can do to increase your battle power by a large factor is to buy/
capture some additional fighters and add them to your squadron, giving them a defend/
attack/intercept behavior. The Argon Nova and the Teladi Falcon are great for this.
* I’ve mastered the escape spiral in S Ships. Turn your engines up to maximum thrust,
put your cursor in one of the corners of the screen and spin until your shields regen
and you can Boost away.
* Does not work in some miners/freight vessels or medium ships. S Fighters/Scouts only.
And it helps to have Combat thrusters for higher top speeds at maximum thrust.
* At least it’ll give you time to think on how to approach a dogfight.
CheatBook DataBase 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, tips, tricks
and cheats (for PC Cheats, Walkthroughs, PSP, Sega, iPhone, Wii U, Playstation, Playstation
2, XBox, Playstation 3, Nintendo 64, DVD, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color,
N-Gage, Nintendo DS, gamecube, XBox 360, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily
accessible from one central location. (Release date January 11, 2025)
- All Cheats and Codes inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.
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