The Long Drive
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Fun Seeds Guide:
Written by FPSKoda4
The guide is for other users to easily find seeds that they have been dreaming
or searching hours for. Or those who didn't know that existed and want some
challenge or entertainment.
-=Repeat Seeds=-
Repeat seeds are little errors in the randomizing code for the terrain and objects
such as structures rocks and shipwrecks. Sometimes things get buggy or messed up
but very rare to come across naturally by the seed randomizer when you start a game.
Cactus -> 380485511 / 497526267
Mr beast -> 380482511 / 106813428
Rock mayhem -> [Really challenging and chaos.
The larger rock -150455473] / 597671860 / 37723965 / 1281335925
Ship ahoy -> 997006668 / 975763563 / 497526267
These seeds can get laggy or unplayable if you have a underpowered computer when
enerating these repeating seeds as it can get pretty...
intense *especially the rock one*.
Luckily there are limits so you can't get thousands of structures in a small
little area *Atleast we know for now*.
-=Normal Seeds=-
Want good gameplay? Seeds that are fun and/or challenging with normal or great
generation without any errors or anything annoying.
Normal -> 1024860785 / 49573047 / 420696912 / -1174820301
Fun (Usually has structure spawns as close as possible) > 8976126 / 1912821
Fun Seeds
Seeds that consist of something unique or to do experiments:
Broken/Error seeds -> 540987140 / 47893021 / 99999999 / 920
Steep Hills (thanks to runden) -> -1908366339 / -926364752 / 1698530028 / -1038299817 / 823624822
Flatnlvl -> -1958123679 / 2182113 / 23457890 / 748931 / 2189321 / 111991119 1698530028 /
-=Other Seeds=-
For when you don't want a billion shipwrecks but want a ship near spawn -> -2108625799 / 617627894
Want a challenge kid? good luck -> -1291240289 / -505633115
Gas station right next to spawn -> 1521234786
Want a cactus next to your car? -> 123123123
For the last time! Seeds do not effect spawn of items or vehicles!
It also does not effect spawns of mobs/animals!
How to Duplicate a Liquid / Fuel:
Written by Rever
This guide will help you duplicate any liquid in The Long Drive.
Keep in mind this process is slow, but it is simple and effective.
-=Materials you need=-
* A bucket.
* An empty container (e.g. jerrycan).
* Liquid or fuel.
* Steps to Duplicate
Get any liquid you want to duplicate (e.g. gasoline).
Place 0.1 L of the liquid into the container (you can go up to 0.5 L but not higher).
Transfer that amount to the bucket.
Repeat the process.
* If you use two buckets the process will not work.
* You can take 0.1 L back from the bucket to the jerrycan to repeat the process.
* The process works up to 0.5 L of liquid. I recommend to stick to 0.1 L for more
efficiency. If you go any higher than 0.5 L the duplication will not work.
* It seems that the buckets in The Long Drive do not display liquid amount that is
lower than 0.6 L. Due to this reason, you can place very small amount of any liquid
(e.g. 0.1 L of gasoline) into the bucket and it will read it as 0.6 L.
* This is how the duplication works, turning 0.1 L of liquid into 0.6 L.
* This is a great way to get fuel when needed (such as Diesel that is not easy to get).
How to Attach a Fridge in Your Bus or on Your Truck:
How to attach your fridge inside your bus or on the flatbed of your truck.
-=The Problem=-
Basically, all your items belong into baskets. And baskets belong attached to your
vehicle. That way, they don’t fly around when you play with the physics in the game.
But there are objects that don’t fit into baskets, like your fridge. And if you
decide to carry a fridge around on the flatbed of your truck, or inside your bus,
you’ll notice that this challenges the physics engine to weird stuff, especially
also when you load your save.
But fear not, there is a way to attach big stuff on your car. It’s just not obvious,
and probably not supported.
-=How It Works=-
So, how does it work?
Usually, when you attach a thing to another thing, the thing that is already there
becomes the “parent thing”, or “primary thing”. That means, when that primary thing
moves, the other thing is moved with it, and no additional physics is calculated.
This happens with attaching (G key) and also with stuff put inside your fridge or
inside baskets.
But the game doesn’t let you attach a fridge to the floor.
You can attach a basket to the floor, and put the fridge’s edge inside to freeze
it there, but this looks weird (although hilarious). And the bottom of the basket
doesn’t freeze.
-=But luckily there is a solution=-
* You put the fridge to where it should be.
* You drop a basket on the floor very close to the fridge. It’s important that the
floor of the fridge and the floor of the basket are at the same height.
* And now to the tricky part: move the mouse to the edge of the basket close to the
fridge. Press F to pick it up, and make sure to keep the mouse steady.
* Move the mouse very slightly to the fridge, and press G to attach. The basket clips
halfway into the fridge, but that should be no problem.
* And now to the unique part. Usually, with items attaching to other items, the attached
item becomes “secondary”, and if you pick it, it gets removed. To move the whole thing,
you have to move the “primary” object. But the combination fridge-basket is unique.
When attaching the basket to the fridge, the fridge does not become primary, but secondary
object, thus making the basket primary object. That means, you can pick up the basket
(including the fridge), AND ATTACH * IT AGAIN , this time to the floor. So, press F over
the basket, don’t move the mouse, and press G again to attach it. Since this has all
happened at the same floor height, there is no clipping into the floor. Everything
looks like it’s supposed to look, except the basket sticking half out of the fridge,
but, I can live with that.
Now your fridge is attached to the floor and won’t bother you again with physics glitches.
Useful Tips and Tricks:
Written by Princess Fluttershy
Here is the collection of tips and tricks.
-=Tips and Tricks=-
* When filling liquids from one container in another, you not need to open or tilt the
giving container.
* When you are at a bus stop, save and load again, this can spawn up to 4 vehicles.
This can cause lag and/or crash of the game, if the vehicles spawn in each other.
* The mansion (house with fence around) has a secret room behind a painting in the upper
floor. Just turn it to the side and you get access to the room and the right of the
shelfes in the library.
* Walk in a wall and jump (space key) fast to climb up the wall. Work even with
bookshelves in the mansion, but bad. Use better a long wooden board there.
* If your car has no bench to sleep (like my golf caddy), place one where you can use
them and it stay when the car is moving. The bench I have use here is the one with the
cutouts on the sides, it is a bit shorter and fit well on the back of the caddy. In
vehicles like the bus or truck you can use other items, up to a full bed in a truck
with bunker compartment.
* You can add a front light bumper on the rear bumper position of your car to have light
on the back side. Aditional I have used spotlights in baskets to light the sides, the
engine and the back of the car for better visibility in the night. Like that you can’t
loose your car in the dark, you not need a flashlight to work there and the light in the
car let you see the displays of speed and other infos, who strangely are not lighted when
you turn on the headlights of the car.
* If you want to use the hose (not a snake), prepare everything (exept the snake) and
save the game, then use it. If it glitch, load the save again and the hose will be ok
again (always have min. 2-3 Hoses in your car, if one get lost).
* Atached stuff near the fueltank can cause the hose to fall off or start to glitch
(not moveable/useable, endless stretchable).
* A 80 liter barel can barely be lifted with 72 liters of fluid in it
(I have not test where are the point to not liftable).
* Paint spraycans can be mixed into new colors (a info I have hear, not tested)
* polish spray and ammo boxes can be filled/emtied by using another spray/box. Spray
kan take up to 20 uses, ammo limit is on the box visible (like 36 for the revolver ammo).
* Baskets are the glue for big objects, like a sled. Connect it to the basket and you
can atach it to your car with “g”.
* Car radios work even unatached and you can place it in your inventory. For custom
music find the silver radio who can use am 1080 (plymouth fury) and turn on “custom
radio” in settings – misc (at the bottom). Useable are ogg, wav and mp3 files in the
folder you can see there, but mp3 can cause short freezes when the track change, even
when the radio is off. The freezes usual yeet items you carry away from you if you walk
or drop it, so be carefull or use wav.
* Pysics lock on whole interior freeze all objects on your car, except wheel covers,
mirrors, headlights and headlight covers.
* If you are on a street who go down, you can turn of the engine and save fuel
(if needed).
* Best source for fuel are ships, but they are different and often have more of
one liquid as the other.
* Ships, watch tower an radiotower are placed in paralel lines over the world
* if you loose the street, drive in direction northwest or northeast, without the
compass use the sun as help.
* The cooler of the plymouth fury (the one who can hold 20 liter) is the best in
the game, on small cars it loose no water.
* The aladin magic lamp can be rubbed with alt+rmb. It will change the texture into
stained glass and will give light for a short time. The light even work if inactive
stored in the inventory.
* You get endless water if you drink from an container, wlile peeing in the opening.
Your fluid level is on maximum and slowly the container fill with water.
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N-Gage, Nintendo DS, gamecube, XBox 360, Dreamcast, Super Nintendo) easily
accessible from one central location. (Release date January 11, 2025)
- All Cheats and Codes inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.
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